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Saturday 7 July 2012

Another 3 Day Mini Cleanse Done

This is a great way to get some good quality fasting done in a short period of time and to focus my time and energy on a project or something that needs to be done. I really love the level of concentration that I am able to achieve during a fast and I think we are all benefiting from increased energy levels.

Today has been a busy one with getting chores done outside finally (it has stopped raining long enough) and into the garden to do the weeding. I love working in the garden and I will tell you why. It is the perfect analogy for the shadow side of the human energy field.

Going out into your garden is like moving around in the back of your body (the shadow) and when we are out there cleaning, clearing, planting, creating etc - this is just a perfect time to think about the things that are being worked on in our own lives.

For me, I have a medicinal herb garden, now many of my herbs are large enough for harvesting, drying and storing for use in teas. Others are ready to be separated into several plants and thinned out in general. 

What might this tell me about myself? Perhaps that some projects are coming into their own or that some aspect of my life is taking shape and changing into a more useful form? And that parts of myself are growing and ready to be incorporated into my life more fully. 

Have a look at your garden, even if it is a pot outside your door - what care have you given it and what can you do to work with it to create the life you choose to live? 

This cleanse has been bringing up many things for me - with shadow work definitely on the increase but I have also been giving a lot of thought to consequences. This word has been on my mind for sometime and I have applied it to situations where it seems that people are committing crimes or doing wrong without any apparent negative results for themselves. 

Instead the negativity is spread around to many others who then take on responsibilities that are not their own creating a very unbalanced and unfair situation. Those causing the problems are left to continue on without any apparent concern for anyone else. Any of this sound remotely familiar to you?

This has been happening far more then is reasonable and the pattern needs to be broken. Perhaps a good theme for my next fast day!

Have a nice weekend,


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