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Tuesday 25 February 2014

Lacking Energy - Nothing in Reserve….

For so many of us our bodies have been running on empty and we don’t even know it. We never seem to really connect with the simple fact that just like any other instrument, we need to be tuned up, cleaned up and not taken for granted.

So….I have always wondered about this myself….if for instance I am eating right, exercising, resting when I need to, working at what I love doing and otherwise in a few (not all!) healthy and good for me relationships in general – why am I drained or tired or why doesn’t there ever seem to be enough to go around?

And I mean; enough of me, enough time, enough money, enough goodness, enough space and so forth. There just doesn’t appear to be ‘enough’ in me, around me or out there or anywhere else. And what is this ‘enough’ - is it only a perception or is it something else altogether?

However, it’s not like this all the time, only some of the time, like when I am noticing. LOL

How on earth could this even be possible? I mean from an energy perspective, it should be energy in, therefore energy out. Or, in a properly functioning body we should be able to generate enough energy or whatever it is that we need to sustain us and keep us going.

What I have discovered is that there is often not enough life or living organisms in and around us and therefore we are left juggling or pulling on sparse strands of energy scattered around our bodies. In order to have, create and generate functional energy resources, we must have enough life ‘taking place’ in us, to sustain us. 

For the most part, this lack of life is the fundamental struggle we are facing on the planet today. We have taken enough antibiotics to eradicate every living, useful and necessary organism that once would have ensured the health, well-bing and survival of our species and blasted them into nothingness.

So, where does that leave us? With barely there thyroids, poor adrenal function and not much of an immune system, tired, unwell and never enough to go around. 

Or, for many of us, we find ourselves with absolutely nothing in reserve. As well, an entire food group, of fermented and living foods has been eliminated and we continue to sanitize, sterilize and annihilate anything that looks back at us.

Having a life is about far more than each of the things that take place throughout our days….it’s equally about an inner matrix of organisms working with us, in us and around us. 

If you find yourself feeling as if you have no energy, no reserves and questionable health….perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at your ‘life’. 

Fermented Vegetables - an easy & tasty way to get probiotics into your diet 

Monday 10 February 2014

Irish Weather - Elemental Forces At Work

Let’s talk about this weather! 

Here we are in the 5th or 6th week of some wild winter weather like we’ve never seen before in living memory….or perhaps it’s that fabled winter of discontent, or the long night of the soul?

So, this is where we find ourselves, at the mercy of the weather, that great ‘starter of conversations’ the world over and something we have learned to moan about, at least in these northern regions where rain, hail, sleet and wind bring down our moods as the wet stuff hits the ground.

But, when we really stop and ponder these deeper aspects of what this might achieve for those of us living here, well, that is something else entirely. Perhaps it’s even akin to a little bit of wonderful.

I know, you are already thinking, there has been nothing wonderful about weeks of darkness, damaging winds, flooding and damp….unless you are safely on higher ground, have your house tethered to the earth like a ship with an anchor and have ancestral leanings towards the mallard family.

However, when I go to sleep at night with the rain pelting, thrumming and roaring on the roof, the wind buffeting the windows, well okay, the windows bowing in and flexing and then wake up the next morning not to a refreshed earth with the sun streaming down after the storm….

No! This winter we’ve been waking up to the exact same clamour, clatter and deafening noise of the elements let loose on the earth as when we went to bed, if anything, it might have only ramped up during the hours of darkness.

So, this begs the question; what’s this all about anyway? What is the purpose of rain, wind, and an excess of churning changing massive force of nature bearing down on us for all it’s worth?

What if something was trying to get through to us? And we are too busy, fearful, asleep, worried and just plain too thick to listen….what might all of these Universal forces being pulled down around us be trying to convey?

What if they needed us to know something along the lines of the importance of our future here on this planet. What if life itself was carried in those winds, star dust and energies from far and wide arriving, implanting and once again taking up permanent residence where once before, long ago they thrived.

I mean, imagine how important this time in history must be – the earth herself is waking up and the only way she can do that is with a nudge and a shake to stir her from her slumber….

Well then, it’s a good time to be alive, isn’t it?