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Tuesday 25 September 2012

New Beginnings

Carrying on from yesterday, I am still feeling as if I have broken through to some newer level - almost as if the clouds have parted somewhat and there is a wide open sky before me. And all that is required of me is to treat each day like a new beginning.

The new beginning is one thing, routine, discipline and consistency are also part of this picture. It's funny how I know and work with my children and their studies with this same approach - routine with homeschool is very important for their learning to establish patterns.

However, I did not always apply this to myself and my own day. Not that my life was chaos, but it could be disordered and disappointing when I consistently put myself last. Of course this did nothing to help me feel better about achieving my own personal goals.

Now I feel as if I am naturally making routines and creating new patterns with each day since I finished my last Master Cleanse. I am just far more efficient with the house work, school work and my writing time. I can clearly see how old pattern were broken and dismantled.

Now, my life is as it should be, where it really all centers around focusing on the children. When I pay exquisite attention to them, their needs and learning - it all falls into place. The main reason for this is because they learn by example, so I have to do things first, for myself and then together with them.

For instance, I want everyone to exercise daily - we have a gym at home (we are each an exercise physiologist and personal trainer) - however, I would tend to go in there alone. For a little while now, I bring the children, they have their own program to follow and we all do our workouts.

The same with school work - I set them up with their lessons, then I have some time to do my own - writing, reading, research etc. All it takes is organization for the most part but also embracing a willingness to create something better for everyone involved.

Today once we are finished the lessons, our plan is to do some painting, drawing or art - until the rain stops and we can get out into the garden. Even the garden is going well - I had to learn to pull back and just let the kids plant, pull weeds and generally enjoy their garden too.

Even if that meant the baby plants were not deep enough, or some broken and at times the weeds being pulled are my herbs.... LOL So what, at the end of the day, I can go back and replant the Brussels Sprouts, however, my children will never have this time or day again - and neither will I.

Living this way, allows me to focus on what is important, to enjoy each day as it comes while I create a better tomorrow. Wonderful.


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