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The Pagan Diet

*** The first few pages of The Pagan Diet(c) by April Danann CopyRight 2012 


I once heard someone say that they were getting their life back one pound at a time, and I know if you have ever struggled with being heavy or not at your desired weight this is exactly how it feels. Its’ like you have not been living, as if your life is somehow suspended because of the excess weight or at least the life that you dream of living is not your current reality.

To lose the weight and to keep it off, takes commitment, self-love and preparation. Yet you can just jump right into it, and start getting your life together, at least when you have a plan in place. This is how I would approach nearly everything as I’m an all or nothing kind of person- all the way, or none! LOL

I am no different than anyone else out there- what has changed me is the fact that I decided to be a bit of a rebel and only eat what my body wanted. These days, eating like everyone else is not rebellious, it is common and the road to sickness. 

If you really want to be stand out or be radical, don’t eat the food that’s on the shelves in the supermarkets, cook from scratch and grow your own as much as you can.  And aim high- use your food and lifestyle to create abundance though health.

I have been studying, working with and thinking about nutrition for a very long time- but it still took a while and a couple of tries before the changes ever stuck with me personally. Once I did wake up to the fact - I had no choice about my diet (because this was what I wanted), it was easy. I mean, I wanted to be healthy, slim and to look and feel great - there is only one path to that.

If we just focus our thoughts on weight-loss or the extra weight- we will find ourselves going around in circles. I have been fat, skinny, middle, fat, skinny, middle, for as long as I can remember. So, I know first hand the frustration, the anxiety, the shame of it! 

And staying home because I had nothing to wear, dreading meeting people when I felt awful about myself, not going anywhere, not doing anything and becoming heavier and depressed because I felt I was in a cycle I could not get out of.

Before my enlightenment about diet, I was just like you. I ate sugar, because I wanted comfort, drank coffee because I wanted warmth, the bread filled me up, and the junk reinforced all the negative things I felt about myself.

But where on earth did it all come from? How was it that I was so filled up with self-loathing, hatred, yukky feelings that I had to eat my way through them just to deal with it? Could this all be coming from me? What on earth was I here to deal with in this life anyway? 

For years I had told myself there always had to be one thing in my life that was not perfect- my burden or cross to bear so to speak, and to be honest I had accepted it as my physical self or my weight that would never be perfect.

How wrong I was! The more work I did on my own spirituality the more I realised some inner truths at deep levels- one is that our lives can and should be all that we want them to be. Second, this is my body and if it was not the way I wanted it to be, I could work at changing it. 

Why accept less than what I am?

Being a Medical Intuitive and an inquisitive by nature, I had to get to the bottom of all of this. I am a health investigator and each of these threads lead to somewhere, I developed a plan to start following them so that I could once and for all root out what was holding me in this weight cycle.

Years ago after I made significant changes to my diet, I thought that this was finally it, I have conquered the weight issues - my weight was normal and I felt fairly good about my body. I had just beat cancer without using drugs or toxins, I was eating a vegan diet and I felt great. 

Then I had my second child and afterwards the weight piled on- not during the pregnancy, but after it! It seemed to be my thyroid was low enough to cause the weight to come on, but what was causing my thyroid to be low? And how was I going to get this working again?

Well, the answer turned out to be quite simple- one reason was toxins. I had detoxed for several years, and here they were all back again, more of them. Or was this just another layer of toxins that were coming from a hidden place dislodged by the work that I had been doing?

It was a deeper level of toxins, right from the core of my physical being stored in organs and bone tissue. Everything was coming up and out, but now had to be dealt with. And these were old issues, old patterns, the stuff of lifetimes that had built up and weighted me down. So, the plan had to be the mother of all detoxes because I just had to get to the bottom of this.

And another reason for this persistent toxic state was chronic low-grade inflammation resulting from antibiotic use, poor diet and high levels of long-term stress. When we take antibiotics to quell an infection one thing must be made clear, this does not mean that the infection is cured. 

Quite the contrary actually, it has now been successfully driven into the surrounding tissues where it will become chronic and fester away. Add to this vaccines which mostly do the same thing and other sources of toxins from water or food for instance – and you get any one of the disease states we refer to as modern conditions (diabetes, arthritis, heart disease).

Our bodies are living and existing with an inflammatory process that doesn’t kill us because our immune system functions at a certain level to keep things in check. However because the immune response is overall fairly poor, these areas fester away over a lifetime. 

Obesity is often referred to as a chronic inflamed state, yet no one is talking about it for what it is! Instead we are told to lose the weight in order to be healthy – without one word being mentioned of toxins or inflammation both of which keep the weight on in the first place! You cannot expect to lose weight and keep it off easily without detoxing and healing up the body at the same time.

Lastly and perhaps most importantly, each of these above situations have functioned to nearly sever our identities, our true selves, the inner person that we can feel hidden deep inside. In it’s place like a curse we are living our worst nightmare of not only not looking like our true selves, because we are heavy and overweight, but having forgotten who we are and what we are capable of.

Is it any wonder that we cannot lose weight and keep it off?

If you are ready and you are tired of the weight, the toxins and the chronic inflammation and you want something more from your life, body, mind and spirit- then The Pagan Diet© is for you. 

Take your life to the next level, lose the weight and learn how to keep it off by creating change from the inside out. Change your diet, reduce the toxin load, alter your genetic expression, heal chronic inflammation and balance hormones as you go - and release your inner Goddess (or God).


  1. Is this the diet that Dr. Oz was commenting about on his show the other day? Or was that one called the "Pegan" diet (rhyming with "Vegan" diet?? Ms. Johnnie L Wess

  2. Hi Ms Wess, the Pegan is different. I just ran across that article recently.
    Dr Hyman's approach sounds like plain common sense. The Pagan Diet sounds like a true mind/body/spirit cleanse.
