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Monday 17 March 2014

Waves of Consciousness & Full Moon

I am still eating garlic! LOL

So, I finished 2 weeks of 3 days each week on several cloves of garlic and felt fantastic...almost like a big spring cleaning on the inside. Today we are still in long weekend mode, but I plan to get back to doing another garlic cleanse again this week.

It was that beneficial - almost as if this healing food went deeply into my tissues and helped me sort some things out. But, it's been that kind of month so far as well. As if I am in the middle of sorting things out.

Right now it all appears to be at the brain level - perhaps a brain detox is the best way to describe the action of garlic. I have experienced in the past how my head would immediately clear and feel free of clutter - a definite opening up in the cerebral cortex. 

It is an awesome sensation of connectedness and clarity all at the same time.....

However, this weekend we decided to go all out and relax with feast meals and lots of goodies for the kids (well, us really!). And even a ceremonial fire last night to celebrate the full moon (Worm Moon - which draws worms up to the surface to feed the birds). 

I love this time of year, spring is all about life, spontaneous regeneration of physical matter with the earth coming into it's own - doing what she knows how to do best; LIVE. I always feel such a sense of hope and promise for the rest of the year to come.

Right now the energy of the earth feels settled as if she has reached some decision about herself - change is irreversible and imminent - it seems as if a higher level of consciousness has been opened up and is spreading like a mist over the land. 

It's actually an amazing part of the process of awakening that we are all witnessing.... when the earth does this, things will shift, change and move. Positive and spiritual 'Life' only responds to waves of pure consciousness. 

This is going to be a most incredible year of healing and rapid spiritual growth. Hang on everybody!

Fire ceremony with the Full Moon in the sky

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Healing Powers of Garlic - On A Garlic Fast

Right now I am taking raw garlic crushed in food just to generally clean up my system after a long winter. In the past I have used it many times for naturally fighting illness, infection and inflammation. And it works far better then anything else I have come across.

Garlic is an amazing herb and works on many levels within the healing processes of the body. For instance it helps with DNA repair, carcinogen metabolism, inflammatory response, hormone regulation, apoptosis, cell cycle shifts and of course detox. Each one of these are vital functions in our bodies. 

If you are ready to boost your immune response to be able to handle anything that comes your way perhaps you might consider taking a medicinal dose of raw garlic from time to time and especially whenever you have a flu or illness to deal with.

Over these past 2 days I have only taken in several cloves of raw crushed garlic in guacamole (avocado, lemon juice, olive oil, parsley & garlic) on thinly sliced sourdough bread. I have sipped my Apple Cider Vinegar and drank my fermented juices as well while I am doing my little garlic fast.

Last week I did 3 days in a row of the same thing….5 – 6 cloves of raw garlic each day in guacamole on 3 slices of bread and then the fermented drinks. That’s all I took in for each day with plenty of water. 

I also kept up nicely with my running, weights and yoga and generally treated these days like any other fast days. I just had to get my head around ways of getting the garlic into me without a hassle, while it does have to be in food.... so the bread worked perfectly. 

I felt great afterwards and am now doing it again this week....and perhaps next week as well to keep going with this much needed spring clean!

If you wanted to give this a try yourself, I have included some of my notes from my clinic......

Healing Powers of Garlic

Garlic is medicinal when crushed, allowed to stand for 10 minutes and then eaten raw in food. 5 to 15 cloves per day over 72 hours is best when fighting acute infection or illness. 

I would recommend taking it in the same way as any other antibiotic – every 4 or 6 hours around the clock for 24 hours, then every 8 hours, then every 12 hours over the first 3 days to ensure a constant blood level of this potent herb. 

It works best to take the garlic raw for the first 72 hours in oily food, then stop for 72 hours break. Start another 72 hour cycle following the same pattern to complete the healing process. 

This allows the body time, energy and space to shift into an immune response, and use the garlic as part of its’ defences.

Have A Healthy Day!

Garlic ready for guacamole