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Monday 30 December 2013

Keep the Energy Moving


Yes, I know it’s Christmas time and nearly no one wants to talk about or even think about exercise after all that eating….nibbling and snacking. LOL But, one of the reasons I bring this up right now is to remind myself, how there is less guilt involved with all these meals…..

When I get off my arse and do something even remotely close to exercise! 

So, with this in mind I have been making an effort to do something each day – walking, running, weights, skipping, rebounding – you name it, all in an attempt to keep myself in that exercise grove throughout the holiday season (not to mention keep my metabolism up).

And for the most part I am sticking to it – albeit, around outings, tired children, late nights and eating way too much…..but, that being said, I do feel so much better waking up in the morning knowing that I did manage to get in 20 or 25 minutes of physical activity the day before.

Plus, there are all the other side benefits….once I am in the exercise room or on my treadmill, I quickly go into my own little space and that in itself is quite nice with all this intense energy around (these storms are something!). I get time to think, plan and sort out the world’s issues all in one go (talk about shifting energy)! 

So, this time out is good for me – I really enjoy having a little room all to myself even if for a few minutes at a time.

We have had so much nasty weather as well, making it nearly impossible most days for the kids to get outside – so why not burn off some of the energy doing a few activities? The children need to be busy, doing things as well as getting their own down time, part of down time here often includes fun 'workouts' with mom and dad. 

One of the most important aspects of staying active while feasting, eating larger then normal meals and trying new recipes - is the fact that increased physical activity keeps our digestive systems (and bowels) running smoothly. Things just move through more efficiently when we exercise – if we are up and running, then so are our insides!

My own formula for exercise has come from my years spent with a lowered thyroid after pregnancy – it always helps me to do 10 to 15 minutes of activity about 3 times a day to keep my endocrine system healthy. This might mean a brisk walk first thing in the morning, weights or skipping around noon and then yoga at night.

It doesn’t have to be a long session (longer sessions don’t really suit my schedule) but smaller segments of time broken up throughout the day. It helps that nearly everything we do is from home, but even on our days out I find I can achieve some part of this (no excuses! LOL)….

At the end of the day, when I feel as if I have included an exercise routine I sleep much better. I know each day will be different – new day, new activity - new ways to fit it in. But, absolutely nothing keeps your energy moving quite like physical movement, and that's a healthy energy field as well as enough energy to get through the day.

Soldiers Lookout - Lough Hyne

Monday 16 December 2013

Unity in Soul - Ushering in the Solstice

I have finished my fast – we stopped after 20 days, it was long enough and we were ready! LOL

But, seriously, we felt we broke through to the other side of something….into a higher level of this path we have been walking and seeking. So, now is the time to re-build, recover our selves, enjoy the season and eat some wonderful food.

However, today after only a day of eating I feel really well, strong and have been out running. It’s quite a feeling to be detoxed, ready for anything and clear about what has to be done during this next phase of life arriving in the new year.

I have been thinking on these things today as I have been eating lots while working out and getting the house ready for Solstice. This is my absolute favourite time of the year and we have spent the day the sun returns in several locations throughout the years.

Yet, no matter where I am, it’s always nicest to be home, of course, and home is anywhere my family is. 

I find it intriguing how much we are spiritual creatures, yet we can get so caught up in the mundane we often forget it’s deeper connections to these important seasons. Our spiritual selves are actually more accessible, open and in tune with us, as the sun shifts and moves closer to the earth.   

This upcoming Solstice for example, ushers in such an undercurrent of inner soul work with the return of light as well as a festival of great food. This time of feasting has also quite wonderful soul connotations – the beginnings of which are about nourishing all parts of our beings.

After the detox comes the real work of piecing our lives back together, through food, exercise and the closeness of family with the season; we find ourselves – the centre point of our hearts, unity in soul.

Gourmet Seaweed & Sea Salt Blend at my market stall 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Day 16 of my Fast - It's All in the Mind!

Day 16

We are now on day 16 and deep into a detox cycle – which means a full day or two of feeling all over the place, toxic and generally tired or yukky. But, in reality, I have plenty of those days when not detoxing – so, go figure!

So far, we are feeling and doing fairly well. This fast is moving along pretty quickly – it always helps to be very busy of course. However, even if we were just sitting around staring off into space – it’s not so very difficult to fast when your mind is made up.

Which leads me to the centre of things here – our minds are such a useful tool when it comes to doing, well, nearly everything. In the past few years I can look back and see a clear pattern of the times when my mind was not fully engaged in what I needed to accomplish – and therefore it (my plans, hopes, wishes) never turned out the way I wanted it to.

Fasting has changed all of that for me. My mind is on-board with all things physical and spiritual – making it entirely possible to move forward in a fully integrated manner. There is no sense in part of us moving forward - we require ALL of us to be on the same page here. 

So, how would we know when our mind is not connecting in to our dreams or where this plays a part of a larger energy block? – well, for me it was when I spent most of my time feeling frustrated and not seeing the movement I would have liked to have.

In many ways our minds are the most extensive part of us because a mind is made up of and inter-connected to every dimension and layer of our beings. The physical component alone involves every cell in our bodies. 

One of the most important changes I have noticed so far with this particular cleanse is how my thinking is influenced by the presence of toxins. Once another layer lifts off, my entire world shifts into higher gear and it seems possible to get moving again.

Speaking of moving – I am off to get in some exercise – this is especially important in our lives when walking the spiritual path, not the least of which is to remove toxins, but also for proper alignment and energy flow in our body.

No matter what is happening with you – or how far you feel you have to go – each step takes you closer to that goal. You can’t get there if you don’t get going….and there’s no time like right now. 


Monday 2 December 2013

Fasting & Detox - Mirror Image of the Soul

Day 8

Here I am on day 8 of the second phase of this fast on probiotic juice (Rebel Juice) and I am flying through it. For me the key really is to be busy and that is not a problem in my life. If anything I never have enough time to get all that I want to do, done!

How am I doing so far and is there anything that is different this time around….well, last time I only did 2 weeks on the juice and I felt as if I made huge inroads as far as ‘personal’ stuff was concerned, even though it was easier it was still a detox.

These past few days, I jumped back into the fasting so quickly I have all the usual detox symptoms but am still not tired or as cold as I would have been other times. I put that down to the probiotic juice I am drinking too. 

What I mean by the personal stuff, is this fast has all been about how I view myself, my own self -image, thoughts and feelings about myself. Of course, that also means all those thoughts, ideas, opinions from others who have been a part of my life with specific ideas about who I am or should be – well, all of this has to move sometime too, doesn’t it?


So, this time around, the fast is taking me more deeply into this self-image, self perception space – actually, I feel like I am going into my very soul. This is the deepest ocean water I have ever encountered and right now I feel as if part of it might even be totally uncharted because I never know what I will find here.

Yet, I know there is this funny feeling of vague familiarity – I have been here before, but so long ago it has been nearly wiped from my memory. Perhaps for many of us, our souls are a bit like that – hugely vast expanses of space, just waiting to be explored.

I have a sense of knowing that this is the place where I will find all that I am looking for….myself - my mirror image of my soul. 

What you are seeking, is already here.


Barley Cove Beach, West Cork