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Friday 31 August 2012

Because, It Is Time

Today is the much anticipated day of the only Blue Moon this year, we won't actually have another one until (there are several definitions) 2015 or even next year when there are 4 full moons in one season. However way we want to look at it - this is a special day.

Important enough for me to plan my entire last 4 months around it - as a final destination so to speak. I had committed to doing four Master Cleanses in the four months leading up to this particular day in time. That to me means two things - this day is important (I have even dreamed of it as a graduation) and time is something special.

Of course, a lot can and has been said about time, with some people stating it doesn't even exist, however, I have lived long enough and been thinking about and working with these concepts long enough to know time is an energy force. It is a commodity, which in our current world is bought and sold.

And wasted. Interesting how something such as time, an unseen, seemingly immovable force, can be traded in the same way as any other form of currency. As an intuitive, I find it both fascinating and deplorable to read of governments and religions 'changing' or manipulating time (look it up). However that is for another post.

When I think of time, for instance, the time it has taken to complete these cleanses - this signifies energy output, as well as physically reversing the affects of time on the body by removing some of the most toxic substances from tissues and cells.

Then we can look at time as a track over which we can move, travel or transport ourselves, thoughts and emotions. I see it as a mobius strip in a continuous loop, with layers, dimensions and elements unique to it's function.

In this fashion (like a sideways 8) we are always on the time line, with our lives looping over and around again and again. We certainly do not get only one shot at living these lives we are in, indeed we have been here before, and for many of us, before that as well. 

When looked at in even this little detail, time can be seen for what it is - an element of your own energy field, a force generated within your cells, part of your energetic signature on this earth. Your time should be your own, however it is being taken, wasted, stolen and otherwise accessed in the same manner as other energy.

The term 'since time began' implies it was the original force, it was here first and has risen up out of our ancient beginnings. Your time is precious, it belongs to you as does all energy generated deep within your body. 

Of course, time exists, it's in us all, an unprecedented healer without comparison. Safeguard your heart and your time.

Have a healthy day,


Thyme hanging to dry in the kitchen

Thursday 30 August 2012

Holder of the Earth's Dreams...

Today is the day before the big feast tomorrow, and we are fasting contemplating the energy of the coming days - next to Winter Solstice, this is perhaps our biggest feast of the year, one we have been planning for quite some time. It has become sort of a milestone for us for some reason... perhaps it has to do with the special energy of the Blue Moon?

There are many explanations and much folklore around the name and meaning of this type of moon - for us as followers of the earth and her ways, none of this matters. This moon is special not only because it occurs for the second time in the same month, but at harvest time on the cusp of seasonal change - this moon will bring special energy for the earth.

Perhaps the energy itself can be described as 'blue,' it is of a higher frequency and different vibration then usual moon light. For those of us who are tuned into these shifts and earth waves, this entire month has been special.

The earth certainly needs all the positive influences it can get at this time with so much unrest and upheaval, I would welcome these natural occurrences and work with grounding this energy within myself. 

The moon represents something very special, unique and precious to us on this planet, like a mirror for all we do and perhaps the holder of the earth's own dreams - our moon is spreading it's unique magic by shining down on us twice in the month.

And I think that alone is worthy of celebration, honour and reverence. If we do not take the time to notice all around us, welcoming, recognizing new energies, change and wonderful heavenly displays - what on earth are we doing here?

When we honour the earth, enjoy and celebrate our journey around the sun and each of these seasonal  transformations - we re-gain insight, knowledge and touch deeper parts of ourselves in ancient ways. 

Today is a great day to consider your life, all you do and where you want to be, then take action to make that happen.

Have a great day,


Nearly full Blue Moon 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Nervous System Clean Out

Today is a regular food day for us after finishing the 10 day cleanse and we are now pretty much back to normal eating - while all the pieces of the intense detox are still falling into place. With our Blue Moon Feast coming up on Friday and the weekend, I am keeping the food low key for now.

After each of these Master Cleanses, I always spend a few days reflecting on what was learned, where I need to go now, actions to be taken and how to keep moving forward in every positive way. This week is not any different from other times, except I do seem to be more focused on smaller details in life.

The main change I have noticed since coming off of the cleanse is my inner communication, nervous system and in-born senses are clearer, cleaner and sharper. As an intuitive, my senses (smell, taste, hearing, touch, sight etc.) are all pretty keen, and I have always heard voices (don't tell anyone), had visions and an abundance of dreams. 

However, this is something different, the only way I could begin to describe it might be to say my nerves are cleaner - they must be detoxed a bit because inside I am 'hearing' myself more and therefore able to listen more easily.

I have long been able to listen, sense and feel my own body on several different levels, and I had honestly felt it could not get any better then when I let go of the Night Shades a few years ago. Once that toxic group of fruits (potato, tomato, aubergine, chillies, peppers, gogi berries) had gone from my system, hearing/listening/communicating with my inner worlds was like night and day.

And now, it has ramped up yet again. The main thing I can put this down to is my absolute commitment to following my dreams no matter where they may take me. Perhaps with this last detox, I had finally removed the distractions holding me to a pattern going in the wrong direction. 

So today, I am feeling great - loads of energy, working out, feeling physically very strong, controlled, disciplined and clear. All the things necessary to walk a spiritual path and perhaps start enjoying some of the scenery along the way!

Well, I am off the see the Wizard, 


Blue Moon crafts - getting ready for our Blue Moon Festival! 

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Back to Life As Usual?

Well, another Master Cleanse is done and I must say I do feel a lot different from when I started, all in a good way. I remember thinking at the start of this detox, it was the first time where I was now living fully and completely committed to following my this should take me somewhere new?

I know following dreams is an inner journey - leading only towards the inner sanctum of our hearts and this is a path worth taking. Indeed it is a road I have been on for seemingly a long time. However, I wasn't expecting there to be this much resistance when I got here. 

Yet, in some other ways it all does make perfect sense. 

If I were to look at the situation I find myself in at the moment, working my way back into places and spaces deep inside my heart, I can't help but think about all the heart disease in our modern world. It is the number one killer in our society, with billions spent on prevention (read new treatments and medication).

Yet every facet of our lifestyles takes us further down that road towards illness.

Poor diets full of sugar, fat and addictive stimulants, lack of exercise, apathy, indifference and so very many of us who are unhappy, angry and simply not doing the work or living a life we enjoy or love. All of which leads to these high rates of depression and more chronic dysfunction from general lack of self-care.

At this moment I realize how much time I put into cleaning my body, eating only the best food I can make, taking care of my children, our animals, the house and garden - yet there are still things I neglect about myself. 

I consistently put myself last on the list when it comes to the little things and perhaps many of the big things too. Even today, I only now realized I was thirsty, had been meaning to wash my face and comb my hair - but had been busy for the last 3 hours getting everyone else sorted (washed, dressed, breakfast  etc. ) with not one minute left for me.

For me, these are only little things that make a huge difference to me as my day moves on because they all add up! If I keep putting them off the next thing I know is I am feeling run down and neglected, perhaps on a soul level too. 

Even though my body is well fed, I take exercise and spend time doing many of the things I love to do, self care as I go about my daily tasks is equally important to my overall well-being. 

It's not too late to change, perhaps it's only now I am re-training myself as I follow my dreams inward. And self-care, taking some time out for me, is very much a part of this picture.

Have a lovely day,


Nearly full - August Moon

Monday 27 August 2012

It's Juice Day - Day 11

I had a very strange night and was awake quite a bit, not really restless, but dreaming a lot of deep dreams again. Then at around 3am, I woke up after 'reading' a poem on a piece of paper. I read it in my dream twice and woke up repeating it.

There were no words written down, it was all a series of symbols, however I was reading each symbol as it was a sentence. These diagrams were painted in bright colours onto a white background, like a thick piece of paper or parchment. 

Once I woke up and realized I was still repeating these words, I got up and wrote them down so I would not forget them. Of course, once I was up, it was hard to get back to sleep and I ended up listening to the rain on the roof for quite awhile.

I don't often take the time to just sit and enjoy a sound or series of sounds, such as wind and rain hitting the windows or falling hard onto the roof, and the house is not often that quiet! LOL 

Today is juice day or the official transition back to solid foods after 10 days of Master Cleanse. We always start out this day with smoothies early in the morning and have done this so often we have our own system worked out. 

Right now I am pleasantly tired, feeling full from the juices, but otherwise pleased with myself for having completed another 10 days Master Cleanse. I know there were massive breakthroughs here, my dreams have been all into other dimensions, with an increase in visions and movement in my energy field.

Even last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I was taken immediately into another realm, the people were sort of bluish with some very tall. Their skin was lovely as if lightly patterned, like a light shining from the inside out highlighting the outlines of each symbol or shape etched into their skin.

I have a busy week lined up for myself as well - our festival is coming up (Blue Moon on Friday) and there is planning, cooking and baking to be done. Even last night I was itching to get going with some treats so badly, I ended up making some date squares. They smell heavenly, like a warm and cozy, comforting blanket wrapped around you. It was only then I figured out I had been craving dates all week!

Actually I only remembered over the weekend that this is perhaps one of my favourite times of the year. I used to think it was because it was back to school time (I loved going to school, it got me out of a very abusive house), but now I realize something more - as the darker time of the year descends upon us, I feel closer to the earth, as if shadow and light merge into one.

Well, that's me for today so far, I have a feeling this week will shine!

Have a lovely day,


Big fish, little pond

Sunday 26 August 2012

Finally On Day 10!

We made it to day 10 once again and are feeling better than ever, it's funny how we all go into 'focus' mode during these last few hours of our detox while our bodies must remove a pile of toxins, there seems to be so much happening. So, throughout the past 2 days or so, the official countdown has been on - it's nice to be counting hours instead of days.

Now with tomorrow being juice day (where my fast is broken while I get back to more solid foods over a couple of days or so), this is always a time of reflection for me. Mostly because during each of these 10 days I keep myself busy doing things not necessarily to pass the time, mostly because I have the energy and my mind is so focused.

Today all I have done so far since getting up is clean, sort, tidy and organize - it is nice to get the house in order for our festival coming up at the weekend as well. I am also feeling very creative, so I just want to make things, plant something, paint and otherwise work away with my hands.

I love how doing a Master Cleanse brings you so deeply into yourself to these levels, the nice part is that you can remain there once the cleanse is finished, because this is ground re-claimed as a result of the detox. 

I was thinking yesterday, I finally felt like myself - it is a really nice feeling. I have been many years trying to get back to myself, to feel like myself, to know myself on a deeper level all that time knowing there were parts and pieces to me - I knew existed but couldn't connect with. Now I know I am following the pathway to those inner places.

So far, I still have lots of detox symptoms - my tongue is coated, my head feels a little tight today, I am somewhat tired as well, but still have loads of energy and my ears are clearer. Not sure what that means exactly but more energy is moving around them.

Yesterday I made up a powerful tea for our cleanse juice so perhaps this has something to do with the extra clearing! Can't wait to have a dandelion coffee and I found myself craving herbs from the garden yesterday when I was out there weeding - looking forward to foraging leaves in the coming days to see what I can find for salads.

Have a healthy day!


Cat in the garden 

Saturday 25 August 2012

Today is Day 9 - Master Cleanse

So far, so good. It's now day 9 and the count down is on - less than 48 hours to go to juice day. It always feels as if I am standing at a cross roads during this time - with my entire life in front of me and choices to make.

It is both exciting and disconcerting at the same time, as if deeper parts of this grand illusion are being stripped away to reveal something that has yet to come into focus. These last few hours of any cleanse seem to involve a final push towards the goal bringing us to our new level.

Today I am feeling pretty good, I just finished a workout with free weights, stationary bike and rebounding so that always gets my energy moving first thing in the morning. My legs don't feel heavy like they did yesterday, mostly because I have been moving as much as I can. My tongue is still coated, and my tummy is rumbling letting me know I am still deep in a detox cycle.

My dreams last night were more like fleeting visions and not the long involved stories of these past few days. I also slept fairly lightly, perhaps that has something to do with it. I am still feeling quite a lot of supernatural energy around me, seeing into other dimensions quite a bit more than usual and hearing other realms as well.

For an Intuitive this is fairly normal, during a cleanse my 'sight' can change somewhat with perceptions becoming clearer and more defined. That is exactly what is taking place at the moment however, I am so used to seeing and not really paying much attention (can't focus on everything) I have yet to have a peek and see what is coming up!

I have made this my task today, to take a closer look at each of these flashes, lights and energies moving around and pay attention as something is definitely moving, shifting and coming towards me. At times we may be given a glimpse of the shape of what is to come, perhaps this is one of those days.

Well, today will be a good day, I love these last few hours of the cleanse, taking stock of how far I have come and the road yet to travel in front of me.

Have a good one!


Swans on Lough Hyne, West Cork 

Friday 24 August 2012

It's Day Eight of 10 day Master Cleanse

Today I feel pretty good so far, for a chilly, windy and rainy day! It's now day 8 and the topic of conversation has been around doing more of these in the coming months, perhaps a couple of longer Master Cleanses before Christmas and the fact that successfully completing a cleanse is all mind over matter.

So that takes me to right where I am now, gaining more ground within my mind with a lot of clarity about some very old issues bursting through the seams here. As I have mentioned a few times during the past week, the focus has been very much on the unseen realms and supernatural.

However, these worlds are not separate from us, they simply exist in dimensions we are not fully aware of all the time. My attention has been drawn to the connection between mind, unseen worlds and our immune system or inner defences. 

As a Medical Intuitive these are issues I wonder about and links I am looking for inside of myself. The question to ask here is exactly what kind of influence might some supernatural force such as fallen angels for instance, exert on a human being?

How much harm can they do, how would they gain entry (energy attachment within the nervous tissue) and of course, how far is a detox, Master Cleanse going to go in removing, breaking down and eliminating this entity? Energy is a simple thing - actually none of these concepts are complicated.

It appears to all come down to our immune system - so naturally there has to be a huge mind connection between these two functions. Any components of our minds that exist in the brain for instance also must bridge into the glial cells and separate immune system there. 

Lots of things on my mind today! One thing that I am certain about right now - my immune system is gaining ground, it is something I have wondered about during these cleanses - what effect might they have on immune function and now I think I know.

My body (and mind) simply feels stronger, like I am more certain of my presence here on the earth, sort of like a groundedness with all parts of me invited. Not a bad side benefit from these detoxes at all!

As for detox symptoms - my tongue is still coated, I have good energy levels, sleeping deeply, still dreaming (last night of electronic gadgets, wires and listening devices LOL), I have lost about 8 pounds so far and am feeling really focused. 

For me at this point, doing these Master Cleanses is not about weight loss as I am at a healthy weight. However if you need to drop some weight, this is a safe, healthy way to do it, as I have long known weight loss without detoxing is a disaster.

The extra weight we carry is the resting place for much of the toxic debris and must be whittled down as your detox progresses. This is the magic of the inner workings of our bodies - and I am delighted to be in this wonderful place, moving steadily inwards towards home. 

We are still working away on our menu for late next week (Blue Moon Festival) and I am now finally looking forward to getting this cleanse behind me - mostly so that I can enjoy its' benefits! 

Have a healthy day,


Green leaves, but no pumpkins yet! 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Now On Day 7 of My 10 Day Master Cleanse

It has now been seven days since I started my August Master Cleanse - as usual about this point in a cleanse the detox cycles are heating up and getting more intense. I expect this will last until the final day, some very old stuff is coming up to the surface!

Yesterday evening we all felt a little at loose ends, needing something to keep us busy which makes it easier to remain focused on the task at hand. Of course the conversation fell to remembering last Christmas, how special it was and planning how we can have an even better one this year. All in terms of food. LOL

In our house we talk a lot about food - perhaps because it is what I do mostly but also we love to cook, eat and enjoy our Pagan lifestyle to the max! Our feast times are the central points of each month, while fasting is timed to end just before the celebration. 

So, I now have a full list for shopping, cooking and requests for next week's feast days - and I can't wait to get started on making some of these items ahead of time. We are all craving different foods as well right now - usually it is the simplest things like red onions in a salad, or the taste of cinnamon on your tongue. A fast does bring out the best in us....

Today I am feeling a little more toxic, but my energy is very good, I just finished a workout and a quick walk outside. And I am determined to keep this energy moving out. This toxicity is mostly in my head, sinus, with a heaviness in my lower body. My tongue is really coated now, but the limpness is gone from my hair and my eyes and skin look clear.

As I have mentioned several times already, the detox this time around is primarily centered on seemingly other dimensions and past lives. Again last night I had deep dreams of being given very old paper (money) with an ancient language on it that I could read. It was Pagan currency with my name, numbers and dates on it. There were stacks of them and I was starting to use them to pay for items for my children.

Again, for me, my journey is all about energy, re-gaining my life and allowing myself space and freedom to be who I already am. Of course, this is my steepest learning curve - coming back into myself because there is so much more to me.

Fasting gently brings you back together healthy, healed and whole.

Have a healthy day!


Dill growing in pot

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Master Cleanse #4 Day 6

Well, on Day 6 of my fourth Master Cleanse in four months and I am feeling physically ok, but my energy is all over the place and there is much going on in the other realms and dimensions. This cleanse has been very 'supernatural' in its' clearing, and perhaps will only get more interesting!

As an intuitive I am only too aware of many of these other human dimensions as well as the realms and worlds interacting with us here on a daily basis. There has been much looting, corruption, damage and general mayhem taking place throughout these spheres as we have been accessed inappropriately due to poorly functioning energy fields.

Vaccines, fear, poor diet, fear, television and radio waves, fear, medication, fear and general chemical toxins are all contributing factors to improper development and low function of the human energy systems. That's how we all ended up in these messes that we find ourselves in - not following our dreams, far away from 'home', sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Thankfully these detoxes, cleanses and following a proper diet have gone a long way towards cleaning up my own body (it's like taking a bath on the inside) while I am following the yellow brick road and gaining insight into my own life in the process.

Last night I dreamt of being a part of a meeting, but I felt that I was more of an observer as I was able to look very closely at the people present (all men) - the atmosphere was very dark and heavy. What was interesting was they were eating my food! I can't remember yet what was being discussed, but it seemed serious and I am not certain it was warm and fuzzy.

Once again my Master Cleanse is taking me deeper into places and spaces in my body I have been pushed out of and I am delighted to be gaining ground here. This is the best feeling even if there is uncertainty and I feel I need to tread carefully along this part of the road. 

Do not underestimate how much these unseen realms interact with and interfere in our daily lives. Just because many people have lost the ability to discern these worlds, doesn't mean they no longer exist - you have just been pulled out of them and these doors shut.

Today, I am going to interact with some of those worlds in my garden because the sun is shining (mostly) again I can't think of anything better than being out and about enjoying the fresh air. Vitamin D, can't beat it - every chance we get - soak up the life giving sun!

Have a lovely day,


Soldiers Lookout Lough Hyne West Cork

Tuesday 21 August 2012

And Day 5 of the Master Cleanse is Here!

Well, I had a great day yesterday mostly because the sun came out and I got out into my garden to get weeding and tidying done. The vegetables are coming along, lots of new green leaves that I can't wait to try next week and all else is growing despite the constant rain.

I am also feeling pretty good physically, albeit a little beat up emotionally with some very deeply held patterns surfacing. My tongue is not as coated as it usually is during a cleanse, I am dreaming many times a night, so far I'm a little more tired than normal (smile!) with kids at home, writing and all the gardening yesterday - it was the tiredness after a good day's work actually.

Not much in the way of aches and pains, but my hair still feels heavy and limp, my eyesight, sense of smell and hearing are heightened and very acute. Funny how these vital 'senses' must be dampened down by the presence of toxins, and we don't even know it. 

I have long wondered about eyesight in particular as my eyes are still the same (if a little better because of all the detoxing) while others around me are wearing glasses at the same age. Perhaps, my diet will stand me well in this department? Time will tell...

Speaking of senses, when you are doing a cleanse especially for this length of time your hearing and sensitivity to noise is also enhanced. Yesterday I found myself just wanting natural noises and really enjoyed being outside. I actually spent quite some time with the ducks and goose - watching them splash and talk softly to each other....

As usual I am really looking forward to seeing how this MC plays out and of course the week afterwards when it all comes together. My thoughts are already going to next month, when I think that I will continue to do these 10 days each month and see where it takes me. 

It's a great form of discipline and continues to change my life in only positive ways.

Have a great day!


My daughter in Schull on a sunny day

Monday 20 August 2012

Day 4 - So Far, So Good...

Well, we are all doing fine and moving right along here - it is remarkable how much time and effort goes into thinking about, preparing, cooking and eating food. When you are not doing much of it (or any) you end up with all of this free time on your hands. Plenty of time to get things done.

During each of these cleanses I still cook for the little one and the dogs/cat/turtle etc. as they would not take kindly to doing a fast with us. However, I don't even think much about eating food myself, because as I've said before and discuss in my book The Pagan Diet, my mind just goes into Master Cleanse mode along with my body and that is it for the entire 10 days.

However, I do plan menus for our next celebration and that was the topic of discussion last night as everyone wants something different - and now the challenge is on for me to create 'something different'. As you might have already guessed, I like a challenge!

Well, today is day four or our ten day MC and I am feeling pretty good. I ended up going to bed early last night thinking that I would read, but I was tired so fell asleep right away. And I slept fairly deeply. Just a couple of dreams though...

Last night I dreamt of clothes, cases, bags, traveling on buses and clothes in shops - usually this means significant changes deep into the tissues and cellular structure, so I am curious about what exactly will present itself over these next couple of days.

I am still closing lots of energy leaks (this is my own technique, get my book if you want to know more) to safety on the spiritual path and I can see several situations more clearly where I was not feeling safe. However, these feelings of threat, danger, hazard or peril - have been largely trained out of us and are not always easily recognized. They are often disguised as something else - usually discomfort, awkwardness or anxiety which we readily dismiss. 

It is very important to get back into these spaces and places of our bodies so we can listen carefully and follow inner instructions implicitly. 

When I check in with my body right now, I have some symptoms of detox, my tongue is coated, my hair is limp, I feel toxic, slight headache, a bit tired - but my mind is clear, I have done my second salt water flush and my energy is rising overall. 

Not a bad start to the 4th day overall! 

Enjoy your day,


Cover for my Universal Energy Laws - Protection in the Healing Professions 

Sunday 19 August 2012

Now on Day 3 of Master Cleanse.. Issues of Spiritual Safety

This master cleanse is turning out to be a little different, so far there are less physical symptoms and far more emotional, spiritual and energetic symptoms. Perhaps it has to do with the depth of cleanse at this stage or just that this particular patch of ground that I am now entering has scars that are deeply seared into my soul.

I don't quite know how else to describe it - all that is coming up right now is about one single past era that I had as a Beothuk Indian - perhaps this is much more a part of me because this is still in my present DNA, but also because I spent so many lifetimes in that location? Having grown up in Newfoundland and relived these memories time and again throughout my early life, was not helping to close any wounds. 

But, I think that perhaps now, I might begin to get to the bottom of it all and at least start to purge out the fear, toxins and negativity that I have carried for so long. I know that this impedes everything in my life at this moment. The one thing that holds me back, is what if it happens again?

Perhaps this is the main fear for so many of us - what if we allow our spirituality to flourish, develop and grow, to go out there in the world and be exactly who we are and it (persecution, witch hunt, murder and death) takes place all over again?

Over the years I have come to realize time and again, how the biggest issue facing those of us walking the spiritual journey is one of safety. 

I remember being hunted down through the woods in Newfoundland, pursued and then shot before I was taken hostage (sent to work in someone's house as a maid for the rest of my life). I remember how many of us were killed in a short space of time - because we were deemed 'savages' by those with the guns.

This soullessness has prevailed throughout the ages - of course the only ones seeking to kill and destroy an entire race of people (this happens the world over) are those who hunt what they do not have. Harvesting souls has been big business for these religions for far too long and of course it still goes on each and every day under everyone's nose.

In my dreams these past two nights - the first one was of a woman waking up or coming back from having been in some form of deep shock.  Then last night a very familiar dream for me (or perhaps a memory) was of being pursued and then shot in the shoulder. In my dream I could see the bullet, it was old and large, like a big piece of lead.

Even with all of these things moving, coming up and being processed in a (hopefully) better way, there is still much good. I also dreamed of Gaia or the great mother last night - that was my first dream - she took me on a journey, together with hundreds or thousands of other women, moving over time or space (floating, walking, running) until we ended up at a tree that looked like nothing I have ever seen here on earth. 

She has been teaching me about spiritual safety, as she guides me home through the history of my life


Our goose and some ducks in the garden

Saturday 18 August 2012

Master Cleanse Day 2

This morning I feel pretty good, my only detox complaint so far is one knee that is aching, however, I will say that I 'feel' absolutely toxic. It's as if something is working its' way up to the surface of my skin and boy am I aware of it.

My hair is limp, my skin is oily, I even dreamed last night of being in a house with people from my past where my skin was all lumpy and I felt yukky in the dream as well. It was interesting because a woman who had been sleeping outside finally woke up (I had been waiting for her to wake) and I was able to invite her inside the house for some food. 

That dream seemed like a good sign for the start of my fourth cleanse in four months.

However, being an intuitive, I find myself very sensitive to the goings on around me - this week has been heavy with negative energy (fear from the establishment) that has been playing out on the airwaves. 

For instance the prison sentence for the punk band Pussy Riot, is as unbelievable as it is absurd. Clearly the inquisition is alive and well when religion/state is able to influence (boldly) and direct the outcome of an independent court case. But alas nothing has changed, and the witch hunt continues. 

Reading about this in the media has actually pushed many of my own buttons from my memories of past lives, having been pursued and persecuted by these churches and their brand of self-righteousness. If you ever get a chance to read up on the lost tribe of Beothuk Indians in Newfoundland (of which I am descended), perhaps this might give you some insight into the enormity of the crimes committed. 

For me these cleanses always bring up not only the physical toxins such as DES I spoke about yesterday, but also these emotional and energetic toxins carried in our DNA. This is a very thorough process, if you allow it to be, and will also dislodge molecules of oppression that have formed into blocks in the energy field. 

Today, I have already done my salt water flush which of course always makes me feel better as some of the toxins get moving right away. And I plan on taking some senna tea tonight to keep the energy moving as well as exercise and a walk by the sea. 

For the most part, not a bad start to this cleanse at all! 

Talk tomorrow,


Boat leaving the harbour in Baltimore 

Friday 17 August 2012

August Master Cleanse - Day 1

Even though lots has taken place and I can look back and see that each of these cleanses have taken time, effort and energy - I still can't believe that I am finally starting my August Master Cleanse and in the final leg of the little journey that I committed to in May.

Today, being day one is not usually a difficult day, the hardest days for fasting for me are usually day two and sometimes day three. After that it is often smooth sailing for the ten days, once the initial adjustment period is over and my body slips into 'detox mode'.

For those of you who have been following along, you probably know by now, how curious I am to see what comes up for me this time around. Well things are already happening and I am only on day one! LOL

As if right on cue, a subject that I rarely (if ever) see mentioned anywhere, unless I go looking for it (and I haven't in quite some time) has been brought to my attention. Probably not many of you have heard about this, but there is a drug that was given to pregnant women, back in the 60's and 70's called DES. 

Well, to make a long story short many of these women went on to have daughters exposed to this chemical (a synthetic estrogen), who grew up to find themselves with several 'problems' and health concerns as a direct result.

We have been referred to as DES daughters. 

I have long wondered if by doing these cleanses and detoxes I would eventually get to a place where I was directly detoxing out this chemical from my body. Having done so many Master Cleanses over the years, I know from past experience that toxins are dislodged from very early in life. 

In my own case, this would have been mainly antibiotics and medication given to me prior to age one. However, I have experienced detox of valium exposure (in utero) during my 40 days MC and I would be pleased if such a thing could happen with DES.

So, here we go! Who knows where this cleanse will take me this time around and has this been one of the 'blocks' that has been holding me down for so long? 

I will keep you posted,


Feverfew in the garden

Thursday 16 August 2012

All This...Just to Discover Who I Am?

Today is my last food day - I start my August Master Cleanse tomorrow and I must say, I can't wait! I am happy to be doing it (I have come to love follow through as much as fasting) and I am equally pleased that once again I will complete exactly what I set out to do.

Four MC in four months - and to be perfectly honest, it has not been difficult at all. Quite the opposite in fact, that is not to say that any of this work is easy, because it certainly does have it's moments. However, when looking at how I used to live, how things were for us all and the endlessness of walking this path with seemingly not much taking place.

Well, this is far better!

I talk about this in my books, and will mention it again here. Our purpose, destiny, reason for living and even being on this planet in the first place is extremely important and vital information for us to know. However, as this is a personal message written for our eyes only deep within our DNA, there are locks, controls and a special decoder ring to even get in the door to that place.

As a medical intuitive this is a question that I get asked a lot - please tell me what my purpose is so that I can mull it over or take action on it. Perhaps that would be a good thing to know, but I don't think that it is anyone else's place to inform you of what you are here to do - mostly because it is a message between you and your soul.

Another good reason to not have these details revealed too early on in the game is because for the most part we are walking this path alone, in the dark, along an unlit trail, meeting few fellow travelers where much danger abounds.

Or, in other words it is simply not safe for us to have all of the details before the party begins. Perhaps we first need to show up for the party! Then we get to see how things are going to play out once we are in the door.

Living this way and following The Pagan Diet - Food, Fast and Feast has changed the way I walk my path, the pace has picked up and for the first time in 20 years, I feel as if I have some level of control over things.

When I want to create change in my life I do a cleanse, each fast/food/feast day brings with it new levels of awakening, learning and reaching more deeply into my own body to find the answers to each question that I ask.

And to be honest, I would have said to you years ago that I trusted my body (especially after healing cancer and having my daughter at home in a Free Birth) but, now, that trust has been taken to even higher levels and is being transformed into faith and belief in who I am and why I am here.

So, here I go, ready to do another Master Cleanse - my focus this time around is to launch or take off in some positive way - just me and all of these dreams that I have carried for so long.

Have a lovely day,


Fennel in the garden 

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Another Fast Day.. Or Is It?

There appears to be no such thing as just another day, another food day, another fast day, another Master Cleanse and so forth. Each and every day is completely different from the last and I find that I am in a new place with each rotation of the earth. 

Fasting has been like walking a steady path inwards, it can be compared to The Wizard of Oz, following the yellow brick road - you don't know exactly what you will meet, there will be both good and bad - however at the end of it all - the only person to be found is yourself.

Today I am fasting again, these last few days before I start my Master Cleanse for August, I have already mentioned how excited I am about this cleanse as it will be the first time (ever) that I am doing a detox while being 100% committed to only following my dreams. 

And nothing else, no one else, just me, my goals and the open road.

This does feel like a nice place to be, albeit a little scary too, however I am certain that this will be the best MC ever. All week I have been mulling over a theme for this cleanse (I always have one in mind) and a picture keeps coming to mind of a dream I had many years ago.

Well, it was more of a vision then a dream, the kind that you sometimes have upon waking early in the morning - one particular morning I woke up in my house to the majestic vision of a hot air balloon with me in it, just about to take off. It was still tethered to the ground by a long rope, which was about to be cut as I opened my eyes.

This is the memory that has stayed with me all week and the one that I will take into my Master Cleanse as representing all of my hopes, goals, dreams, wishes and desires - taking flight into bright sunshine and blue skies.


Have a nice day,


The Pagan Diet Food Pyramid - my favicon

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Taking Action is Easier Then Standing Still

Today is another food day, with the countdown now on for our next 10 day Master Cleanse - this August cleanse will be the fourth one in 4 months and once again not much has stayed the same. Of course, these changes are little, smaller steps along the way, adding up over time.

Looking back right now to the last 3 months, I am not in the same place that I was in - at all, and definitely not thinking along the same lines. My entire life has changed again -- however it is mostly centered around my mind and the things I believe about myself.

And for the first time in my life I can honestly say that I am fully following my dreams, pursuing my own personal goals and by doing so, my children have their mom back. I am happier, more centered and grounded, my mind is clearer and my energy is back (for the most part).

By choosing to focus entirely on the things that I want for myself and my family, I am taking leaps, jumps and steps in faith and trust every single day, what I could not have predicted was that my stress levels would be so much reduced.

All of this is a result of me (finally) waking up on more levels and realizing that dreams were not going to come true by themselves, not without me taking these final steps towards making them happen. Setting a goal is one thing, making it reality requires action and a whole lot of guts.

An entire mountain of negativity has been moved out of my way as well during these last few months and I put this down to fasting, cleansing and detoxing repeatedly during this past year and refusing to let go of this belief that all things will be better, just keep going.

My entire life is not yet to where I want it to be, but the foundations are in place and I continue to push forward with the assurance that it will be. Believing is seeing! 

Enjoy your day,


Butterfly on the garden sage 

Monday 13 August 2012

A Fasting Day- Mind & Imagination

Today is a fasting day, this is the day that I was looking forward to after all the cooking and eating over the weekend. It feels nice to give my digestion a break and just to reflect back on the last few days of living and being on this path.

Day on/day off fasting has come to mean the time and space that I give myself to digest, reflect and process through all the things that are taking place on so many different levels each and every moment. Walking this path requires commitment and this is one way to carry out my responsibility to myself to make every effort to understand all that is happening both inside and out.

And none being more important then in my mind.

When used properly, our mind is a marvelous tool - of course the molecules, cells and components of the mind are made up from various parts of our bodies and like the rest of us need to first be re-claimed, cleaned up and then brought back into proper functioning.

As I have mentioned here many times and talk about extensively in my book The Pagan Diet, our minds are 90% of the spiritual path, the largest component of fulfilling our dreams and goals and absolutely necessary for all health and healing.

Our minds are elemental parts of ourselves that enable us to become aware of the world (inner and outer) and to understand our experiences. We simply cannot move forward in an aligned, purposeful way without fully integrating an active imagination.

Yet, you would be surprised (or perhaps not) how many people I meet on a daily basis who are actively trying to leave behind their minds, shut them down, detach from them and otherwise disengage the gears of cognitive function.

If you want to move more deeply into the mechanics of how, why (which is all about purpose and destiny) you feel compelled to follow the path you are on and strive to be the person buried underneath all of those toxins, you must bring your mind back from being tucked out of the way.

You cannot become conscious without awareness of the process.

Have a great day,


Opening Doors....

Sunday 12 August 2012

Planning My Next Master Cleanse

Today I have been busy once again cooking, tweaking my recipes and eating! I love this part of following The Pagan Diet...but of course I am equally looking forward to getting back to fasting tomorrow as my system has had enough food and there is always more work to be done.

The days spent fasting are as precious as the days enjoying good food - both have important purposes to serve and function in the overall pattern of life to move us forward along our spiritual path in some way. With a food day, all that you eat nourishes you - body, mind and soul. On a fasting day, your body breaks free of contaminants while cleaning out deep levels of the mind and soul.

I don't really have much of a plan yet for this week as far as fasting is concerned, there are some projects that I am working on (and fasting always helps my focus), but, I also have my last 10 day Master Cleanse to do before the end of August - making it 4 MC in four months.

This will start in the next few days in order to be finished before the end of the month which is another full moon. August is a very special month with the only blue moon this year and I have been looking forward to it all year. Lovely energy!

In fact this entire month has been all about shifting, changing and ramping up to something better, different and new. Each of these past few cleanses seem to have been preparing and building me up to this time - dissolving the blocks and obstacles that kept me far too long in a holding pattern.

Right now, I am intrigued by what each day, week and fast will bring me and of course, where I will be when I finish each leg of the journey - and this is a good place to be.


Brilliant Blue - colours of summer 

Saturday 11 August 2012

Frustration on The Spiritual Path...Living A Lie

Being frustrated, tired, fearful and feeling held back, tired and fearful (smile!) are some common emotions and experiences on this path. I meet and talk to people all the time who express the very same sentiment about their own attempts to create a better life for themselves or to get something moving forward - to no avail.

From my own observations, it seems that we continue to immerse ourselves in this level of frustration as long as we remain unaware of our true passions, dreams and are not fully aligned with them. One thing that I have noticed as well is there are times when we know full well our ultimate goals, however we are not yet in the space for these to happen.

Therefore, space (moving into the right energy for creation to take place) and place (living, walking and talking from the best position for forward momentum) are both key aspects to be considered here in our efforts to reduce frustration and allow spirit to move us forward.

I say it often in my blogs and to people that I talk with - once you become aware of a better way or the truth, you must start taking steps to act on this enlightenment. This does not mean that everything will change overnight (in some cases that may occur) but it does mean that you allow this knowledge to guide your next actions. 

This is what I refer to as living with the 'lights on' in full recognition of truth. There are so many things that take place around each of us daily, that are part of such a huge untruth or lie - this simply requires some time to untangle. 

Notice here that I did not say 'a truth', I used the words 'the truth'. There is only one truth and therefore there is only one way forward and that is through the body, mind and soul. You cannot become a fully conscious being without bringing all of you along for this experience.

Food for thought,


This past few days I came across an expression -- "it you are earning a paycheck, you are following someone else's dream, if you no longer count your pay, you are following your own dreams". Brilliant!

Friday 10 August 2012

Creating Change - Positive Movement on the Spiritual Path

Today is a food day, I broke my fast this morning and have had a nice breakfast and some wonderful dandelion coffee - the sky has cleared (inside and out) and it is a nice feeling once again to feel, see and sense immediate results of my efforts.

It was a bit of a tough mini cleanse this time around, the first couple of days I had a lot of deep pain in my bones (I have had this a lot in my life) as if something was coming up and out. I felt pretty good otherwise but just kept moving as much as possible to keep energy flowing.

Each cleanse or fast day as well as any food day is quite different from each other - there are so many layers, levels and dimensions of our human bodies that need to be incorporated into the detox, that this can only take place over considerable amounts of time.

We tend to think that change happens very slowly, however, change is taking place at a constant rate as long as we are pushing towards our hopes, dreams and goals. One thing that I have noticed recently is that once I decided to give my entire attention to my heart's desires - the rate of transformation in my life speeded up.

I have been talking about removing obstacles to my dreams for quite some time and have been actively working at breaking down these walls, once an opening was created, decisions needed to be made as to which way to move. There is absolutely no point in wanting to open a new inner door only to not take immediate action with what you find inside.

Following a dream means aligning with your passions, which also entails taking the time to know yourself. Once you commit to walking the talk in support of your purpose or destiny, anything that your heart (mind, body and soul) is asking you to do must be listened to and acted upon. There are a few elements involved in this process; 

Trust - anytime I am taking a step forward in faith, I am reminded by my heart to just trust that I have not come this far to be let down. Failure is not an option along this spiritual path. 

The next key word here is follow through, once space is created for change to take place (inside or outside) in your life, you must take action or something else will come in and fill this void. This is an energetic law, create a vacuum and it will be filled, it's best to fill it yourself. 

Another important part of the overall equation is that the purpose of cleansing, detoxing and self mastery is to overcome anything that might hold you back or otherwise stand in the way of your direct path onwards and upwards. For most of us this is addiction of any kind including caffeine, sugar and negativity.

Do not let fear hold you back (especially the fears of others), this creates resistance inside of your mind and body taking the place of love pushing you aside and off track. Finding and connecting with your own love is also a vital component because this is the force that will propel you forward towards creating your dreams.

I hope the sun is shining where ever you are,


This is the cover to my book on Amazon Kindle 

Thursday 9 August 2012

Resistance on the Path

Many of us who are walking the spiritual path day to day experience a great level of resistance to the things we want or need in our lives. I have often heard it said that the higher you go, the greater the resistance, perhaps this is correct, as this would make perfect sense and is what we experience. However, what if the higher we go (in our vibration) the more we encounter the resistance that has been there all along?

For the most part nothing has changed. Our bodies are exactly the same inside and out, all we are doing when we fast, detox and cleanse is remove layers of dirt, poison and toxins that clog up the delicate inner machinery. This debris has slowed us down, stopped us, made us sick, tired, unbalanced and discouraged us from continuing on our journey's, it feels like a low level of constant frustration.

When you are detoxing, of course you are tackling these toxins and stripping them away each day you devote to clearing out your body. Along with this physical detox then comes a significant amount of processing or sifting 'through' what is being removed and why. As well as examining how it got there in the first place.

Some of the poisons and negative energies that we all carry around might astound you, but then again, most of us are never surprised at what is buried deeply within the body. If we look at the basic premise of 'as above, so below' or what is outside of us also exists inside of us - then all we need do is look around the world and see how much of a mess we have made.

However, that doesn't mean to say that doing this work is therefore futile - quite the opposite in fact. If just one of us starts to clean up and spends time removing rubbish, picking up after themselves and being careful to not create more refuse, what a difference this makes in the world. And it might inspire others to do the same.

Now, imagine if thousands or millions of us around the planet were doing the same thing - inside and out. Cleaning, detoxing and leaving nothing behind them, but a trail free of litter and debris. What we are doing is breaking down the resistance to higher consciousness one brick at a time proving to ourselves that it can be done.

Today is day three of my mini cleanse and I am working through some of the resistance in my body and life, disposing of the opposition to my hopes and dreams.

Have a lovely day,


Cat in the garden - sun finally broke through! 

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Will Power, Self Control - Mastery

Today is my second day of this mini - cleanse and I am already planning my weekend menu! LOL But, I will add right here that this is not difficult to do at all - at one time, when my mind or my will power or my self control was NOT my own - doing something like this would have been nearly impossible.

If you want to get started with fasting, detoxes and mini or Master Cleanses but are feeling such a huge level of resistance - start out slowly. I can tell you from my own experience that these issues of not feeling as if you are in control of your own mind are very real. And for the most part you are not in control of your own mind - at least not yet.

It probably took me about 4 months to get in the door of mind-control and then to take over the reigns, so to speak, once I was inside. This takes work, dedication, commitment, perseverance and whatever you can throw at it - but it is the most worthwhile thing that I have ever done.

In my book The Pagan Diet, I talk you through how to start incorporating fasting into your life slowly, taking each day as it comes and all the little things that you need to know, what you will have to work through and many of the issues, such as hunger, that you will face as you walk yourself forward into a better place.

I have not one shred of doubt in my body's ability to change, heal, fix, alter, remove or accomplish anything that I set out to do - and now that my mind is fully onside and working with me, I know that this is a full on approach to living. Perhaps one of the best things is that I know there is still so much more of me to awaken, return, find and discover or re-cover - this is like an adventure!

Through proper eating (if you are uncertain of what you need to be eating order my book The Way to Heal/Detox) you take back your body, by connecting with the land, keeping a garden, including ceremony and ritual in your life you take back your spirit and through water fasting, cleansing, detox, spending time in deep contemplation (The Pagan Diet) - you take back your mind. 

This is a life that is interesting, full, alive and entirely built upon a solid foundation of following your dreams, opening up your heart and learning how to connect to universal Oneness. For those of you who are wondering - no, this does not happen spontaneously, an awakening is a cellular activity involving an energetic shift that requires of you to overcome the obstacles placed in your way.

If you want to be, you can be in charge of these shifts while removing the obstacles


My daughter's painting