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Monday 28 October 2013

Water, Consciousness & Breaking New Paths...

The start of another week and it is still raining. Sometimes I wonder where it all comes from, but then on the other hand….where does it all ‘go’ once it hits the ground? Buckets of rain have fallen over this past few days in this relentless downpour and it still comes down.

So….as a Medical Intuitive, this begs me to ask that ageless question, why? Why do we get all of this rain and why now…why must the ground be nearly super-saturated with water with us all sloshing around and why does this never stop?

Surely it means something?

What if the rain carries something from the heavens downward to the earth….precious much needed energy for the world. What if the rain brought special dust, particles and living organisms from far away….something wonderful to help us on our physical journeys?

And what if these heavenly waters washed away the dark, heavy negative vibrations as they rose up from deep within the earth’s crust….we find it necessary to detox, why wouldn’t our earth Mother? 

Higher levels of consciousness are carried only by water….that’s why it must be living (not interfered with) in order to nourish our bodies and souls. And pretty much everything on this planet contains water to some degree!

All change begins where we stand (in my case, in the rain LOL) and absolutely nothing else on this planet changes things the way water does….it is a force…therefore water is a necessary element for the beginning and end of all energetic shifts in the place. 

Welcome to the rinse cycle…..

Making homemade apple cider 

Monday 21 October 2013

A Wink From the Universe.....

It’s been a different sort of start to the week….almost as if it hasn’t yet begun but, it’s as if things have just speeded up in some way, because the energy has changed. I can feel the Universe today and it seems she is listening, hearing and watching us!

For the first time in a long time I can sense a clearing in the atmosphere around this planet we are living in perhaps the earth has detoxed enough herself right now, and things are changing once again.

The most significant change is that levels of communication between the planets and perhaps the other Universes (Universi?) has improved and is now much clearer. This will be a benefit to us all…..

In ways we can only imagine at the moment! However, I do think improvements in outer and other worldly communications are very relevant as they reflect inner changes for those of us living here on this planet.

One of our greatest downfalls as human beings within our relationships (family, partners, business, friends etc.) is often related to a failure to communicate our needs, wishes, feelings and expectations. We often just keep things bottled up with nowhere to go…..

Then, like any other form of trapped energy, they form an internal energy block within our systems leaving us with something to say and being unable to express it clearly, accurately and sometimes to even recognize these feeling or thoughts as our own.

So, this week seems hugely significant to me….things that haven’t been said or talked about are about to come up to the surface – hopefully in a gentle way for the most part. But, also, internally, switches have been flipped and impulses sent out along our nervous systems.

Now we wait for the return of that energy, with a long anticipated ‘hello’ from afar….. it is nice to be back in the loop!


Rebel Foods market stall in Bantry Farmers Market 

Monday 14 October 2013

Clearing Energy Attachments....Sea Salt & Water

So, this is my 7th week (I think!) working away at this – sea salt scrubs one day and brown sugar scrubs a couple of days later – to clear these energetic attachments that have been around in my life (running or ruining it!) for far too long.

I have done nearly everything over the years to remove energetic attachments from inside of my body and have discussed most of my efforts (fasting is always successful) here on my blogs. But, this phase of my journey has me working away at removing the outer level of toxins from the biggest detox organ we have – our skin.

Human skin is interesting in the way it is our body 'image' presented to the world – sort of the entire face of us. But also, it is our protective layer, a covering, part of our defences (read immune function) and most importantly a living ecosystem in it’s own right. 

Or at least it should be. Because, for most of us, that simply isn’t the case. 

This most important aspect of the skin which makes it ‘easy’ for spirits, orbs, energy releases such as dark entities and heavy energy to anchor onto us, is the fact that we generally believe our skin to be ‘clean’ once we take a shower and slather on some creams, lotions or potions…..

Of course this couldn’t be further from the truth. Taking a shower or a bath in toxic water will not make you clean, nor will it do anything to remove negative energies by breaking attachment sites. This can only be done with clean water (non treated) sea salt and sugar scrubs – literally removing these outer layers of skin each time…..

The key is to disrupt their (non beneficial organisms or energy attachments) communication base – which is especially important in the case of candida, viruses and their associated friends. You can do this on the inside of your body through fasting (again and again to re-set your gut and re-build the natural organisms).

Then on the outside of your body using the same methods….sea salt and something sweet to remove, disrupt and then re-grow the good guys. See….it’s all so simple! LOL


Rebel Rose Bath Salts

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Seasonal Energy Shift.....

What an interesting week we have had after the new moon….this time of year we are in the middle of great seasonal changes. But, perhaps at this time in the history of the world we are also in the middle of great revelations – about ourselves and how the world has been run for us, certainly not by us.

I have noticed how jaded we are, cynical and more then a little unfocused with all that is taking place around us. But, as many of these things rise up to the surface to be revealed I have also noticed another great anomaly of this current age….

There is so much we just don’t want to know (indifference?) or at least I tend to meet someone every now and then who feels this way about themselves and the world around them. It’s such a sad state to be in!

I know I certainly don’t feel that way….I want to know everything about everything and how it all works and then some. LOL. This Universe we call home is filled with wonderful things just waiting for us to discover, re-claim and re-cover –never a dull moment around here…...

Over the years my body has taken me on this incredible journey (and continues to do so) which only gets deeper, more focused and rewarding with each step of this age old path….however, along the way the single most thing that must be pulled out from these spaces is fear.

Fear, there’s that terrible word again, it has taken root and grown so deeply into the light places of our bodies and minds, that in some instances,  we are completely paralyzed (energy block) because of it.

Perhaps the best way to overcome some of this fear is to take one thing that you are afraid of and talk about it, write about it, pursue it and otherwise explore what it means to you and your life here this time around.

Then, once you have gained some new perspective on it, jump in the deep end of it and see what happens…perhaps it’s time to see where you are at on your journey within and certainly to find out if the hope, faith and love you find inside will ‘float’ you onwards towards your goals.

Rebel Duck......