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Friday 31 May 2013

This Darkness is Not Absolute - Let There Be Light

It’s been a great week so far…the weather has been dry again (I am actually watering my garden) with most of the rain clouds passing us by. Of course, when it’s like this outside my mind automatically runs to – will it last?

And then, when I think about it, I realize I have a pattern of thinking like this in so many other areas of my life as well. It’s a ‘it’s nice/good/better right now, but this will change’ sort of negative expectation.

This theme runs throughout every area of my life (all energetic patterns are like that) and no doubt affects me in a detrimental way. Not only does it take some of the joy out of the present moment, this is fear based thinking at work.

I can see the thread of darkness as it weaves it’s way into my thoughts….Will the work last, will these good feelings stay, will things keep getting better? All the while I am bracing myself for something to change for the worst.

We are so conditioned to expect bad news, negative feelings, heavy energy and have poor experiences. Every single outlet or information source spews out the bad and the ugly, with little good.

This darkness seems absolute.

That’s why when we see a good news story (practically anywhere) we jump on it, people wade in, just to taste the sweeter waters and to soak up some rays. Any glimmer of light is like a magnet for the souls who are seekers.

If experience has taught me anything along these roads I have been walking…it’s this; it does get better, it will change, there is so much good in the world, there is a light that never goes out……

We have to change our minds - recondition our guts to think from a higher, lighter and clearer level (through diet, exercise, fasting, fresh real food). Only then will our thoughts shift from low expectations (or none) to higher more positive expectations with everything.

It’s somewhere deep inside of us, like a pilot light and perhaps the world is finally ready for some brighter sparks to ignite that fire. All we have to do is believe. 


Thursday 30 May 2013

Is Worry Strangling Our Creative Force?

I have been having conversations with people and doing some thinking about the concept of worry. It is a strange one….how did all of this worry come about and why do we do it? When did we start (the human race) worrying about our lives?

Has it always been like this?

There are a few ways to look at this habit in fact…one is that it’s only a mind thing. I mean, can you imagine your body being worried about something? Or for that matter, what about an animal spending time fretting….

From what I can see and understand, most other living beings just get on with asking, planning, creating or finding ways and means to get their needs met. In other words, they stay active and persistent (anyone have a puppy? LOL).

But, then there’s us…the top of the food chain and what do we spend most of our time worried about? Perhaps for a good many people it’s about food – what will we eat, how will we afford to buy our food and then the ultimate – how will that food affect us (weight gain, health, energy etc.).

It’s quite a cycle we have set up here! Worry until we have the food or the means to acquire it, then, worry about eating it, cooking it, preparing it, serving it, sharing it, wearing it – and how to get more of it.

And then lets look at this word – what does worry actually mean and where does this word come from? According to Websters', worry means to torment oneself and to suffer from disturbing thoughts….it’s original meaning was 'to strangle'.

Hmmm…look at these descriptive words – we torment and cause suffering to ourselves when we worry. Not only that, we are strangling our creative force when we spend our energy (resources) worrying.

The big question here is how to stop? And of course, what to do about these things that are sitting on our minds…perhaps the first step is to recognize why, when and how we worry.

Then, to begin the process of breaking this pattern….take action. Each time we find ourselves fretting over something, do anything constructive (exercise, laugh, write, sip water, go outside, talk to someone) that lifts us up and out of this debilitating habit.


Tuesday 28 May 2013

Life Happens in it's Own Time

Taking stock of where we are at every now and then is something I do regularly… and lately it seems as if things are changing almost daily…so that’s a lot of pondering! LOL

I’ve spent a lot of time in my life planting, starting, beginning – and now I am in a place where things are finally growing. In the directions I want them to. And this is a very interesting process to be witnessing.

Re-growing your gut is a process that involves allowing lots of time and space for things to grow those deep anchoring roots. That’s one part of it…it also means stripping back to basics all the junk that went before.

And that is the difficult part for many people.

In my own experience, there is not one thing my body, mind and soul is incapable of doing. However, I have to want these changes and deep healing to take place bad enough, to see it through to the end.

Many times before I have watched people give up on themselves and I myself have walked away before things had run their natural course....but, if life has taught me anything - it is to wait it out. See what's around that next bend.

I have watched my body heal itself over the years from the top down and the inside out – and I am only just getting started. Even after all this time. Our body really does re-build and replenish completely during and 8 to 10 year lifecycle…

That for me, appears to be about right for healing and repair to take place right down to the DNA and cellular level. During this (and any) healing process it is vital to see things through to completion.

I don’t know about you – but I’ve got the rest of my life to live on this planet….so it’s been worth taking this past decade to create a healthy body, mind and spirit…because now I have even more time here living in good health. 

Life happens in it's own time.... Let your life be true to you


Friday 24 May 2013

Standing in the Light

Today I am fasting again and it feels right – especially with this lovely weather we have been having. It’s still not overly warm, but there is a sun in the sky and it is wonderful to feel the light all around.

It’s also great to watch how quickly the earth responds to this abundance (there’s that word!) of light. And of course, we must also be responding on the inside as well as the outside to these wonderful rays.

Not only do I always think of ‘life-giving’ when I think of the sun….these days I can actually sense my body’s internal changes when there is light. I can see how important those words were in the bible….

“Let there be light”….we really can’t live (in any sense of the word) without this light. It is more then just about the heat (which is a side bonus) for me it has come to mean growing my internal spiritual garden as well.

Perhaps we take so much of the magnificence around us for granted….just for today I am pondering this light and really appreciating all that it means for my body, mind and spirit.

One thing I do notice is how the animals around us are all so much more relaxed…perhaps because we are? Or are they busy growing and appreciating the sunshine as well?

We are all tired of the rain, but don’t often think of how the little goats also love to be out in the fields and not slipping around in the mud. The ducks and geese on the other hand love the rain…but they are in their own world! LOL

Enjoy the sun Ireland, we deserve it! 


Monday 20 May 2013

Making Room for the Light

For so many years I have prepared for this moment – and certainly over the last decade or so, I have carefully chosen my food and made the necessary changes to my lifestyle as I healed my body. And, right now I feel deep down as if my defences are finally rising and coming into their own.

All of this work has been done on myself (body, mind and soul), in order to be strong, healthy and to have a functioning immune system not to mention all the other side benefits of mind and body connection.

So, why might this be so important you might ask? Good question! First of all, I realized quite some time ago, that our collective immune function (on the earth) was pretty near zero. We have subjected ourselves to so much in such a short period of time, our bodies have been struggling to keep up.

These toxins have done nearly everything imaginable to bring us down and then keep us down.

One thing I have known in my bones for all of my life (I am an Intuitve!LOL) is that there are viruses coming….we (the inhabitants of earth) will have to face something horrific once again.

I say again because throughout our recent history we have been devastated by several plagues, rampant bacteria (TB) as well as flu viruses that have brought millions of people into dark places and kept them there.

We need to be in working order (starting with our physical body) – or else we won’t be able to cope with these nasty bugs. And no, a vaccine won’t do….we can’t keep heaping toxins on top of toxins and wait for health to magically appear.

Where to start with giving your body and immune system a boost right now? Perhaps remove the top three toxins in your diet (look at your ‘addictions’) and find a source of clean, untreated drinking water….

However, whenever anyone asks me what is my absolute top recommendation for health (on all levels and dimensions) – I can only think of one group of toxins that must go….and that is the Deadly Nightshade (potato, tomato, aubergine, peppers, chillies, gogi berries etc.) family.

These carry the energy of death….and are completely contradictory to health, healing and any form of spiritual life. I have been Night Shade free now for several years...during which time my spirit has healed and lifted in new ways and places. 

When walking the spiritual path, all energy must be considered and none is more important then the energy of our food. Perhaps it's time to remove a little darkness, to make room for the light....

Drombeg Stone Circle in West Cork

Thursday 16 May 2013

Working Through An Energy Block - Finding the Positive

Today has been a day of change (again!) not in a huge way…but just the subtle under currents have been shifting around. This of course will create major changes on the surface in due time.

One thing I have caught myself saying several times a day lately is “I don’t know’. Actually this is something new for me, mostly because I firmly believe that I do know, my body knows and the information comes up to the surface as I need it.

Of course this is coming in from somewhere else and is in the energy around me. I have been working away at this block it has created in my energy field (it’s been there for lifetimes) and my body and come up with some interesting things.

First of all – as this block shrinks a lot of old ideas, interests and dreams have come flooding back in to fill the gaps. Some of these wishes and hopes I have long since given up on or thought I could take them no further.

Another surprising element of removing this block is finding out how much it has affected my mind and therefore my thinking. This one particular block has very much been at the core of all my frustrations over the years, especially interfering with my work (we are what we think).

And it has revolved around one person (I was bullied as a child and even as an adult by this person) who has been a constant reminder of just how unsafe and open I was in my energy field.

Now that I am loosening these chains and finding the way forward, I not only feel like a new person…it sort of seems as if I am something different from what I had thought I was (does that make sense?) or only had glimpses of.

And yet, it’s not as if I don’t know myself….I guess what has been coming up to the surface are things I thought about, but dared not dream about. Parts of me buried so deeply, even I had forgotten they were there.

In a way that is the most positive thing I can say about the situation of being bullied – you learn to hide and store away all that is precious to you….once it is safe, it’s like a treasure chest has opened….

An unexpected bonus!


Wednesday 15 May 2013

Working Towards Something....Getting Your Energy Moving

Learning how to pay attention to what is important or even what is happening around us is one of life’s vital lessons. Of course so is patience and listening…perhaps these are all linked in some way?

I often say to people, if you want to know what is happening with you – watch your children, look at your family, your relationships and the people you see on a regular basis. But, don’t overlook your pets and the area (garden) surrounding you as well.

In other words pay attention to your energy field. This is the cloud of energy that is generated and moving (for the most part) around your body. When some part of this energy field is not working in any way….then we are stuck.

Feeling and being stuck is one of the worst things known to our humanity. Our energy becomes stagnant, chronic conditions will develop, anxiety and frustration levels rise and we fail to thrive.

This failure to thrive has got to be the worst experience for us as spiritual beings. Mostly because we know things could be much better, we are more then capable of creating and generating change.

Yet, when this change doesn’t happen – and it carries on day after day, year after year….we run the risk of giving up or worse. Giving in.

So, what to do about all of this I’msostuckIcouldcry business…it certainly appears as if a whole lot of us are in the same boat…well, we could begin by rocking that boat.

Do a few things you have never done before. Be like a tree; aim for the sky, go out on a limb, branch out and grow towards the light. Whatever your circumstances are, there is always a way forward…..

However, this way might be blocked (as in your energy field) but that doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do. To remove energy blocks – get your physical body moving, open your mind by doing something new, nourish your spirit with nature and make some changes to your normal routine.

It does take time, work and effort….but it’s far better to be working towards something, then to sit there in the same place doing nothing.


Tuesday 14 May 2013

It's Time to Change Our Minds....Dealing with Fear

These days my mind is focused on change….and what usually comes along with those thoughts is the deep rooted patterns of fear…we see it everywhere. Some of it we even recognize, however – there is far more that is cleverly disguised as something else altogether.

Recently I have heard it mentioned how brave someone is (ie no fear) when they have done something clearly and plainly 'out of fear'. Such as, have a drastic medical procedure….instead of taking exquisite care of their bodies, getting to know themselves better and maybe believing in their own commitment to health.

Of course there is a lot more to that as well…just ask me, I’ve been there. A few times.

I’ve faced serious illnesses and dealt with it through fear, which didn’t work and then through trust and faith in my body, mind and soul. The proof that this gentle, natural, holistic approach works, is that I’m still here! LOL

So…back to fear. Just what is this emotion we talk so much about, yet seem to find ourselves dancing around…not really ever getting to the bottom of? I think it is based on a healthy instinct (such as the fight or flight mechanism) that has gone out of control….

Or, has this innate, inborn response been hijacked by something (a virus, toxins, caffeine??) where our normal functions are overridden and blown out of proportion. When we are not in control a struggle ensues and there we have it….

More fear is generated because we are struggling with normal body processes which interfere with our mind/thinking/thoughts – and we all know how the overmind can then step in and inflate the least little thing.

It’s as if a tiny ‘normal’ fear/concern/wondering becomes blown out of context into something it clearly is not. Our systems are certainly out of whack and our minds are generating fear when they don’t need to.

So what to do about all of this? Well that’s simple!! It’s time to 'change' our mind LOL…..

You know what I will say to that…change your diet, change your gut, change your body and you change your mind. This takes dedication, time, energy and effort – but to make one significant impact on your life right now, make every effort to clean out your gut.

Get your mind back on track…


Monday 13 May 2013

You Know that You 'Know' - It's Written in Your DNA

I have been taking a mental break for a few days…at least that’s what I think it was! Perhaps I just stood back a little from everything in order to gain a new perspective…either way I have not written down a single word in about 3 days.

That’s my new record! LOL

But, I am back and ready to talk again about this crazy world we all call home. One of the few pleasures in life is to be able to speak freely about the things that really matter to us and which are on our minds.

Of course the way things are right now and this current environment of fear (has it really ever been different?) has us all clammed up pretty tightly. I honestly don’t think anyone says what they mean or mean what they say.

And that brings me right back to where I started from….the point of talking, writing and perhaps even being here is to walk, live, act, work and BE – as if we mean it. Part of that would entail speaking up about things that are important to us.

So many wrongs are done around the planet each and every second of the day – we have mostly turned a blind eye to it. Perhaps thinking – sure, what can I do about it? And for the most part we are right…unless…

We pluck up the courage to just say one thing each day, or to act differently just once in a while – deliberately drawing attention to a situation, relationship, area of our lives where we see something clearly, is not right.

If I was to start with anything in my own personal scope of life, I might say --- don’t think for one minute there is anything that you don’t know…about the world, life, the Universe around us, how to look after ourselves in this place.

And what is to come….

All of this, knowledge, information, ancient wisdom resides inside – twisted away within our genetic fingerprint. Our DNA contains infinite and ample directions or guidelines on everything we need to live fully on this planet.

And our survival during adverse, toxic conditions.

What we need to do is align with nature…after all, the energy of the earth is our own…


Thursday 9 May 2013

Breaking Through the Shadow Mind....

I am fasting again today….it’s been an intermittent fasting week, one day eating and one day fasting. While I time my workouts (and milking goats, cooking, cleaning, writing, gardening!LOL) for my fasted days…it just feels much better that way. 

This week has seen more in the way of change for me – mostly in my mind (it's all in my mind, isn't it!). It’s as if I am breaking through back into the place I was in as a teenager. Which is a time of some great memories for me because I was certain I could do anything! LOL

Such is the young mind….of course over the years this 'frame of mind', thinking and certainty was pulled down, torn apart and held back by my experiences (read: mostly social relationships, jobs, negativity) but also through one pivotal event.

At age 20 or so I had glandular fever. I knew then it was life sapping and I related it back to vaccinations I was forced to endure a few months previously (my system was down etc.) in order to start a new job….

However, I guess I didn’t realize how much this and other viruses in our systems erode away at our minds as well. To be honest with you – in a matter of months after I had the initial infection, I was a shadow of myself.

And I have struggled to get that part of myself back ever since. Physically I have healed my body, regained my energy and come back from a lot over the years. They say the mind is the last thing to go - so is it the first thing to come back in a higher consciousness sort of way?

Either way, it was totally a mind thing that was hurt by this virus – because I knew without a doubt I could accomplish anything, I could be anything, I was resourceful, creative and I was a free spirit. I know that kind of sounds like me now as well….

But, back then, this energy was firmly fixed to my identity – I had no worries about my life or my future. I was here on this planet and I was living and that was all that mattered. 

Only this past week, have I felt that part of me rising up once again, into it's full stature, surrounding  me like a new energy. And I hope with all of my heart, that she takes the lead from now on.


Wild Garlic.....lovely energy

Tuesday 7 May 2013

One With Living Energy.....

What a crazy and wonderful world we live in and there are days when it is both of these things at the same time. Today was such a day, the energy of life has been building steadily while we move towards higher consciousness.

I mention ‘life’ here because the one (higher consciousness) can not exist without the other…you will not become ‘awakened’ with an unconscious gut or anything else for that matter.

Of course, parts of you will begin the process of lifting higher – however this process will stall if the physical component of it is not working along with all other aspects of our humanity.

In other words – if one part of us is to move upwards into higher realms of reality, then all of us must do so. This is an ‘all or nothing deal’! I remember being told this from my intuition years ago – no stone will be left unturned once our bodies decide to wake up.

And everything we do – our work, our thoughts, the food we eat and the company we keep – will either support this process, slow down this process or stop us cold where we stand.

For some of us, walking this journey is the most important thing that we might ever do here on this planet. Throughout our lives and the duration of it, we learn, grow into and become the people we are meant to be.

Fulfilling our unique destinies while we align with our purpose and recover our souls.

But even more than that, we experience what it means to love and be loved – by none other then the ultimate mother herself….the earth, Mother Nature or Gaia. She supports us, nurtures us and gently leads us into full consciousness.

To be awake or aware, enlightened and experiencing higher consciousness is to be one with her energy on this living rock. And it will be quite a trip, I am sure!


Sunday 5 May 2013

Dreams & Visions....

Today has been a great day with regards to change…not that much has altered that I can put my finger on…but things just feel as if they are different. I had an incredible dream last night as well…

Even though I dream something nearly every night of my life, there are times when an incredible dream comes along and you know it just means something special…

So, for the dream!

I was lying on the ground looking up, it was sort of like camping outside in the open, we were getting ready to sleep and I was with a group of other people. Each of us had an individual square of land, like a little plot – I could see everyone (including myself) as if I was looking from above.

The thing we were looking at or talking about, was the fact it was evening or nighttime, yet the sun was still in the sky, together with the moon on the opposite side. In the dream I was remembering the times in my childhood in Labrador when the sun dipped down, but did not set fully during the summer months…

However this sun in my dream was fairly high up in the sky, yet it was sort of dark as well.

Either way, it was a fascinating dream and I have been thinking about it all day even as I kept busy with cooking our celebration meal….but right now as I finally get a chance to sit down – I am trying to sort out/process what it might mean for me.

It was a psychic dream (the ones you have upon waking) – so something interesting is coming my way, that is for sure. Now to see what these next few days bring….


Wild garlic....