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Thursday 19 July 2012

Halfway On Day 5

Well, it is day 5 - we are pretty well half way to the finish line and feeling well. The one thing that I noticed yesterday was that a weakness in my legs that I would have felt for many years, which is usually there when I am not fasting, had flared up. I kept walking through it as it is more of a 'sense' and a heaviness - toxins. 

So, now this morning I am still feeling lots of energy, looking forward to my exercise and loving the clear feeling in my body and head. Other than my skin being a little bumpy and the heavy legs, I don't have any other detox symptoms yet. Just the dreams! 

The dreams continued last night with me sitting and talking to the 'ghost' from my dream the night before, who had now taken form and shape into a person that I knew. Plus, in the dream I could not open my eyes, I was trying to, but they were itching, burning as if I had been peeling very strong onions or something. Once I stepped outside I was fine.

Then another dream of me ordering food at a restaurant something like a fast food place, while I was wondering why I was even there. And a very significant dream of a person in a wheelchair who believed that he was paralyzed - when I had him close energy leaks he could see that his legs were filled with 'fear toxins' and he was then able to stand up.

How clear is all of that!!! Lots of things moving and shifting for me here - so I am well under way to getting at the root of this block. I am really excited now to see what each day brings as everything appears to be centering around dissolving this resistance in my body.

By the way, last night I actually had so much energy that at 10:30 I was out walking and enjoying the night air. It was peaceful and calm. Today I am planning to do some more creative things to keep this energy moving and to get outside as much as possible. 

Each time I do these Master Cleanses they always prove to be deep, significant and the gentlest way forward on my journey. All I can say right now is WOW, this is really working and something that I was after for many years has come to the surface.

Talk to you tomorrow,


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