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Monday 23 July 2012

In the final days...Day 9

Today is day 9 of our 10 day Master Cleanse and it has been eventful and once again life changing in so many ways. First of all it does feel as if my goal of removing the obstacles in my life that held me back from following my dreams are being removed - at least that is how it feels.

Secondly, if my dreams are anything to go by, most of these blocks have been on a soul or spiritual level which has required deeper and more intensive healing, thus the absolute requirement of a Master Clenase. Perhaps that is the reason why it would only take a detox such as a MC to pull out these toxins and then repair a hurt spirit.

When you are doing a Master Cleanse, your body is solely focused on healing, clearing, pulling out toxins and gently repairing damage done by those toxins. There is really nothing else happening during this time - the replenishment comes immediately after the detox, as well as the balancing of body systems.

This is the single biggest reason to feed yourself very well after the MC is finished, because there is building up of tissues taking place. Which brings me to another point - right now winding down during these last few hours of our cleanse, we are already planning our post cleanse menu and discussing all the yummy foods we will make and eat in the coming days.

Of course there is a feast coming up soon as well - Lughnasadh - so there will be plenty of food being prepared and eaten for the several days of our feast. After an intensive cleanse such as this one, the feast days give us something to focus on and plan for.

Last night I had more dreams, this time about people from the past who I would have considered to be draining of my energy. And the one thing that would have stood out from my relationship with them is that they were hanging around me and my family - looking for love. 

Not a healthy or balanced relationship from the beginning - however these were people I grew up around and they had seemed to always be there in the background of my life at that time. I moved away from ties of this kind many years ago and have been working on breaking these patterns ever since. 

Right now I am able to see the pattern this cleanse has been taking - 

1. open the heart
2. re-connect with my love/passion
3. remove toxins/obstacles blocking the way
4. healing

Overall this is not a bad way to spend 10 days of my life! I cannot stress this enough, doing these cleanses have changed my thinking, my energy field has re-patterned, my body systems are balanced and I am feeling like 'myself'.

There is still 48 hours to go on this MC, so lets see what else comes up to the surface and how it plays out in our lives. 

Be kind and gentle with yourself today,


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