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Wednesday 31 July 2013

Energy Vampires.....Leave You With Nothing in Reserve

These days I find myself back onto the subject of Energy Vampires with some further insights and deeper understanding of how they may be operating in our lives….some of the most common questions are, just what have they stolen from us, and where, how, why is it being taken?….

Well, this subject has come up for me time and again over these past few weeks. I have spoken to quite a few people as well, about the seemingly modern day problem of vampires and their own experiences with it.

For one thing….it appears to be getting worse (or at least we are far more aware of it) and there is an obsession (just look at what people are watching, reading and writing about) with vampires, ghouls, monsters and the zombies they create.

That’s right – many of us who have been leaking energy, under attack and drained of our life force are empty shells (zombies) walking around in a thick haze of nothingness.

The land that time forgot, these spaces in-between are places we humans get stuck in (feeling blocked/stuck in life?) once we have been accessed and then left ‘frozen’ (fear, pain, grief, loss, emptiness) by the many energy sucking entities roaming the earth.

This is taking place because we are allowing our essence or life force to ebb away with a steady diet of sterile, dead, plastic manufactured foods as well as walking around with guts that have never been sealed. But, this just goes hand in hand with our sterile, empty, plastic manufactured life, doesn’t it…..

Our guts, bodies, skin, inner and outer beings are not meant to be sterile (or wide open!). We are part of the living forces of this planet and as such should be fully caught up in all dimensions of aliveness taking place here.

The more we dampen down our internal gut flora, lessen our own immune defences and response as well as continue to consume food, water and air devoid of life’s essential elements – well, we just invite the energy vampires to take over, because let’s face it…..

If you’re not using it (life force), someone else is. It’s like an open door…..the nasty bugs, viruses and microscopic whatnot’s are just waiting for any opportunity (they are opportunistic organisms!) to jump in and take over.

Some of the symptoms of being drained by energy vampires are lack of interest, tiredness, unable to focus or concentrate, loss of creativity, change in facial features (especially eyes, skin), weight gain, hormone imbalance, IBS, chronic infections, and a sense of feeling badly (remorse?) about something…..

I have seen this come up repeatedly in people who reach their ‘maximum’ output where work/life/living is concerned. For example, they push themselves to do a little bit extra and then crash due to lack of energy.

There are simply no reserves (they have been siphoned off).

So….keep taking those antibiotics, drugs, Deadly Nightshades and the medication that you don’t need, instead of making changes to your diet, lifestyle and attitude. I hear zombieland is open for business…..

Turtle in the grass - out for a walk

Thursday 25 July 2013

On A Mission

Today the sun has been shining (sort of) again and the rain has stopped for the moment....its' a little reminder of the fact that this is a real summer and we have all gotten a boost of vitamin D, so all is well with the world.

It really takes so very little for us to feel good....sometimes it's just a kind word or a small deed. An unexpected gift from the Universe - and we are off and flying high above the clouds - because we simply feel uplifted.

And that is what brings me to today. I have been thinking about this very topic....feeling, being and needing this lift. Just what are we wanting to be lifted up from, why are we mired down in it and what will we do once we are on that promised higher ground?


For most of us this has been a life long struggle.....all was 'good' during those crazy distracted days....but when the crash came, we had to take a look around ourselves and see where we were and hopefully what we had become. 

Now - we are (well some of us anyway) finally in a position to take serious steps out of the muck that held us for so long but we need to know where we are going, how we will get there and why it's important to continue onwards and upwards.

In other words, we need a mission, a purpose and a guiding force.

Just perhaps....the stars, the sun and the moon have aligned and your mission (should you choose to accept) is being delivered as we speak. Are you ready?



Tuesday 23 July 2013

If You Don't Like Your Mother....Change Her!

These days I haven’t felt the need to do much more then 1 or 2 days of fasting at a time. Actually after my last couple of years of marathon detox/cleanse/fasting and so forth, I feel as if I am finally on the other side of ‘it’.

And I know exactly what it is! It is life.

For far too long, I struggled with trying to figure out the absolute best diet for myself and my family to help heal and deal with various ‘little’ things. The big stuff like chronic fatigue, cancer, arthritis, infections, IBS, blah, blah….had all been sorted (the body does have a method) and I was left with, well, the fallout.

For the most part we will heal from the top – down, the most glaringly acute issues will be dealt with first, then all the remaining niggly issues such as pockets of inflammation, imbalance, toxic build-up etc. can be cleaned up one system at a time.

After all these years of slowly inching my way along working on maintaining health, I was quite fascinated to discover that fasting not only sped up this process, it started quite another one…..dealing with the underlying cause of the trouble in the first place.

The lining of the digestive tract….the micro-organisms that keep us alive and are supposed to be supporting our lives here on this planet. My mother-culture of organisms was clearly not working for me or with me….

So, I had to change my mother. That’s right…..if you don’t like your mother….you can change her.

Obviously, what was growing in the lining and membranes of my stomach from my early childhood (the bad mother) was not helping or healing me – it was what made me sick and kept me there.

My gut was never set-up properly from birth – but as an adult it was now up to me to figure this out and then take whatever steps were necessary to change it. And that is exactly what I did through the fasting, detox and cleansing.

Some would say I changed my DNA – and of course, when you alter the bacterial colonies of your gut, this is what takes place. But, far more then that, as a result of my intense period of fasting (with resultant die off of old organisms), the old culture was removed to make way for a new one….

All I can say is that my life (I now have one) is not the same as it was when I started my fasting….it’s not the same today as it was last week! It just keeps getting better – because I now have a mother who is working with me, with every intention of keeping me healthy.

Our guts are not much different then any other bacterial/yeast culture – in a yogurt you will find several beneficial organisms necessary to create the yogurt as well as to keep it going for many generations. Sourdough bread and Apple Cider Vinegar act in much the same way.

When you begin a culture (or several) and then work at maintaining it, keeping it alive, functioning, growing and healthy, these take on the energy, characteristics and vibration of you and your environment. This takes a bit of work too, as does anything worthwhile in life.

This has been the single most worthwhile, healing and life transforming process I have ever undertaken.

I now refer to my gut lining as my three Mothers….or the Triple Goddess and we couldn’t be more alive!


Tuesday 16 July 2013

Perfection in Nature....Honey Bees

These summer days are a godsend….there is such warmth and delight in a carefree sunny day. Actually, the years of rain on end seem like a distant memory for most of us right now (thankfully!) because we had forgotten what blue sky was like.

I don’t know about you, but I have also loved watching summer blossom and come into it’s own this year. Perhaps because for the past few years I have only watched from the window through the sheets of rain – venturing out in wellies and coat to work in the garden.

So, this brings me to my garden – yesterday the most extraordinary thing happened for us…but first I will tell you a story.

We have bees. We like bees and for the most part they seem to like us too. But, there is nothing quite like bees choosing to come to you. With this in mind, each summer we put out our old nucs (bee boxes) with some old honey comb in it just to see if we can attract a wild swarm.

Mostly – scout bees come around, take a look, spend days cleaning out the old comb and then leave. We hadn’t heard about many swarms over the years as the bees are in serious decline, in fact – and they appeared to be getting rarer in our vicinity.

Ever hopeful, this year was no different. We have several bee boxes around the place (the chickens are laying in one of them!) with one strategically located on the corner of my herb garden.

I have been watching a few bees coming and going for the past week or so around the herb garden bee box – which is entirely usual as they check things out. Then they all went away and we didn’t see anything for a full day, until…..

Yesterday almost exactly at noon (it was another warm bright sunny day) we could hear them coming – it was as if I was standing in the middle of a hive. The bees massed overhead in a cloud and then moved over to the herb garden.

In an almost perfect spiral they moved downwards over about 10 minutes or so as they filled the nuc box and sorted out their new digs. In the meantime we were all standing around the herb garden in absolute awe at this entire process unfolding before our eyes.

We tried to get photos and a video – but nothing was charged up enough – and I didn’t have the presence of mind to get a mobile phone. I guess it was just one of those things….

An unbelievable display of the workings of nature – and I am so impressed. 


Tuesday 9 July 2013

A Slow Summer Day and Digestion

When the sun shines, everything gets better. That about sums up how all of Ireland feels at the moment (at least where the weather is concerned!). It is great to finally get some sun, heat and a real summer.

And we are thankful for it. Now…..on to other things! LOL

This week I am back fasting actually (just a little bit) for a day or two here and there. It is the perfect weather for taking a break from food, because it is warm, sunny and easy to manage without spending time thinking about and preparing meals.

Really, now that I am thinking about it – I remember days gone by when I used to live in southern Ontario – and the heat! It was ungodly hot during some of those summers and guess what?

Digesting food was a little more difficult. It was as if my tummy slowed down or something….I just wanted to sip on water and clear fluids – but eating on those long hot days…..just left me feeling uncomfortable in myself.

Of course, there is always a place for food – but as the weather changes outside of us, it shifts and alters on the inside as well. On a hot day such as this, we all feel a little sluggish, we may move more slowly (to avoid sweating!) and feel like taking it easy.

Perhaps this is a great message from deep within the inner workings of our digestive systems (yes we are paying attention). These summer days are better suited towards refreshing fluids and little else…..thus making us feel more comfortable in the heat….

After all, digesting a meal generates more heat in an already hot body….it also uses up loads of energy to try moving food through and doesn’t help with our summer waistlines.

So….it’s back to a little fasting for me. And you know what? I feel better (and cooler) already.


Remember to leave out lots of water for your pets too!