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Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome Universal Magic...

For a New Years Eve, today has a lovely ending to the year with a soft energy. It really feels as if we have entered into something new - actually the newness started a few days ago...but it's still unfolding as time moves forward. 

Last night my dreams were simply amazing - I always know about energy shifting in a big way because my dreams show me the sneak previews. And it looks as if there is something big coming down the line - part of a Universal change for us all. 

Change is always good news - even for those of us who resist it and like for our lives to stay the same. It actually takes far more energy to stay in one place then it does to move. Moving forward is easy - just try it sometime...

For the resistance to this new energy that has arrived on the planet, your time has ended, the dark age is over and now we are entering a time of light. There is not much anyone can do anymore to stop or hold back this wave - it has already begun it's churning motion. 

At one time the earth's energy centers or chakras moved in beautiful unison within each of us - then something happened (pushing down of the Divine Feminine) and energy stopped flowing, moving and generating as it should do.

Now, with these changes the earth has been making within herself, the core chakras have started to spin once again - and this is great news for us all. This means so much in terms of Universal energetic reconnections as well as physical facilitation of integration.

We are not separate from the earth - she is us. If something has gone wrong with her, it is mirrored in each of us. Likewise when great change occurs, the end of a time of dark magic and the beginning of new, older Universal magic such as we are seeing right now - everyone benefits.

Happy New Year!


Sunday 30 December 2012

Taking a Break From IT All....

It's been a great Christmas so far, in many ways, yet I do find myself slipping back into old habits. One of my biggest ones is not being able to relax fully or even let myself enjoy a few days of down time. I have such a need to keep doing, keep going.

Instead of just being or allowing things to be as they are.

I guess it comes from many years of always being kept on my toes around certain people. You know the ones - they are relatives of all of us. The creatures who show up at your house or worse, you are expected to go to theirs - and then you have to be on your guard every minute because of the awful energy.

Usually the energy is dark, heavy and worrisome. Or to put a description on it; I have been to a few gatherings where the chat would alternate between poking fun (in a nasty way) at a few others who weren't there or signaling out a few who were and attacking them.

For some reason I would not be in the direct line of fire, but I could feel the sharpness of the barbs as they hurtled past me. Either way, it was no way to spend any portion of the holidays and it left me feeling frazzled at the end of it all.

Gossip, negative talk about others and critical talk are very heavy to be around - even if you are not always within earshot of what is being said, it doesn't take much intuition to figure it out. I remember walking into a health food store in a town where I lived (there was only one) and they carried on gossiping about the previous customer who had just left - I was appalled (and kept thinking of that darkness around the food) and never went back.

This is dangerous energy to be slinging around and for some reason these family holiday gatherings seem to bring out the worst in everyone who is so inclined. If you are party to any of this - it will pull you down and hold you there.

Best thing to do is to disengage, clean up your act and walk (run!) away from those who make this type of idle chat an occupation. They are a complete waste of time and energy - and will stop you from enjoying your holiday break.


Saturday 29 December 2012

Access to Sacred Space

The sky is dark in front of me, but light shines through on either side of the cloud bank - sort of that kind of day, isn't it? Actually I appreciate this type of weather - squalls of rain, hail and sleet rolling through, then a burst of sunshine before another downpour.

At last clearing to allow the bright full moon it's escape from the under the blanket of clouds...

The moon recharges us, it brings the necessary light and energy we need to fuel our night time hours and more importantly our journeys after dark. Yet so many pay no attention whatsoever to this luminous planet shining in the sky.

Today, if you can see the moon go outside and walk, spend a few moments in thought and quiet conversation with all you see and feel. It will do you good to get reacquainted with this inner sanctum within yourself.

And if this is something you do regularly, shake up your routine and do it a little differently this time. Take a ritual bath, plan a ceremony and a special meal - we have lost touch with earth celebrations, tradition and rites - in the same way that we have distanced ourselves from our sacred spaces.

This coming year will bring much change - I am looking forward to re-gaining these precious places, we have long been pushed out of our rightful sanctuary and it is time to take them back. Part of having that access will be to use them fully once again.

Perhaps this is a good time to reflect back on the year that was - how our time was spent and to find new ways to carve out moments in these sacred spaces. You will find greater meaning, lighter energy and higher consciousness that you did not even know existed....


Moon at Lughnasa 1 August 2012 

Friday 28 December 2012

It is Time to Live Again....

Today is a full moon and a great day for change or welcoming in the new energy that is coming our way. If you have been working towards creating something new in your life for the coming year, you might see if take root sooner rather then later.

The other changes on the air today have to do with power shifting - perhaps these are fundamentals or foundation laying for the new season to come. There are many people around the planet who have been actively seeking and willing changes for the better - however they cannot take place without a new footing.

And there is a reason for this - it is quite simple actually. The energy is different. Right now is like no other time, era or age on this planet. Things are not the same, they will never be the same and we cannot return to how they once were. 

These changes which have been set in motion move only in the forward direction, yet they will change things for all of time - backwards and forwards. This is a healing energy.

To refer to it as a 'new' age is great, but it is also an 'old' age. The consciousness that once was and had become lost, buried, broken and bruised by those whose purpose it was to destroy, has been found once again. It has always been carried, hidden deep within the cells of humanity....

What is old will become new again. What was lost will be found. Not one aspect of our lives on this planet has been forgotten. But it can be changed.

This is a great year, the one that is coming - finally we all have something positive to look forward to. Those who have been seeking, searching for something better, perhaps something to believe in - will find it. 

It is time to live again.


Nearly full moon from 26 Dec 2012.....

Thursday 27 December 2012

Walking, Talking, Living Souls - On A Journey

It's a lovely morning here so far - the sun is shining and the day holds a lot of promise. Actually life holds a lot of promise, and it lasts far longer then a day. One of the things on my mind today is energy - future or what is yet to be formed.

These last few days I have been witnessing within myself and around me the fallout (or processing) phase of my last detox. This one has been quite powerful and very necessary to my journey. Of course, if you have been reading along, what was coming up for me on my cleanse was resistance, wickedness and evil.

My physical body has taken a beating and I am still here with this cold (it is now a sinus thing) which has me eating copious amounts of garlic and taking it easy (well, not really, but I keep thinking about having a nap!). The most interesting thing about all of this is - the dark energy that is rising up, has been there all along.

There is not one thing new. This clearing involves lifetimes of heavy yukky energy that must move up and out in order for me to change my vibration from where I am right now. I once read that Yoda said all that you will find in the dark is what you take in with you.

And I would have to agree. Years ago I used to be involved in space clearing (sort of like ghost hunting) and the one certainty with this type of work is that in any house or space the only energy needing to be cleared comes from (is embedded in the tissue matrix) the occupants or the owners of the place. 

It is not complicated or difficult to understand at all - if you can clear, detox, cleanse and otherwise remove negativity from within yourself (body, mind & soul) then it no longer has a hold on you. However, this takes considerably more work then just wishing, hoping or deciding to change your mind.

Although any of those are a good place to start. What must follow on from this is the actual physical clearing of your space and then most likely a deeper cleanse involving the soul. Ultimately all of the work we do is about the soul - indeed that is what we are....

Walking, talking, living souls - trying to get our lives back together as we find ourselves on this journey. 


My Whippet outside on Christmas Day...she doesn't like the cold, so the warm weather is great for her

Wednesday 26 December 2012

The Magic of the Season

Well, that was a delicious day! I hope that everyone had as nice a meal and time spent with loved ones as I have been having...Life can't get better then the week of Solstice and an old fashioned Yule time. For me, it's always the food that does it, but there are other things too.

I never realized it until a couple of years after my oldest child was born, but each Christmas that rolls around on the calendar adds another layer of memories. Of course they are mostly associated within those precious boxes that only see the light of day a few days before the season.

At least at our house anyway. A few days before Solstice, the Christmas boxes with all our seasonal memories come out. It's as if I am opening up a time capsule of some sort - there are decorations we made each year - marking the stages and phases of the children's growth but also so much more...

Each year I buy one or two items to add to these boxes - not just anything either - something that really appeals to me in some way and adds meaning to where we are for that year. For instance I have lovely blue glass stars from Galway and a book from my very first Christmas in Ireland with the cut out shapes we still use every year. 

And there are homemade snowflakes, coloured chains, hand made Solstice bells - some are quite wrinkled now and won't be around much longer. However, they will be replaced with the same types of art and crafts. 

What does all of this mean? Perhaps it means the energy of each Christmas is contained in those boxes. Each year with ceremony and in sacred space, they are opened up, carefully placed around the house and another year of love, peace and fun is added.

This year I have considered long and hard what sort of energy we are generating and what might the 2012 energy layer look or feel like. From where I am right now, it looks bright, gentle and kind - and at the end of this season, when all is said and done - those decorations will return to the boxes while the energy 'matures'.

I think we are only beginning to touch on the magic of this season...and I hope you are finding joy in yours,


Each seasonal touch adds to the magic!

Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas to You!

Today is a time for creating that special space for yourself and your family - it's a sacred season and everyone deserves to enjoy it - in their own way. If you have prepared for this time - all your careful plans will now be falling into place.

There is nothing better then to see something which has been dreamed, thought and wondered about - take shape and materialize before our eyes. That's one of the magical aspects of this season, the space for dreams to arrive, take root and grow.

To that end, I am off to close the circle of time for myself - in that sacred place. I hope each of you have a blessed and peaceful few days with your loved ones, or on your own in your Universe...

Happy Christmas!


Sunday 23 December 2012

Universal Kindness and An Open Heart....

The Sunday before Christmas and all is quiet - except for the wind storm last night and the wild energy about the place...actually things are anything but calm and peaceful. If you can read the energy of the earth right now - consciousness is rapidly changing....

And not before time. 

Something very good and wonderful has taken place over these last few weeks and certainly during these past few days - some old, evil entity who has been living around here (earth?) has been uprooted from it's nesting place and is being ousted with each passing moment.

This alone should enable us to see some fairly significant changes in the coming year and even right now around the planet. I like to think of it as wickedness dissolving and good will arriving to take it's place - at long last.

Tis the season after all.

Feeling good or positive and peaceful about living here with each other in the world we have created is not always an easy task. And it does appear to be something we might have to work on with each passing moment.

For the most part we have been mired down for so long in these dark depths, most of us have no memory of anything better. When it does come our way - we have to be prepared for this wave of Universal kindness - with an open heart. 

So, it's not an impossible dream at all - in fact, all it takes is a change of mind - and the rest will follow. 


Saturday 22 December 2012

Holiday Season of Our Dreams....

All I am thinking about today is it's a good thing I am so prepared for our little holiday - because I still seemingly have loads to do! And here I was thinking how organized I am this year....

The thing is - you can be sorted out and have everything in order, but part of the season seems to be about the last minute thought process. This is not about re-thinking gifts or food or anything like that, it seems to be far more about coming to a deeper understanding.

About ourselves.

I wonder how many of us have never managed to have the Solstice/Christmas/Yule holiday of our dreams? And at the same time, I wonder why that is. Could it be that so many 'needy' energy suckers drain the life out of us and we end of just wanting to get this over with.

It might also be all centered around our own expectations - which for me, used to be high and as the days, weeks, years moved on with each season, they gave way to not expecting anything. From anyone. 

And that is just plain sad.

These past few years, I placed my expectations way up there again - within myself and all around me. And I am trusting to not be disappointed (each time, a little more, a little better) - so far this year, with Solstice already come and gone, I haven't been let down. The energy right now, is magical there is so much change and goodness on it's way to us...

Of course, to feel this way right now (and I love this time of year) is a gift - it has taken me years to come full circle back once again to where I should be. From where I sit right now, I know it has to do with the child inside of me - the little person I once was.

And am now again.

Her expectations are coming back to where they should be - and so is the joy of Christmas.


Love is a puppy....

Friday 21 December 2012

Happy Solstice - Welcome to the Flip Side!

Happy Solstice to everyone out there - it's a special day all around and of course it was lovely to wake up on the flip side - to see that we are all still here. I mean, like really, where else would we go? Unless, it was to other realms...

But that would be some kind of feat wouldn't it. To disappear millions of people into thin air - away with the fairies - wouldn't it then be way too crowded in the fairy tree? No, that certainly was not going to happen. Besides, you would have to be of a fairy vibration in order to even get an invitation to their massive parties...

So - it seems we are stuck here. At least for the time being anyway until someone comes up with something better. Like an open door in time where we might be able to walk through (or fall) down a worm hole into other dimensions.

As far as the world still being here - now that is where the change has taken place. The people are here, but the world we used to know and live in, has dissolved and things are now quite different. With everyone around the planet (well, you know, lots of us) focused on change, shift and energy - we did create something....

Some little bit of the evil that has invaded and taken up space in our lives has now been lifted, along with the dark world it inhabited. That darkness is no longer a part of our reality - it is finally passed and we have come through to the other side.

Perhaps now the goodness that resides in the hearts and minds of humankind can take new roots and grow to even greater heights then ever before. In the meantime, wickedness, evil and those on the naughty list you have been put on notice - Father Christmas knows all about you!


Solstice Sunrise in Leap West Cork 12/21/12 

Thursday 20 December 2012

There Are Benefits to Being A Lunatic!

So, it's the day before Solstice and perhaps the most auspicious date to come is just around the corner - of course any one who is preparing for 'something' is being referred to as a prepper or a lunatic.... I personally feel that there is something in the air, however, I happen to feel it's all good.

A few weeks ago someone I know heard me discussing my new goats and our efforts to learn about milking and animal care - I was made fun of and asked if I was preparing for a nuclear holacost. From wanting to give my children pesticide free milk (stretch that to the end of the world disaster) to something catastrophic happening! 

It left me wondering who was the lunatic here - people like me who insist on and then take steps towards providing their families with better food (building stronger bodies) to those who have their heads firmly in the sand telling others a little bit of poison is alright.

So, you can see where my head is at right now - LOL. If you want to be proactive and prepare for an end of the world type of scenario, you can start today by cleaning up your diet. Planting a garden, raising your own ducks, learning a few new skills, take your health care into your own hands, exercise....

Who knows, you might just amaze yourself with all this new information and create a new lease on life by taking things back to simpler eating and cleaner living. The side benefits to being a 'lunatic' are also fantastic - we are all enjoying great health, renewed energy, increased vitality, glowing skin and shiny noses.

Then there is the way our personal relationships have altered - we spend more time together as a family, we talk and discuss ways and means of being more efficient with electricity, water, food and gardening. We encourage our children to come up with new ideas on any of these things we are doing and our homeschooling has produced happy well adjusted kids who are having a ball with life (and a real childhood).

I don't know folks - so far being 'prepared' for living here on this planet is working out for us. How's your life working for you?


The moon at Lughnasa....

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Solstice - Parting the Darkness

Well - we did it once again! This time 15 days of detox in the middle of wet, wild, winter - finishing just in time for our Solstice celebration. We are all so excited and have been thinking about this time for weeks...

I wonder if we have as an entire generation been pondering these upcoming days and this month of 12's for the first decade or so of this century. It is such an interesting time to be alive and of course one of great change upon the earth.

And not before it's time - we are well overdue for major change in every segment, level of dimension of our known (and unknown) reality. What has to shift and move for humanity first and foremost is this blanket of darkness that has been holding us down for such a long time.

This heavy or negative energy is the proverbial evil, wickedness and anything else that fits into this category that is being shuffled back and forth between civilized 'humanity'. It is this dark side of energy that has stuck into our energy fields, causing disease, dysfunction and poverty - and ultimately death of the spirit. 

This is the ultimate goal of anyone walking a spiritual path to find, purge and overcome evil or wickedness within ourselves. It will and does affect us, it clouds our circumstances and wreaks havoc with our dreams - and causes us to lose hope.

Sixteen days ago, I went into this detox with one intention - to get Solstice/Yule/Christmas back - fully in my life with all the traditions that are important to me and my family. The reason I wanted it back was because I have long felt it has been hijacked and interfered with over the years.

Right now it will be interesting to see how these next few days, post cleanse play out - I often say it after each of these detoxes, the real work begins once the days of cleansing are over. So over the coming week I will begin to witness evidence of the work of my body.

This is the miracle of life -  to feel the hope and brightness of the season rise once again deep within my cells - Solstice



Tuesday 18 December 2012

It's Day 15 - Change is in the Air

This is the final day of my December detox and I am feeling pretty good. I have been keeping up with my Yoga throughout this one and I think that is why I am having far less detox symptoms this time around then usual...

However the rest of my life has been moving and shaking as a result of the cleanse, so that's right on target... and I still have this cold going on but it's not too bad. Hopefully it will be mostly gone before the holidays. 

There is a funny energy about the place so far today and I am still trying to name it or sense it fully - what I usually do is walk around outside and connect with nature to get a deeper understanding of what it is that surrounds us from day to day.

Finding ways to remain grounded within yourself is a vital component of living on this planet - especially this week. I can't believe the number of people who are reported to think the world is coming to an end this Friday...

And it has actually got me thinking that I don't really know of anyone who thinks that way (well, there is one, but I won't mention it) so I don't know exactly where this is coming from. Perhaps it's a bit of hype from the news itself, must be a slow week or something.

Otherwise, this is a great time to be alive the earth is raising her consciousness, change is in the air and for the most part, life is what you make of it. I for one am really looking forward to Friday and Solstice this is the start of the best feast season all year.

I can't think of anything better - and such a good reason to celebrate. No matter what it brings....


Glandore West Cork

Monday 17 December 2012

Getting Ready to Party with the Fairies!

Today is day 14 and I am nearly there - just a couple more days to go and I will have reached my goal for this month. Right now I have a sore throat, my voice is nearly gone and I am feeling quite achy -- it might be the cold that the kids had (I'm still in denial however).....

So, today is a new day and I do love Mondays - it's nice to feel like you have a fresh start each and every week. This week is the one we have been waiting for all year - our Solstice celebration is the biggest event at our house - and we are preparing for it moment by moment.

It's not difficult to become a little child like during this time of the year - everything is so exciting. Even the energy in the air is charged with greater good, love and kindness - from the Universe or the Earth herself? 

Or perhaps from some distant star further afield where they might also celebrate something special at the same time of year. I often wonder if all the other dimensions and earth elementals also celebrate in the same or similar ways as us.

The sun's Solstice will occur in exactly the same way for them, and of course it is marked in some special way. Today this was our topic of discussion - as we make our decorations and festive art - Do the fairies, gnomes and earth energies have a tree and decorate?

We like to think so...perhaps their party will be far more elaborate then ours with preparations, carried out in sacred space. We have lost the reverence of this season and disconnected from it's real meaning of the return of the light so vital to all of nature (and us).

What we have forgotten is perhaps our roles in the bigger picture, become lost in the shuffle to and from the shops buying things we don't want or need. Instead it might be far more important for our spirits to spend some time with our loved ones walking and connecting to nature or bringing it inside....

After all, we have a party to attend! 


Hawthorne berries bringing in the sacred energy of the earth 

Sunday 16 December 2012

Resurfacing - Cellular Clearing

It's now day 13 of my detox and it's been quite a week with coughs and colds, little sleep as well as working on getting ready for the holidays. I am tired, have lots detox symptoms but at the same time - so much is moving for me, that I am thrilled!

So, even with one hell of a week (and it's not over yet, now I have a sore throat) and every detox symptom in the book - sore back, tired, bumpy skin, coated tongue, aches, heavy legs, dreams and so on - it's not so bad.

If this is what it takes for me to get to that other side where my life takes the shape I have been working towards, dreaming of and putting in place - then bring it on. I don't mind it one bit. Besides, once this detox is over and we go back to eating, it's as if nothing ever happened.

Sort of like having a baby. Once the baby is here, you quickly forget about the entire process of having it, as these memories meld into other areas of your consciousness and the new experiences begin to take over. 

Each time you cleanse, your body takes you deeper, further into the tissues and places you have been locked out of. I have long wondered if people actually realize the way they are pushed to eat, drink and be merry 12 months of the year - does so much harm to body, mind and soul.

An accumulation of toxins on the inside of your cells and organs interferes with proper function, energy availability and just about everything else. It's like constantly filling up a room with junk (stuff you don't even own) until finally you can no longer get into that room.

I can tell you one thing right now, getting that space back is like re-discovering yourself, finding lost pieces and gaining ground all at the same time. Mostly because what is also deep inside of these areas are parts of yourself you didn't remember you had.

Bringing it all back together in a new way, as you walk the path....


A work in progress....Solstice table so far...

Friday 14 December 2012

Pulling Anchor - Setting the Course for Life...

It's early, another sleepless night - I remember going through life like this for many years and then once I made significant changes to my diet and lifestyle I started sleeping fine. So, this week stands out in many ways and serves as a reminder.

Of course there is something far deeper taking place here and the lack of sleep is only a symptom of it. Most of what is going through my mind over these last few days has everything to do with pulling apart and trying to fully understand this concept of wickedness.

What I am realizing is how much of this energy is acceptable even expected in certain quarters. Evil behavior can be considered funny, amusing, part of someone's character and phases people go through. Yet as we have seen in the past 24 hours - this is clearly not the case.

Evil is as evil does. When you spread evil intentions into the world, you leave a trail of destruction behind you. That destruction may consist of bad feelings, disappointment and discontent in the beginning however, negative energy being what it is, it will fester and anything that festers, grows.

I think we would be amazed and saddened by the amount of ill will rampant these days within our so called civil society. It comes from all levels and underneath every thought oozing out of the pores of people when they are bitter, selfish and vicious.

This energy then sticks to others like glue - and this is exactly what I have been trying to figure out. Why would this dark energy be taken on board so readily as if sucked up by those of us seeking something better in life - could it be because we don't recognize what it is?

Might it also be that we are steeped in it from birth and surrounded by this darkness to such an extent that it's hard to escape? This week I have been tracing it back to other times (and this lifetime) of various kinds of slavery.

We all know the history of humankind - slavery was and is rampant. Sure right now we believe we are free to do as we please and are free to enjoy our lives as we see fit. Yet, we go out to work for others, hating the jobs, often with the feeling we have no other choice. 

To pay the bank for an overpriced house and other necessary 'luxury' items.

Then to soothe ourselves of our misery we eat sugar, drink caffeine, alcohol, smoke cigarettes, overeat  rubbish foods and do far worse to our bodies to dull the dead empty ache deep inside. Ensuring we stay firmly within a dead end cycle of more destructive behaviour and pain.

All of this accomplishes one thing - it serves to keep down the higher levels of human consciousness. Anything that lowers your vibration will anchor you to those who feed off of your humanity (energy vampires) while you fill up on more darkness.

It's a cycle that is about to be broken - and not before time. 


Ahhh... food! Can't wait until Solstice....

Day 11 of My Detox

So, here I am on day 11 of my December detox and boy this is rocking now! All week I have had it easy, thinking this is great (it was) hardly any major symptoms and just rolling along....well now, it's finally moving.

Kids are down with coughs and colds, no one is getting any sleep, plus it's the week before Solstice and I am up to my ears (self imposed) with cooking, cleaning and organizing. Just because I really wanted to do one main thing this time around....

I want these few days to arrive and for me to not spend each and every day standing in the kitchen baking, cooking, planning, organizing and wondering about the meals, treats, desserts and goodies we are going to enjoy.

Part of this is because I love doing all of these things so much - and I want everything to taste divine...

What I would like to happen is to have most of that wonderful food already sorted, cooked, baked, planned and ready for us - so that I can just focus on the main meals but have some idea of each day and what we can eat. These meals are such a big deal - this is our big celebration for the year and of course we are all together for the week.

I don't know about you, but I have days where I spend all my time preparing the food, organizing children, cleaning, getting everyone sorted and by the time I sit down to eat my dinner I am too tired to enjoy it. This is mostly because I am 'catering' to everyone during our feast times and want to make the meals very special.

This year I have thought about it and decided some of our food can be wonderful and prepared ahead of time. This would give me far more time to eat (can't wait!), cook a little, enjoy my free time and perhaps get to read a book, watch a dvd or go for walks in the sunshine (fingers crossed).

To this end, I have been keeping myself busy during my detox - making everything I can think of that we might need, want, desire or dream of during our Solstice feast. I've never been so organized in my life! LOL


Baby pine trees in pots

Thursday 13 December 2012

Finding Peace this Season

Today is day 10 of my detox and I am doing well. Yesterday turned out to be quite an interesting day after all, however, it started out with the energy of something I couldn't quite put my finger on. It took me nearly all day, but I finally could name what it was.

It was wickedness. I even had to look it up to get an accurate definition just to see what I was experiencing. It's as if I had found a thread and now I had the work of unraveling to do to get to the bottom of this ill will.

My day was not altogether unpleasant, I was just subjected to someone's malicious intent, when I wouldn't do what they wanted me to do. Of course, if you know anything about me by now, I have a mind and a will of my own (multiply that by a few in our house!) and I do as I see fit.

That being said, doesn't mean I don't do things for others - I just will not do something that will compromise, damage or otherwise short change myself or my family. At one time - I did, as a matter of course, it seemed to have been built into me in some way...

I always ended up with the short end of the stick and so did my family because I could not say no even when it was to something that could potentially drain me. Well, this week I said no - and boy was there a backlash.

The amount of darkness and evil intent that has surfaced has been profound. Even though this is a difficult part of the path to walk through I am glad it is coming up to the surface (this detox is working!). At least now it will finally clear - hopefully once and for all.

Obviously this has been a very big pattern in my life and I see it in so many others lives especially this time of the year - see if this fits you: 

Receive an invitation to someone's house or to be expected to go out for a social function, grumble and complain about them, not wanting to go. End up going because you feel you have to and then complaining some more about the people, what was said, done or wasn't said.

Does any of this sound familiar? Well, for me it meant tying up precious energy but far more then that, not living in integrity. Who was I really kidding by spending time around people I had no connection with and at the end of it all, I didn't even like. They didn't like me either, it was 'social' thing....and the biggest energy drain in our lives because we are participating in a false relationship.

Perhaps this year be on the lookout for drama, energy sapping social engagements and do something else instead - you might just find a little more peace in your life in it's place....


Cloved Oranges I am working on with the children...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Fallen Angels, Energy Entities & Attachments

Now on day 9 of my detox and feeling tired but very good with more detox symptoms and lots of dreams. And I woke up this morning sensing that something has changed and I finally knew what it was...

It's all about Angels - especially the Fallen Angels who as many of you already know, are running rampart on the earth and have nearly everyone fooled and in their grasp. The main problem is they have set themselves up as the 'good guys' ...

So we have people calling on them, channelling and inviting them into their lives and bodies. Actually there are people calling in anything and everything - entities, ghosts, orbs, spirits, Angels -- without giving any thought to what might show up.

I remember back in the 90's mentioning this in a class I was attending and being resoundingly told that 'it was ok' - only to see those same people make themselves sick (and worse) because of all the energy attachments they had gathered. 

Right now the earth is over capacity with these energy leaches, something is going to give - perhaps this is the 12/12/12 energy shift because of one main event that must now take place; These energy entities are all low vibration attachments. They need human energy to live, function and feed off of....(I know heavy duty stuff this early in the day!)

Once human consciousness begins it's upward climb into loftier realms, if your body is healthy, clear and clean - these attachments will fall away. They cannot go higher, they can only exist on the lower levels of dimensional awareness.

No wonder we have so many frightened greedy people in the world - their food source is drying up.


Knowing how to protect my Energy field saved, changed and is healing my life...

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Rising Consciousness - 12/12/12

Today is day 8 of my December detox and to be absolutely honest - other than the fact that I am cooking, baking and not eating the food I prepare - I haven't really noticed anything about this detox. Maybe it has to do with the time of the year and being so busy with everything else...

But time is flying by here and it seems like nothing. Yet, underneath the surface, I know things are bubbling away and this might prove to be the deepest, biggest and most life changing cleanse yet. But, then, I say that every time don't I?

Or, might it be that when I do these cleanses each time I strip off another layer, go a bit more deeply into issues, energy and patterns - that it's enough to significantly change/alter my outlook, existence, physical reality and frame of mind each time. 

Today I am feeling pretty good. I didn't sleep much last night, but it had nothing to do with the detox, and everything to do with my latest holiday pudding concoction (Sticky Date & Fig). It took far longer to steam then I figured it would however, by the way it smelled and looked, it might be my best one yet! 

So, I am still busy preparing for my favourite time of the year....but also giving some thought to these dates which are fast approaching. Tomorrow is 12.12.12 - very powerful numbers and I have always paid attention to them.

I remember the days of having a digital clock in my room - and being woken at various times consistently. 3:33 was the main one along with 5:55... I got used to the trigger points numbers bring up for us and have always kept an awareness around them.

I feel tomorrow will bring in some new energy - I have always felt that it has to do with higher consciousness. Each of these changes taking place on the planet from the wars, unrest, recession, banks stealing everything... all geared to keep consciousness (cellular vibration) at a low level, have failed. 

Consciousness is rising - those who are resistant to that have already lost their battle. You can't keep us down - the earth will find a way to lift us up.


This book is available on Gumroad for those who don't use Kindle 

Monday 10 December 2012

Going Off Grid - Energy Shift

Today I woke up and felt the need to challenge myself a little bit more than I do already, mostly because I love a challenge but it also wakes up some more brain cells. Perhaps what started this off was yesterday - we went off the power grid for a few hours....

We have a generator and wanted to test it out. It's always a good idea to know that these things will work when or if you need them. But more then that, it has long been a goal of mine to get off of the power grid and generate our own electricity.

So, with this in mind we shut off the power and went completely on our own steam for the day. Which meant I had to be careful and knowledgeable about our power needs and usage. It's quite a learning curve and was the topic of discussion for the day.

For me, it was an even bigger task, because I was determined to carry on with some holiday baking without an oven. I ended up doing lots of research and reaching deep back into my own past (summers spent camping and living on food we caught or hunted) and made some wood stove scones.

It was great fun - and we plan on doing it again soon, just because the energy of the house was so nice, for the entire time we were off the grid. Now, it might have been that we were a little excited about doing something different or it could be that being connected to anything outside of ourselves always brings in outside energy (and this being 'foreign' to our own, never quite feels right).

Energy flows two ways - it is always like this, if something is coming in (taking something on board), then something is equally moving out (losing or giving something away). This is the basis of all Energy Medicine and something I have studied, worked with and written about in depth for the last 25 years or so.

Right now I am still processing all that I did and didn't experience yesterday and will write about it as the days unfold. From where I am standing right now - yesterday was one of the biggest eye openers I have ever had.

And I have had one hell of a life up to now....


Summer Roses....

Sunday 9 December 2012

Dealing with Resistance - Purpose of Fasting...

Today has been a busy one so far, Sunday usually is around here. After we took the goat's for a walk, things settled down enough for me to get some baking done.... Yes, the goat's love to go for a walk, on a leash and have a chance to sample some of the brambles growing by the stream...

So, I have been baking up a storm (as per usual during a cleanse) but this time I am pushing myself to make things I wouldn't ordinarily eat. Such as mincemeat pies, Christmas Puddings (or any puddings) hoping to either extend our tastes or at least keep my baking new and exciting.

And as always I am feeling so much resistance to trying out these new recipes, ideas and skills involved in cooking new dishes. Of course, this being a detox, I have nothing else to 'digest' other then these issues, thoughts and emotions that are coming up to the surface.

That is indeed the entire function of not having food in the digestive tract for a few days - all the deeply held and long buried 'stuff' can rise up and be dealt with. Today is day 6 of this detox and other than experiencing so much resistance, I am feeling great.

I have some of the usual detox symptoms, my legs are heavy, my tongue is a little coated, my skin has been bumpy and my hair is dull (to me anyway). Yet, yesterday I was told how well I looked and asked what my secret was....

Errr....10 days fasting each month? Or all the organic food? Or the clean water... personally, I think it is  tipped in favour of the water, as I have only drank unprocessed well water for many years. Immediately after I changed my diet and started only drinking this kind of water, my skin started to glow (this after years of agonizing over spots and bumps, to find out it's the water!).

And my dreams right now - this bears mention because they are wild. Last night I had everything from a man with zebra skin with an animal growing out of his shoulder, to another person with a being protruding from their stomach and someone working on an electrical system. 

In one of my dreams I was angry with someone whom I had to constantly clean up after (memories from my childhood) and was doing quite a bit of yelling at her to pick up her mess. And what a mess it was! I woke up wondering if I have still to detox all of that out....LOL

Onwards and upwards


Glandore Sailing Club - in the summer 

Saturday 8 December 2012

Energetic Alignment & Integration

It's only early in the morning right now - day 5 of my December detox and things are going as they should be. I am muddling through all of these feelings, thoughts and memories of times past - but more importantly I am dreaming of what is to come.

Last night I had dreams all night about food, but not just any food, more specifically, the types of foods we would only eat at Solstice, Yule and Christmas time. I dreamt of cooking turkey, wild game and fish in fancy dishes and then serving them up...

What was interesting was there was a person in my dreams who I would never have thought of as negative - until this moment. I have only now realized how dark and heavy his energy was in my life and how he was such a fearful presence.

I thought this was an interesting twist on things, because he ended up staying behind - fearful of moving on with his life. Perhaps he is still there...

Right now I am working on understanding the symbolism of all this and each person or what it is showing me about myself. What part of me is fearful of moving forward, what part of me has stayed behind by choice or any other means?

Now my task would be to bring all of my-being into this present moment - moving into the NOW is the process of integration, which is an energetic alignment. There is a lot of talk about it, even therapies devoted to it, however, I would not let anyone interfere with my cellular integration.

Our bodies know exactly how to do this, what is needed to be achieved and it takes place if and when the space opens up. An energy field has a simple function - all that is required of us is to feed our bodies properly, exercise and believe that we are more then capable of this work.


Schull, West Cork 

Friday 7 December 2012

Breaking Through the Negative Holiday Vibes...

Well, something that I have neglected mentioning all week - mostly because I was keeping a low profile and working through lots of dark Christmas energy - is the fact that this is day 4 of my December cleanse.

I am back detoxing (and I feel pretty good about it) working through negativity around Solstice and the general holiday season. I happen to absolutely love this time of year - so all of this heavy stuff that I am walking through is not even mine!!

But, picked up along the way throughout the course of my life....

Perhaps you were fortunate enough to grow up with people who loved this time of year and went out of their way to make it an enjoyable time for everyone. The sad fact is that there are many who do not like it for one reason or another - and some of them are determined to pull everyone down with them.

That sum's up the house I grew up in and needless to say, I have worked very hard to create my own holiday spirit. 

Every year I finish this season thinking the same thought - that was the best Solstice, holiday season ever and next year it will be better again. I spend my time baking, cooking (and eating!) but also thinking up new ways to create traditions for our family or deepen the ones we already have. 

Yet, more often then not, I encounter people who are so negative about this time of year and are determined to spread that gloom around. I have even had to fend off a conversation that went something like this;

"I hate Christmas. You always seem to have so much fun - I'm coming to your house so I can soak up that energy". NOT! (This was from a family member just after my first child was born - and I made it quite clear they were not welcome to spoil my family time)

So, what am I trying to say here? It's actually quite simple - this is a precious time of the year, some would even call it holy. It certainly is all about close ties, love, good food and nice feelings. I for one protect my little space throughout the holidays and keep the energy free and clear.

It's not difficult to do, just a little planning and you can break through any negativity that has invaded your space....this detox is going great!


Homemade pickles - ready for the Holidays! 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Dealing with Negativity - Run!

There's that word - it even feels nasty to say it - negativity is a dirty word with a lot of dark, heavy and twisted connotations attached to it. Yet we use it all the time, to describe moods, people, places and those dark clouds that seem to hang around certain people (and us)....

I have gone to great lengths in my own life to remove myself from negative or detrimental situations and relationships. And over this time there are two things that stand out most about dealing with toxic people - one is that there always seems to be some new or insidious way they get into your space and secondly,  I have noticed how some people hang onto negativity.

Both of these areas are quite serious mostly because of the profound affect they have on us as human beings. Remember your energy field? Well, this is the main region damaged as a result of 'others' fear, worry, stress and general destructive behaviour. 

Our energy fields pick up others energy when we are leaking or full of rips, holes and tares - and let's face it, due to toxic exposure, poor food choices, lack of exercise and general care - we are each one of us leaking significant amounts of energy. Just by living on this planet. 

Negativity erodes away at your person, eats into your energy resources and drains you of all that is good in your life. It takes your light and eventually it will put it out...

But, the worst thing is that this can be so subtle - someone's fears, slights and half completed sentences hanging in the air - seeping under your skin, lifting away layers of your protection and sticking like the barbs of a fishing lure into your softness. 

The worst type of negativity for me has been the unsupportive comments, the undermining of my hopes, wishes and long held dreams for my own personal life and family and then my need to downplay my own expectations or achievements. These are precious and I hold them close to my heart... 

However as time has moved on I have been implementing many of these plans (in spite of anyone else)  and allowing my life to fill out with the framework of my hopes - it has become obvious what I am trying to achieve as I fill the barn with animals, grow my own garden and homeschool my children. 

And there are many little things (some not so little!) in between that provide even more structure and support for my aspirations. Not one aspect of our lives, the way we live and the dreams we have should be up for discussion. Don't ask anyone's opinion (of your heart's desires) and don't entertain others negative input. 

This is our life, our one shot at waking up, and I, for one, plan to develop it and live it as I see fit... and so should you. It's best for everyone to walk away from these destructive situations and cut any ties that bind you to someone's darkness and damaging behaviour. 

Then take significant steps to clean up your own.

Puss waiting while I plant herbs...

Wednesday 5 December 2012

An Older Form of Earth Magic

Well, it's only a few short weeks until Solstice - my most favourite time of the year, and the day the light comes back to us all here on earth. I always think back to some of my celebrations over the years - I have spent Winter Solstice in many places (Canada, Labrador, Iceland, Holland, Paris, Ireland to name a few) but none has been better then right here...

For some reason, perhaps it's because I have changed as well as the different earth energy these days - each year gets better, we are far more in touch and in tune with ourselves. Therefore we are noticing our deeper connection with the earth and all her seasons and cycles. 

An older form of earth magic...not remembered in living memory - only accessible in the further reaches of our beings.

Right now there are a lot of people around the world waiting for something - a shift, an awakening perhaps, but some sort of difference to be made in their lives with the approaching 12/21/12 date. I hope that they realize change is not something you wait for, it's something you do.

If change is what you are needing, it all starts with you. I remember realizing this so profoundly many years ago - and knowing that I was the one who must do the work, put in the energy and effort and start with myself before I could hope to make a difference in anyone else's lives.

Of course the more you walk this path and the further in you go into your own tissues, organs and cells - the more you realize that your own journey is all that matters. Once your life becomes the path and all you do (to walk it) is the journey you are on, a shift can take place.

Once this integration of mind, body and soul begins to happen your life can and will change. Your dreams will become your reality and your inner connection with this place we call home will deepen with total understanding of who you are and why you are here. 

All you have to do to get there is stay the course, keep moving forward and keep learning as you go...because you are the change, you are what you've been waiting for and you are a specially designed being walking in tune with the earth's rising vibration. 

That shouldn't be too difficult? LOL



Tuesday 4 December 2012

Closing Your Energy Leaks - Working in Your Own Energy Field

There is a lot of movement taking place energetically on the planet right now - like no other time on earth in fact. The shifts and change are imminent, necessary and much longed for. Even if they will cause upheaval, hardship and in many instances completely alter the course of our lives...

The only constant in our modern world is change and while there are so many of us who seek it, work at creating it and expect it - there are perhaps far more who exert an equal amount of force and pressure to stop this forward momentum.

Once upon a time I would have said that they did this without knowing what they were doing. But I have since come to a different conclusion. I happen to think that people know exactly what they are doing, who they are deep down and what their lives have made of them.

Whether they want to acknowledge those truths or not is quite another matter altogether. But, they do know and they are conscious of what they are doing. I am feeling as if the earth is up against this very same pressure at the moment...

There are those of us who will move forward, taking the good with the difficult and working at sorting it all out as we go along. Then there are those who will fight us every step of the way - blocking, upsetting, interfering and otherwise frustrating our progress.

My favourite word here is - overcome. It is up to us to find our way forward through these difficulties - and yes leave these people, situations, associations and relationships behind while we work at dissolving these areas in our lives.

Any place where we feel or experience being stuck is an energy block - simply put, energy no longer flows or moves appropriately in those areas. There will be a physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic layer to this block - each linked back to one another. 

The best way to start? Choose an area of your life and start taking steps today to break down and remove the block - I work on all dimensions at once but you don't have to do it as full on as that. It won't happen overnight either....

I have mentioned many times, I started out by being taught by my body how to work within my own Energy Field - I call this technique Closing the Energy Leaks(c) or Windows. What this does is begin the process of clearing debris from your electromagnetic field and making more energy available for your use. 

It will also enable you to focus on your own life, disengage from things that hold you back and start to move forward. I have even used Closing Energy Leaks to control is that powerful. But remember, these things have taken time to build up and will take time to re-pattern....

If you want to know more about working within your own Energy Field get my book, it is a workbook and will walk you through your own energy field. Or book a session with me to get you started....


Closing the Energy Leaks(c) - workbook