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Wednesday 12 September 2012

Now into My Third Day! Talking Gut Bacteria....

This morning brings me to day 3 of this Master Cleanse and usually by this point the worst of the adjustment into detox mode is over with, especially the early symptoms and getting used to having an empty digestive system.

And that is one topic I thought worth mentioning because I am asked about this so often. Of course what better time to ponder hunger and empty stomachs but when doing a cleanse and cleaning out the body!

For me, at this point in time, after having done many cleanses and detoxes, hunger has a completely different meaning as well as several identifiable feelings now associated with it, that I never knew before. Perhaps they were always there, however, I was not aware of them and certainly not able to distinguish between stages, senses and the meaning of hunger.

Right now I am not hungry - yes my stomach is sort of empty (on a Master Cleanse I drink a lemonade drink of my own formula), but the tissues of my body are not 'hungry' or even remotely close to starving. There are calories coming into my body, I have good levels of energy and I am most likely burning excess fat.

I have only once in my life experienced what I would term as real hunger - when I did my 40 days Master Cleanse and even then, it was a physical sensation and not a mental pattern. But, it was also part of the overall detox process and my body was onboard with that.

I don't believe that any of us know how to distinguish between these feelings unless we start fasting, detoxing, cleansing regularly and take the time to get to know our bodies at this level. This is an amazing process in an incredible system.

I have found that the hunger I used to experience, where I simply could not wait for food and would just 'eat anything because I had to have something immediately' - was not hunger, that was emotion, emptiness and frustration. 

What is worse, it wasn't mine - it was energy picked up from others, patterns learned throughout my childhood and an expression of hormonal imbalance brought about from overgrowth of fungus, mold, nasty bacteria and vaccine viruses and so forth.

Our bodies have become little factories for biological life forms that shouldn't be there. We are crawling with bugs that wouldn't inhabit our guts and tissues under normal circumstances and when these creatures want to eat - they want it now. 

What is worse, they want junk, oils, fats, sugar (don't all aliens?) and all manner of rubbish for the quickest fix possible. Does any of this sound familiar? 

When we choose or feel compelled or can't stop ourselves from gobbling these non-nutrients we are not feeding ourselves, our bodies cannot make nutrients where non exist. We are feeding this imbalance of non-commensual organisms within our guts, that should not be there in the first place.

However, they have placed themselves at the top of the food chain and are running the show. This is what a Master Cleanse can do - start to break down this detrimental hierarchy, regain control of body function and digestive processes. 

All the while we are learning how to listen to our bodies, distinguish between real hunger, choosing the right foods and of course repopulate our guts with heathy, normal bacteria that work with us, instead of against us.

All this, and it's only day 3!! LOL

Have a healthy day,


Fresh greens from my garden - best way to add life to your gut! 

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