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Sunday 30 June 2013

Sitting On A Star....A Place to Reflect

It’s been a long week for me….I have felt really off the trail in some ways – as if I am ‘out there’ right now – very far away from home. For the most part, I have always been very far away from my roots….but not like this.

This week has been up and down energetically speaking. And I am feeling quite tired as a result of it all. Or perhaps I am tired because I am putting in some long days in the garden….have taken on another market day and have extra projects at home!

Right now I am trying my hand at several new things such as incubating a few eggs to see if we can get them to hatch. As well I am spending more time down in the barn with my animals….

I feel my level best in one of two places on a nice sunny day….in the garden pulling weeds while listening to the sounds of the children around the place. Or, in the field with the animals just watching them.

There is something so peaceful and grounding about these spaces and sounds around me…and of course they are not separate from each other. In fact the children, the garden and the barn are in relatively the same vicinity (you get one with the other!).

Yet, I am drawn to this domain whenever I need quiet, reflective space – so I guess that about sums up my past few days. Feeling quite pulled up and out there – in need of grounding.

My journey inward has taken me quite deep into my own cells – I can sense the vastness of the Universe through me. It’s a bit unsettling (and exciting!) for someone as earthy and grounded as I usually am….however…

I know the ancient mariners navigated by using the stars as their guide….it is time I learned to do the same.

Hanging on a star,

One of my geese with her babies....

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Spiritual Blocks.....It's All in the Energy Field

Most of us are fairly astute when it comes to how we are feeling….even if we think we are detached and our lives are out of our control – there is always some piece that remains fully intact.

This part of us strives to maintain contact no matter what the situation or circumstances we find ourselves in. This communication is critical and extremely important….it’s the open line that saves our lives – time and again.

Here I am back to thinking about this whole concept of internal communication, it is such a vital component of our lives here on this planet. Yet so many of us find this one of our biggest challenges.

And just what is so important that we need to say it very clearly and what exactly are we saying and to whom? (Now you know what goes on in my head! LOL)

I guess for the most part, there is so much ‘not said’ that sits in the air around us, sort of free floating in our energy field. I should know….as a Medical Intuitive it’s what I do – read these words like a book.

Yet, it isn’t necessary that these messages from inside our bodies, need to be reabsorbed back into the tissues either, they can and do just hang around…however, they do need to be ‘received’ – and this appears to be the communication break down that so many of us have.

Of course when there is a disruption in communication within the internal mechanisms, this can interfere with nearly every function within the body. Not to mention our main spiritual focus right here and now – higher levels of consciousness.

In order to access this sleeping giant of greater awareness and wake it up….we need to be able to at least listen, hear and understand – very clear instructions from our bodies many internal comm ports.

In other words….our nervous system needs to be on speaking terms with our endocrine system which needs to be monitored by our immune and digestive functions….it all works together, feeding back into the whole.

The ultimate goal of our existence here on this planet is to get back to ourselves….to what we once were. To remember why we came, pick up the shattered pieces of our souls and to use this like a key to turn on our conscious selves.

The good news is; you already know how to listen – perhaps the lines just need to be cleaned….Detox anyone?


Wednesday 19 June 2013

Fasting - An Adventure in Spirituality

Today is day 3 of my little fast....I have only been fasting off and on for the past few weeks and felt I needed to dig a little deeper this week. I am, on day 3 already and feeling pretty good so far. Of course the 'worst' is now behind me in terms of the adjustment phase!

And as usual, I am busy wandering around tidying up, sorting out, cleaning and clearing - the usual things to be doing during any cleanse. And it feels great to be back in the swing of things as well...each time I do this I re-gain space...

By this I mean - our old diets and lifestyle of processed foods, medication, stressed out working days and all the ways we abused ourselves...pushed us out of important places (aren't they all important!) within our bodies.

Fasting...detox....cleansing -- is all about retaking that spiritual space (mitochondrial DNA). And what an adventure it is!

So, today is day 3 of taking back some of the deepest space I have ever found myself exploring inside of my own body. I am always amazed and thrilled each time I do this...there is so much to discover about myself and what we as human beings are capable of.

Right now - I feel as if I have walked through a new door, this one is not like anything I have ever encountered in this lifetime. But I know it's a place I have always dreamed of....

If you haven't started a fast (cleanse, detox, Master Cleanse) have no idea what you are missing - it's all there inside, it has always been there and it's all yours.


Sunday 16 June 2013

A Shower of Blessings - A Universal Hug

It’s been another few days of fairly steady rain – of which I am attempting (and mostly failing ) to be philosophical about. I mean, it’s only rain and clouds and wind and the sun is no longer visible….so...

However, the air is really something else altogether! It’s light and fresh and uplifting. Today we were walking on the beach (soaked to the skin in 3 minutes) just to get a feeling for this ‘out take of breath’ blowing in from some far off place.

It’s like an elixir. Of life. A blessing....

The earth, no, something bigger and more far-reaching – the Universe – is releasing a new wave of energy I have never felt before; in this lifetime anyway. It’s as if a star has exploded around our solar system and these tiny particles of fairy dust are embedding themselves into our souls.

When I look around me or read what is taking place on the ground it’s often difficult to retain my focus on what is real. Often the darkness can pull at you and suck you into it’s hiding places.

But when I stand back (further some days than others!) and ‘feel’ instead of look and sense instead of ‘analyse’ – the magic is plain to see. Our lives are being affected in the most positive ways by a huge surge of energetic waves.

It’s like a giant Universal hug!

So….back to the rain, the wind and the clouds – the silver lining has been falling for days, washing over us like a breath of clean air – reassuring us, the Universe is alive and dancing in the light. 


Wednesday 12 June 2013

Spiritual Insecurity - It's a Big Club

A fairly interesting phenomenon occurs whenever a group of similar minded people are gathered together – a form of spiritual one-upmanship. I’m doing, thinking, being, walking, talking – far more spiritual 'talk' then you.  

This ‘I’m more spiritual than you are’ thinking (as if living this way is a competitive sport) has become so commonplace – it is the accepted norm in the industry. If you can talk it, you don’t necessarily have to walk it.

Then there’s my personal favourite, ‘I’m the GURU’ (so bow down) spiritual person who needs a following, an audience and show – as if what they are doing is part of some great - Universal Production.

For the life of me I don’t know, how you can look your best when your life is falling apart? Because that is exactly what’s meant to happen (YES!) once you decide to give your life a spiritual makeover and move on to higher ground. (Try it and watch the ground shift beneath your feet)

Truth be told…walking a spiritual path is not always pretty, it’s often not that much fun and it’s damn hard work. If you are following your heart (body, mind and soul) the roads you may find yourself on are treacherous, steep and exhausting.

Of course, the milestones, goals and goodness to be gained – may well balance this out in the end (this is the plan LOL). However, the most important thing to remember here, is that this is your journey (and an education). Don’t let anyone take that away from you.

You know everything. You are everything and you always have been a powerful, amazing human being. If someone even hints that perhaps you don’t know where you are going or how to get there….I beg to differ.

This ‘we don’t know anything (we are sheep)’ sort of thinking doesn’t sit well with me. We are not lost, we are not unaware and things will reveal themselves as we move along. Our spiritual map is a living, driving force deep inside our human DNA.

Besides, this is not an exclusive spiritual club! Anyone can join, all it requires of you is a clear intention with an open heart….and then listen, watch, pay attention, take care of your body, work on your mind – and your spirit will guide you home. 


Monday 10 June 2013

And Now for the Rinse Cycle....

It’s Monday (never a bad day for me!), the start of a new week – and it’s raining outside. This is a big deal right now – because we have had 3 weeks of sunshine (is this a record?) and today I am going through sunshine withdrawal.

Even though we need the rain to water the gardens and the grass….the sunshine was so nice, the top up of vitamin D was even better and now I have been reminded how much I do not like damp cold weather, at all.

So, what’s the moral of this story here? Change ushered in with a shift in the weather or it’s time for a good cleansing or good things come to an end…hmmm….

I think it’s a cycle – and we are finding our new pattern of life (living, clearing, shifting, growing). The rain is part of this overall new order in the same way we require light, darkness, seasons and space.

Over these past few (how long has it been?) years we have seemingly had no seasons, no warmth, no light and little comfort. When it (the brightness) came back into our lives again, it was as if all was right in the world…it’s difficult to think of what living would be without it.

Now that we have entered the rinse cycle, it’s the time to remind ourselves, the sun and warmth will be back again shortly because well, it’s summer!

But, I can learn to enjoy a little rain (now and then!!) LOL


Marigolds in my garden

Friday 7 June 2013

Love Endures All Things

I am sure we are all enjoying this sunshine….right now it just seems endless. I had forgotten what it was like to wake up in the morning to sun, blue sky and dry air. It’s so nice to have it back, even for a little while.

We deserve this weather (and many more weeks of it!) after all these years of rain, storms, wind (and more rain). I remember a couple of years ago, the entire month of July it rained – 31 consecutive days.

It was torture. It was cold. We have missed the sun and the light.

Of course, by no means are those rainy days behind us, completely. But, something is. Whatever it was that had cast it’s dark spell over Ireland, has shifted – we endured and now have broken through into the light again.

I am reminded here of my favourite saying in the entire world – and perhaps my favourite word too….

‘Love endures all things’

I even have a stamp with these words written on it and have them placed in strategic locations around my work space to remind me of the force love is. It also reminds me of the key word here in this phrase.

And it’s not love! It’s ‘endure’ – which means to be patient, to tolerate and to carry on without yielding. But, the most important thing here is the root or origin of this word…endure means to make solid.

To me, this has always meant that only love can bring our dreams into this reality…a wish becomes a dream, this then becomes a plan – it takes love (and patience without yielding) for that wish (dream, plan) to solidify or become real in this dimension.

To endure – looked at in this way, to me, has always meant to create. It actually requires love (do what you love) to really create something worthwhile on a solid foundation.

Love is a force all on it’s own. 
