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Thursday 31 January 2013

Make Room for Change...Step One....

It's been a busy day all around and I am only getting to my blog now...but it's also been a good day - although progress can sometimes be hard work. We are moving right along from our fasting days having already switched into a little food day.

Late yesterday and early today we transitioned onto our juices and got our well cleansed guts going once again with some yummy homemade smoothies. This is the only time we really drink them - so it's always such a treat.

As usual the days after our fast are quite intensive with all the old (and soon to be new) patterns merging to be both broken and re-aligned into something far better and healthier for our lives. Right now I can see some changes that are likely to be made in the near future for me.

One of my biggest patterns to be worked on has been overall resistance to even moving forward at all - which was a physical thing - I could feel it in my body and have been working at it all month to both release and resolve.

The Yoga has done wonders, taken together with the days spent fasting and detoxing - proving to be just the right combination to get deeper into both the tissues and the issues! LOL Never underestimate the power of your body to undergo a transformation process when necessary.

Speaking from my own experience, our bodies seek change - in a healthy direction of course and only want what is best for us. With the goal of keeping body and soul together on the same plane. Or perhaps it's to reunite these missing, broken and pushed down pieces of our beings once and for all.

It's still early days after this fast, however, the most important thing is to have created the space for an energy shift to take place. Once that room is made in your life - Universal energy not liking a vacuum, will quickly move to fill in this void. 

Detox, cleansing and energy work ensures it gets filled appropriately - integrating some higher aspects of ourselves. And that, is what makes all of this worthwhile.



Wednesday 30 January 2013

Seeing Things Through to the End....

Here I am on the final day of my detox and things are feeling pretty good - my leg is nearly better, the detox symptoms are winding down and so am I! Right now, I am really looking forward to eating and moving onwards and upwards...

Of course, I have mentioned many times how the real work of the cleanse may indeed take place during the days spent fasting - however the first few days back into the swing of things after the cleanse is finished, appear to be just as important.

I always look forward to this transition period to see how and what changes take place for us. It is sort of a settling time where the things you have been working on or manifesting can fall into place and take root or take off. 

And what a vital aspect of living that can be - such a representation of life as we know it on this planet. When we work towards something - be it in any area of health and healing or business and so forth - we must also provide the space (and time) for things to shift and move into place.

When I look back over my own life - I can see how often I would have cut myself off or stopped far short of my own goals. No matter what they seemed to be - it's as if I was programmed to give up or settle for less....

What naturally followed on from that was to lower my own expectations - not only from myself but also from the Universe at large. But then, I spent my time knowing somewhere deep inside of me that I was capable of greater things and so was the Universe, but they (and I) always seemed to fall short.

Well, of all the changes that have taken place in my life, one of them was when I decided to see things through to their end. So, I have proven it to myself over and over again - I will see 'this' through to it's end or allow my life, plans, journey, path etc. to run the course. 

And see where it takes me.

So far, so good! LOL



Tuesday 29 January 2013

Going Off Grid - On the Inside

Well, it's Tuesday and we have another day of this wild weather - sort of reminds me of when I was a child living in Labrador Canada. A storm would come in for a week, and I am talking about a blizzard of epic proportions. 

We would be so excited - no school, the roads were impassable and what was best of electricity! It was always so nice, just with the wood stove and the open fire. Everyone all cozy around it...well, I won't get carried away. 

It was a highly dysfunctional family - so no one was cozy, but the children thought it was fun at least!! LOL

Of course, this reminds me greatly of what I want in my own life. To be completely off the grid in terms of food, electrical power and what not. To be fully self sufficient in every sense of the word as well as to be in touch with the earth and her finer points.

I feel I am going off grid - on the inside... 

Well, at least, I know I am getting there. This is what these cleanses are indeed all about in the end. To re-connect with myself and these long hidden ancient parts of ourselves. For the most part this is taking place step by step - this time around my own electrical system is taking a good cleaning.

And do I know it! My leg is much better this week - it started with a pulled muscle, then travelled down along the entire nerve of my leg. Just sore enough to be bothersome, but not to stop me doing Yoga or going about my day.

I have just been watching the healing work unfold as the days move on - and marvel at the extraordinary work of my body. It always knows what needs to be done and when given the space, time and appropriate support - it does just that.

So that takes me up to day 23 of my detox, I am nearly there, feeling pretty good with a clear mind, healing body and open heart. We are all getting excited now about our up coming feast days - always such a treat to have a few days after our fast. 

What a way to live - in touch, in tune and connected to something great in the Universe!


Sunflowers last fall

Monday 28 January 2013

Last Push - Final Detox Cycle.... Day 22

The start of another week - I always have liked Mondays, the chance to make something of a new beginning. And so here we's now day 22 of my detox and I am feeling pretty good. Yesterday was a bit slow, but - the weather was interesting at least!

Actually, the weather leaves something to be desired. In terms of energy shifting I have long wondered about these powerful storm systems and how they can change things locally and over larger areas very quickly and with relative ease.

I watch these things and wonder because it's so much like our bodies - we are capable of shifting and moving great mountains of stuff - when we really need to and life perhaps leaves us with no choice. At least, that's how most of us operate! LOL

Well, getting back to my fasting - this has been a very different type of clearing for me. And the deepest one so far in that it has nearly entirely been at the nerve level. Which is interesting because there are so many nervous system toxins out there....

And we ingest them daily without even knowing it for the most part. Of course, some of you are right now shaking your heads and thinking - not me. But, did you know that aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins?

Then there is something like coffee which has caffeine - anything that excites and stimulates the nervous tissues is a toxin. I don't eat night shades for this very reason, sticking to a clean diet of every other vegetable in the kingdom - expect for these.

Today being in the final few hours of my detox, I am perhaps gearing up for the most important detox cycle yet. That's how these things work - the longer you go, the deeper you go and the more debris that is cleared out.

It's going to be an interesting week all around because at the end of this week is Imbloc or Brigid's Day and I can't wait for our feast....


Oak tree in the garden

Sunday 27 January 2013

Removing Pockets of Stagnant Energy...

We are getting into the final days of our cleanse and feeling pretty good...I have been mentioning all along how I am using Yoga this time around to deepen my experience and get things moving in my body tissues and cells.

Right now after all of this time doing more intensive Yoga, as often as I can along with pushing myself a little each time to go deeper - I am feeling far more peaceful, calm and balanced then I have in a long time. Even with all that is taking place around me, there is a certain centredness.

Speaking of energy moving, last night was quite a storm - actually it probably started on Friday and doesn't seem to be over yet. The wind and rain was fierce - sort of like natures way of clearing, cleansing and removing pockets of stagnant energy....

I love that kind of weather - well, as long as we get some sun in between! Right now the sun is shining but the air is still cold and the wind is still high. It's a perfect day to contemplate our place in the midst of it all and how best we can serve the earth.

For a long time I have been thinking along the lines of the small things - it's each of those little things that we do on a daily basis which not only make a difference in our own lives but in the lives of those around us too.

How often would we remember to smile at our children? And for those of you so inclined, don't pull shop bought bread off of a shelf and feed it to them (there are actual warnings against feeding that stuff to swans!) instead, plan to make your own.

Our families and those around us we love dearly will remember these little things - far more then any of the events from outside of us. Of course so too does your body - all the small ways you go about caring for yourself on a daily basis build up to solid, grounded energy and a healthy life force.

Yes, today is a day to care for each other in all ways....


Roses from last summer

Saturday 26 January 2013

It's Day 20!!

Wow, I would not have thought I would be sitting here right now saying I have arrived on day 20 of my detox and feeling pretty good too. Just a little bit of a final push right now to get the most out of my cleanse....

So, I am focusing on more herbs and different ones to keep the toxins moving out. They really are a blessing and so easy to use. What I really appreciate is how quickly I see the results - especially when I am only taking in fluids with the herbs.

They work nearly immediately and I can sense them in my body. With any earth based remedies they serve several purposes. Yes, we want them to do their job and encourage balance, healing, reduce inflammation, aid detox and many other important functions.

However, herbs circulating around the body also have other jobs - perhaps so many little things are adjusted, altered and improved deep within our tissues just by their presence. These last few days I am very aware of more of the finer points of herbal energy.

Right now I can feel them working away within my subconscious self - bringing a deeper awareness, awakening long sleeping parts of myself and evening out some of the rougher bits and pieces of my being. They also stimulate dreams to take place...which I really enjoy!

I can't say enough good about using herbs - they have saved us time and again from ourselves, healing, uplifting and generally being the support they are meant to be. Now for this final push these last few days of my cleanse to see what other good will come from them.

In a way, I have been putting these herbs to the test (and perhaps myself as well) just to understand more about their nature and of course my own. 


Our Turtle on a little tour....

Friday 25 January 2013

Strange Cleanse - Moving Up and Out

This has been such a strange cleanse - things are going right along just like any of the other ones we have done however, everything is different. Not one thing in our lives at this moment is the same as it was a year ago.

This one is far deeper - leaving me without words to describe some of what I am feeling, sensing and processing. It's as if this one takes me back to a time before words or speech. All I can do is go with the flow and marvel at how things are unfolding.

The changes we are going through are precisely because of these intensive detoxes. And to be honest, I can't wait to see what each day will bring. It sort of feels a bit like a whirl wind right now - things are shifting and moving - both physically and spiritually.

Today is day 19 of my detox. I hope to do a few more days this month but am really looking forward to some solid foods as I have been cooking up a storm! I love to cook during any cleanse and feel creative, inventive and in touch with my inner kitchen goddess.

Food is something that is never far from my mind actually - whether I am eating it or not on the day. I love to prepare and come up with new ways to combine everyday ingredients. So, that's what is really moving and shaking for us here.

Our creative spirits. This side of ourselves has been flourishing during these past few weeks - sort of waking up from the long dark winter and now finding it's own legs. 

As far a symtoms go I have all the usual ones - but loads of energy. The interesting thing is my leg (pulled muscle) gets better one day and then flares up again on another day. It is really curious how my body is choosing to heal at this time.

I know there is something very deep in there and I am delighted it is finally moving up and out. Perhaps, that about sums me up right now too - I feel as if some parts of me are only now moving up and out - watch out world!! LOL


Marigolds in the summer sun....

Thursday 24 January 2013

Undoing Education....

You know what - sometimes I really hold myself back from saying what I really want to say...and I do it everywhere. I have learned over the years to carefully guard my words and I often don't say what I am thinking and feeling.

Mostly because I don't want to offend anyone - or because I might think my opinion doesn't matter. 

So, if I do this - of course many others do this too. But why? What does it gain us to hold ourselves back from speaking our true minds and most importantly giving the words from our hearts full reign. Perhaps we have been socially conditioned to hold our tongues more then we think.

And, that is something else I have been thinking about long and hard.... this entire concept of socialization. It's not all it's cracked up to be that's for certain! I have long seen how people with small children for instance, are encouraged to place their little small babies in 'social' situations mostly before they are ready.

I certainly was. And at the time, being a new mother with my first child, I actually listened for a few short weeks. Then I came to the conclusion that my infant only wanted Mom and Dad, and the kids, adults etc. who were doing the socializing would not be someone I wanted to be around!

Perhaps, this all came from the way we are 'conditioned' in schools to conform. I remember being expected to keep quiet and not 'start' anything - especially with those who were particularly opinionated. And this can sometimes hold even now.

But, not always and I am learning and feeling freer to speak up when I feel the need. Funny how it's taken a lifetime to undo my education....


Wednesday 23 January 2013

Shift Happens...Day 17 of my Cleanse

Lots to think about these days for me, I am carrying on with my cleanse and feeling pretty good. My leg is mostly better (funny how that goes!) and I have been upping my Yoga again. I have learned over the years to keep going no matter what, just modify the routine as you need to but, to not stop....

And that sort of sums up life, doesn't it? No matter what comes our way, do not stop, do not give up, do not give in, do not turn around and for God's sake - do not go back. Just keep thinking, keep doing, keep moving and keep going.

This really is the only way through the obstacles, issues, energy and other stuff that comes up along the way. This is not the time of year to be resting actually - we are in a preparation phase of shifting energy right now and it's about time.

For those who have been actively involved in seeking change, creating something better, moving forwards and shifting your energy onto higher ground - this is the moment we have been waiting for! It's all coming together right now - the energy is right, the time is right and we are finally in the right place for this to happen.

So, what is required of us right now? Perhaps it's to be patient a little longer....maybe it's to give ourselves that little push in new and different directions. Then again, there are always little loose ends that need to be tidied up, connections to be made and more ways to stick our necks out there.

Today is a day for action - small and big ones. If there is only one thing that can keep you going at any time - it should be this; 

Where there's a will, there's a way and those who are willing, will be shown the way...


Ahhh, summer!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Flipping the Switch on Bad Food Habits

It's day 16 of my detox and as usual things are moving right along - it hardly even seems to be much of an effort this time around, mostly because we are still talking about and thinking about how much fun and food we all had at Christmas. 

It's funny how I would at one time, have had such a difficult time making the transition from a celebration (feast time) back to normal eating. It was as if there was something inside of me that got a taste for the excess food, a switch was turned on and that was it.

It would have taken a lot of will power for me to reign in and control my eating habits once again. Eventually I would just end up angry and disappointed with myself - which would ensure the whole negative cycle kept on going.

Once I brought fasting into the picture that all changed. Mostly because fasting taught me the discipline that was missing - which is so funny as I am already a very disciplined person. But when it came to food, some other entity was clearly in control...

Which I know as candida, yeast, mold, fungus, nasty bacteria and what ever had ended up running the show in my gut. 

So, this is where I am at this morning. Feeling overall pretty good - doing some reminiscing about those days and feeling happy they are well behind me. Yesterday I spent the day looking at how I spend my time - when thinking about food/diet/yeast came up I realised I spent all of my time....

Thinking about food, eating, planning food, eating, worrying and stressing about food - and then the rest of the time feeling terrible, guilty, awful and what not for what I had eaten. What a complete waste of good time! LOL

It is a cycle - of course an unbalanced gut and hormonal system are setting the stage for this to play out - which started in the first instance with the presence of yeast, mold and fungus in places they should not be.

All of that can change for anyone with exercise, healthy diet and fasting. What a difference I feel inside and outside in my life. It takes time, patience and persistence to gently reverse and overcome (there's that key word) lifelong deep rooted dysfunction.

But, it's worth the effort because what you get back is your life.


Yarrow in the garden...

Monday 21 January 2013

It's About Time.....

It's the right month and a great day for setting up new it seems. And perhaps breaking through more than a few little habits we all tend to fall into when our time is more or less our own. Or is it....I just happened to see a tweet on Twitter mentioning 'time is money'.

And of course, it got me thinking about this fact. Time has not really been our own -has it? I mean, look at the amount we waste listening to other people talk on radios, televisions, reading nonsense in magazines, papers and even books.

Or how about the time spent worrying? That's a big one, isn't it....What about the time spent arguing, pushing others into doing something that doesn't come naturally. I can't help but think back to hurrying my then little boy into eating his breakfast (very slow eater) so we could drop him off at creche...

Of course, then I stopped all of that and now my time is supposedly my own. Yet, I still find that I waste so much of it. And that doesn't mean I want to be productive, regimented or scheduled every hour of the day...

It just means I can see how my time could be better spent. So, starting today I thought I would get up 15 minutes earlier then usual - just to see what might be accomplished so I can have more time to play, have fun and not feel I have to be pressed for time.

I would like to do more of the things I have long felt I don't have the time for.

As of right now, I think it is working - well, at least my mind is moving a little bit faster and the sun is shining. So that is always a great place to start! LOL 

I am going to push myself a little bit each morning just to see if my day runs smoother, I accomplish more and generally feel as if I am more in control of my own time. Because, if there is one thing I am certain of - our time has been commandeered, stolen, taken and wasted - not always by us, but by a cleverly designed system to keep us circling around our goals.

It's about TIME......


A snow day! Yayyy

Sunday 20 January 2013

Alignment of the Mind on the Spiritual Path

It's a good day for making some changes - as it is also a good year for it too! So, that is exactly what has been happening - seemingly for us and everyone we meet. Sometimes the best change you can make begins with a good clear out.

So, today that's what we have been doing. Cleaning out rooms, taking things out we no longer use and generally tidying up. And of course, as anyone knows, it feels good. A thorough cleaning inside and out is always a wonderful thing.

I am now on day 14 of my deep detox and moving right along. The one thing that stands out more then any other symptom so far though is my dreams. Fantastic dreams all night long - last night about walking a path and finding a beautiful pool...I was so surprised to find the water warm.

Otherwise, just the usual detox days - keeping busy and finding things to do as usual. 

It can be an important time for us as humans - taking stock of where we are, the places we want to go and then making adjustments to our dreams, hopes and wishes as we move along the path we are on. Sometimes a little breather arrives in unexpected ways....

If you find yourself with some down time take it seriously enough to prepare for your next step, the next leg of the journey and to allow yourself the time to get into the space you need to be in. I find that this also engages the mind to take a larger part in walking the talk.

Our minds are powerful parts of the creative self and need to be involved in each phase of our journey. And there are so many ways to bring the mind into alignment with the body and soul. All it takes is some detoxing, clearing out and practice.


Clear skies at long last...

Saturday 19 January 2013

Moving Through Time - Integration into Now

It's been a long, but good day, the kind of day we should be having far more often - one full of smiles, pleasant thoughts and hope. Perhaps I have reached a stage in my detox right now (day 13) where I am finally settling into the routine of it and I feel more myself...

It's funny how that happens. I am doing these cleanses to get myself back into my body, to regain what has been lost, taken or left behind. I have long said I want all of me here - present and accounted for. And I will stop at nothing until that happens.

Years ago when the new age buzz words were - 'being present', I used to read books on the subject and then put them down thinking - well, that's all great, but, how do I do it? The words are lovely, the concept is sound, but how do I become fully present in the here and now?

Of course then my body started showing me the energetic facts about integration. And the rest is history as they say. The purpose of integration is to bring pieces and parts of ourselves back from where ever they are - into the now.

This is no small task either. I wonder if there is any greater undertaking then to seek out to become fully present...then again, it does appear to be something that is gained with walking a spiritual path, working within our energy fields and certainly solidified during deep tissue cleansing such as this.

So, today was a good day because I was so present within it. I was so 'here' that I never even realised it until now when at long last I sit down to write and take a breather. It feels as if something has come together, I have arrived from some distant shore and now, well.....

All there is, is now.


Moving through time...

Friday 18 January 2013

Seeing What is Up Ahead - Function of the Higher Self.....

Not turned the corner yet with this cleanse, but getting there....last night was a very strange night with the wind and rain storm as a backdrop to some deep energy shifting and cracking wide open. Today has dawned clear and bright as it should after such a night!

Well we are now on day 12 of our cleanse and we will keep going this month until we feel we have done enough and reached our destination. Where ever that may be...when you are pursuing all matters spiritual, at times it's best to step back and let your heart lead.

Some part of us always knows the exact details of what is up ahead. I have mentioned it often - our higher self or some thing like that, scouts ahead into the unchartered waters, scopes out the lay of the land and reports back.

Part of the function of our dreams is to let us know what is coming our way, and I think that is exactly what mine were all about last night. It was a stormy night but the clouds passed and we have blue skies and clear sailing right now.

My dreams were all about a virus and being on a bus last night...I felt chilled and cold, and quite achy - which has all left now, but it was quite an interesting time! The virus in the form of a person was desperately trying to hold onto me and trying to stay in touch. In another dream I turned off my phone (which was dying and malfunctioning) and that was that! 

Who knows...

So, now on to other things, or more of the same. With any cleanse, you must take things as they come, try not to focus on what is missing in your life (food) but what you are gaining from the experience (your life back!).

Perhaps this will be another interesting day....


Sea salt - greatest healer! 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Finally - A really physical energy shift!

Well, it's been a rainy day full of interesting twists and turns - at least energetically speaking. Right now  it feels as if my energy is shifting rapidly - I can actually feel it under my skin, there is movement and lots of aches and pains! LOL

I have been pushing myself a bit with the Yoga and it has finally caught up with me, so today I am feeling a bit sore. But, as with any exercise, it's a good kind of sore - as if you have done something worthwhile.

As with any part of this cleanse or any detox for that matter, the things that come up to the surface should be recognised and understood for what they are. But that is only part of it, now there is a need to  process it.

So - I guess that is what this next couple of days will be all about - working through all of this deeply held stuff that is moving up from my muscles and cells. And it feels good to be moving forward - at least physically.

I think so far, this cleanse has been the most physical of them all. Perhaps it has to do with the many intensive Yoga sessions I have been doing and also the fact that it's about time for some of these things to start moving! LOL

Some of this stuff I know has been here forever and I can see now this 'energy' is what was making my legs feel heavy in the past. All of that is gone right now and I am feeling far more balanced between top and bottom. 

This is all great stuff! 


Paper mache projects at home.....

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Lifting Off the Layers...

Today is day 10 of my detox and last night was the first night I found it difficult to sleep. Up to now, I have been sleeping great - so this is not a bad average overall. I feel right now as if I am finally getting to some deeper parts of my inner self as well.

What I can sense around me is a pulling away, a little bit like taking the meat off of bones, something is being lifted up and deeply held energy, toxins and debris are being swept out. Again, most of this seems to centre around when I was age 3 or so.

It must have been quite a significant age for me - because overall I have so few memories from my childhood. It's always been as if I have a few significant events and then most of the other stuff is completely blank.

However, since I have been doing these cleanses, more memories have come back in some ways, and far older ones too. Often they play out in dreams. And last night, the little bit of sleep I did get, was spent dreaming very big stories.

Only now after half a day has gone by am I realising how much they are all about me and more of my story that is surfacing. And it's about time too! LOL - You know how there is always one area in your life where doing deeper work has been blocked for all time...

Well, for me, that one area seems to be only now beginning to open up and hopefully clear away. It has to do with early perception of the self, which turn out to be through someone else's eyes and how for so many of us, we take others' beliefs all on board and then live our lives accordingly.

The twists and turns of this detox are amazing - yet, I can see how they are all inter-related too. Can't wait to see how this day turns out...


Can't wait until summer! 

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Deep Tissue Detoxing - Locking Out Invaders...

Well, moving right along - this is now day 9 of my cleanse and there is much more to be done yet. However, even at this stage, I know progress is taking place because my dreams tell me all about it. Yes, I am right back to this again - how vitally important this aspect of our lives must be.

Last night my dreams were of me closing a door, with some sort of elaborate locking mechanism - an elderly man was there trying to teach me how to work the lock and then seal it. It was an important dream. That door was to a significant area of my energy field.

A place where previously I was not in control - with a door wide open to invaders. 

So, I am delighted how deeply this cleanse is taking me and how much progress is being made on a daily basis. And this is only one aspect of changes taking place inside (and out) as a result of this cleanse or any cleanse that we do.

One thing I have learned over these past couple of years in particular, is that we are endless. As an intuitive I have always seen and understood this fact. However, with deep tissue detoxing such as this, the vastness of spirit is witnessed on a daily basis.

Indeed there is so much more to us then perhaps we could ever explore in a lifetime - but that makes the draw inwards even more wonderful. And for many of us who are interested in walking these spiritual paths, we cannot help but keep going forward, onwards and upwards.

As far as detox symptoms go - I am feeling pretty good. Great energy levels, some aches and soreness, but that is more down to the extra Yoga I have been doing. To be honest I could spend my day doing hours of yoga right now - it creates such as peaceful interlude in my day and I don't want it to end!

Well, let's see what this day brings....


PS - Check out my Courses, Classes & Talks for Winter 2013 on my main blog 

One of our Top Bar Bee Hives....

Monday 14 January 2013

Joy of Free Expression....

It's now day 8 of my cleanse - and things are starting to break through to the other side...or perhaps they always were there, I am only now recognizing and seeing what has become much clearer to me. And, that feeling is like finding a hole in the clouds for your head to surface....

As far a detox symptoms go, I have some - coated tongue, bumpy skin, loads of dreams and moments of great insight throughout the day. I have lots of energy and have increased my Yoga and exercise accordingly to improve my level of fitness.

That is what I would have to say is one of the greatest benefits to cleansing in general - the increases in energy and ability (craving for!) to do more exercise such as Yoga. And I really enjoy this part of the detox because I can feel the movements taking me more deeply into my tissues.

Of course that is precisely what a cleanse is all about. Creating a way to get back into all these spaces and places you have been pushed out of. I cannot say enough about exercise in general and would never go without it.

So on to my dreams - I have long been interested in dreaming in general and have had many fantastic experiences through my dreams over the years. Actually my earliest memories from my childhood, when I was 3 years old are of my dreams - then making the mistake of mentioning them to the family who raised me! They were of my past lives and did not go over well.

I think for a time following that experience, I probably shut some of them down as I gradually tried to distance myself from 'myself'. But, being an intuitive, that never really worked because what I saw, heard and understood inside and outside of myself - I knew to be real. 

And here I am...only now taking back more parts of my inner child and her fabulous dreams!


A child's Joy of free expression 

Sunday 13 January 2013

Self Mastery - Begins with Discipline

For a minute there I had to stop and think what day of my fast I was on - perhaps because I am feeling so detached from it. The days matter, but really they don't - and I am not sure even how to explain that! Perhaps it's because when you are cleansing especially in the beginning, your focus needs to be on the tasks at hand.

I just heard someone use the word discipline - a word I use quite a lot with myself. It used to be a negative word at one time in my life - however, once I started my first detox and certainly during my 40 days fasting, it came to have a whole new meaning.

Now, I look forward to and enjoy these little (and not so little) disciplines I have incorporated into my daily life. Of course perhaps the biggest one might be fasting, another one could be exercise - and then, choosing to eat only homemade foods might also be a form of self regulation.

Whenever I need to get to the bottom of something - I turn to the dictionary and look it up! Once you get past the negative connotations that have come to surround this word you begin to see the other words associated with it... such as:


Wow, what a word this starts to become, especially when you place the word 'self' in front or after of most the them.  Taking it a little further, if we apply each of these to our body then we start to see where a little discipline can take us. 

It just leads me to wonder if part of the problem in our lives which leads to dysfunction (depression, disease, excess weight) lies with being disciplined in the wrong areas...


Picture of love!

Saturday 12 January 2013

By the Way, During A Fast, You Don't Eat....

A lot of dreams last night and all about energy....not much of a surprise in that one as yesterday was a deeply energetic day where I did a lot of work on my energy field (Closing Energy Leaks is a blessing!) and felt fairly good about it all.

Today is day 6 of my cleanse and in case you are wondering I would like to clear up one tiny issue - when you are fasting, that means you do not take in ANY solid foods. At all. Period. Not one morsel crosses your lips - or the game is over.

Fasting with water (herbal tea, water, lemon juice, maple syrup, black pepper) is a liquid only fast and very specific. The reason I mentioned this is because this week I opened up the newspaper as I was spreading it on the floor for the puppy to play with (LOL) and saw a curious article...

An 'expert' was being interviewed on fasting and they even had a menu posted along the side with the meals you were able to eat during your fast. How cool is that??? You get to believe you are fasting while eating a ham sandwich for breakfast.

What a load of crap. And do people actually stop and think to themselves - 'hey, but I thought fasting was going without food, taking in only water for a period of time'. I certainly hope someone else questioned the logic and misinformation being given out here.

What's more, this expert (who was not a clinical nutritionist), has most likely never ever done a 'fast' (at least without that light breakfast, lunch and dinner) and is now commenting on what the rest of us should be doing. It's no wonder people are confused and left wondering about all of this.

By the way, the light menu this person was referring to is termed calorie restriction, which is something different altogether...

So, if you are planning to do a fast (and I hope you do) a couple of things to remember, you will be emptying out and cleaning up your body tissues with clean water. The herbs come in to balance, restore and revitalize your body systems as they work gently in concert with internal function. The other ingredients are aids and supports for body organs. 

Get my book The Pagan Diet: Food, Fast & Feast if you want to start cleansing, fasting and detoxing while either losing weight, healing inflammation, restoring and balancing function and generally cleaning up the debris built up in your cells.

And there is no food involved during the cleanse phase, because, well, eating is not fasting!


If you live in Ireland, order the book from me, I would love to hear from you!

Friday 11 January 2013

Divine Intervention -- A Change in the Weather...

Today is day 5 of my January cleanse and things are moving right along - or so they seem! LOL What I really like right now is the way the weather has changed into bright and sunny days even though we have lost some of the warmth.

They (whoever 'they' are) are saying snow is on the way for us - who knows if it will touch us here in West Cork, but something good always comes from a shift in the weather. I guess what I would compare it to would be energy shifts created by Mother Nature.

She really is a force to be reckoned with - and the most natural element in the world. She steers us, each one upwards and onwards to find ways to be closer to Her. We really would not be much of anything without this connection to the earth and it's cycles.

All of life is connected to each other - not one pattern, season, cycle or inner Universe exists on its' own. This is all interwoven within our tissues and cells pulling us in to her and drawing on our senses to seek her out.

Not all of us will follow these paths and not everyone listens - certainly not to their bodies anyway. Just think of how different life (and society) would be for us here on this planet if we all actually took the time to stop once in a while and work at listening to the needs of our bodies.

There would be no need for chemical medicines, no dysfunction or disease....we might all fall into the natural rhythms and design of the earth we live in. Without much of an effort and certainly there would be no fear.

Perhaps we are all waiting for that divine intervention in our own lives - for the forces of nature to arrive, clear the debris and take us home...


Memories of summer....

Thursday 10 January 2013

Origins of the Soul - Parental Guidance...

We are now onto day 4 of our little detox - and things are starting to take shape - into what, I am not really certain, however, it does feel as if we are shifting and changing. At least on the inside and who knows, really where all of this will take us...

Or perhaps we do know. At least some part of us knows. I realise that many people believe in their guardian angels, spirit guides and what not. And these energies walk with us for a time. I have even heard people talk about these guides changing out to receive other spirits who come in to take their place.

Many years ago, I was shown something very different and I have given it much thought ever since exploring a different angle on how our energy field really works. As far as I am concerned, we do not have guides per se (there are animal totems however) or even guardian angels (they are supposed to be there, but are not in use, because of the toxins, but that's another post!).

From our very first incarnation here on this planet -  our original life, when our souls first descended to this realm of existence we arrived with our real parents (I always think in terms of 'parental guidance'). But, then lifetime after lifetime, we became separated from them, enslaved, stolen, adopted by others, or just outright taken away from where we belonged.

Thus there are not many of us raised in the families where we actually belong. Our soul groups lie elsewhere - this is the reason we often feel disconnected and different from these people. 

Each of us has a history recored within their cells (this is some of the work I love doing!), it is up to us to find our way back to the origins of our lifetimes here on earth. This can be recovered, found and regained within as well as outside of us.

For me, once I knew who was supposed to be walking by my side and guiding me forward was in place, then all was well in my life. Because, at one time, I could sense something that did not have my best interest in mind around me...

Perhaps this detox will bring up some more aspects of this work - let's see how this will unfold!


Boat leaving Balitmore harbour... lovely! 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Taking the time to heal...Energy Shifting During Detox

Day 3 of my January detox and just getting settled into this one - a lot of interesting dreams this time around and all night long! I have had this before, but for some reason this feels a little different, it's as if my mind is a bit more open or something...

Perhaps it's that proverbial door I have walked through - but I don't think so, whatever it is, I hope it continues, it is so lively at night, each time I close my eyes, there is an image, a vision and a story unfolding...

So, now you know about my week so far! No detox symptoms other then that yet - except I think I pulled a muscle in my leg and that is not really a symptom...or is it? Perhaps by pulling that muscle, I am loosening up some long stored energy, now ready to be released.

I certainly think our bodies work in this way. Now you know exactly why I am so against drugging our bodies, using treatments such as antibiotics or anything else that arrests the healing process. We are energetic beings, our physical bodies store energy, all kinds of it, especially when we have poor diets and lifestyles..

Whenever the opportunity arrises for something to be removed (that doesn't belong), we should take it. Welcome it and then proceed to work with it as much as possible. For instance, a cold will get better, give it a few days, take a day out, eat some garlic, drink herbal teas, hearty soups and rest if you feel like it.

But don't interfere with the work your body is doing by shutting down the healing taking place. 

The same logic can be applied to every area of your life. If you are seeking, creating and moving forward in health - trust this body you are in to take you where you need to go. 

On my way!!


Yummy Apple Butter on cinnamon spelt bread....

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Recover What Has Been Lost - Energy Work...

This is my second day on my detox and I am feeling as I normally do when I start these - a little all over the place but just as determined to carry on with cleansing and getting into the deepest parts of myself possible.

The weather is also warmer then it was before Solstice and that makes for a welcome change even if it is mostly wet and rain filled days...however today is sunny with actual heat in the sun. I love that, when the sun comes back to us! 

Right now for this detox I have yet to fully focus on a single goal, there seem to be several floating around - but I know that it will solidify shortly into an overall theme. Of course I am always looking at getting more of myself back and this month is no exception.

The interesting point is how we have left so much of ourselves behind during lifetimes filled with turmoil, trauma and change. Not that this one has been much different for so many of us. However, this is the first lifetime (in a cycle of 3) that we have a chance to recover what we have lost.

And, it is important to only take back exactly what is yours - otherwise the energy will not fit. From the most basic principles of Energy Medicine - this situation creates energy blocks, frustration and causes harm within the energy field.

And we know anything that obstructs the flow of energy within the field will ultimately lead to dysfunction and disorder in the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. One good reason to be working on areas of stagnant energy whenever possible.

This detox and this year is going to be an interesting one of great and good change...while further blocks are located and removed.


Can't wait for summer....

Monday 7 January 2013

On My Way Home...The Spiritual Journey!

Today is the first day of my first detox (water/juice fasting) for 2013 and it feels good to be back in the groove again - removing yet another layer of energy, toxins and built up debris that doesn't belong to me and has no positive place in my life.

So, this month will be most interesting to say the very least! I have done many of these over the years and none more then during the last year - it was a record of sorts for us - because we did 8 detoxes consecutively and re-gained more of ourselves then ever before.

This year will be no different - I have long said I will keep going, carry on until I am exactly where I want to be. And for me that would mean arriving home. It's quite funny how many stories, books, movies and what have you are told about the proverbial journey home.

And each of them relevant, interesting, containing useful anecdotes of life along the way. Of course  walking the path or the spiritual journey is something very specific, which we have been actively 'on' for many years - and is the topic of each of my books.

Writing about my experiences helps me to understand what I am going through as well as serves as a record of the trip I am taking. I have often said, I never really know what I am feeling or thinking until I sit down and start to write - then it all comes flooding forth.

As a scribe I seem to experience this journey very deeply and many times am so grateful for my intuition otherwise I would feel very lost indeed. I have often thought that my mission is to record the path, to write about what you can expect, the various twists and turns you might encounter and to tell the stories of how I get round each corner...

And more importantly to provide information on how to protect yourself, heal your body, deal with your mind, regain your spirit, what changes to make and then, how to find your way out of the darkness or negativity we seem to be in.

If you are walking the spiritual path and need some place to start - I would recommend Closing the Energy Leaks© (Windows) it is a workbook and walks your through how the energy field works, how to heal your own and the reasons why. I wrote this book in the 90's and have been working within my own energy field ever since. (also available from me printed copy or pdf from Gumroad)

Be very particular about your energy, learn about how it works and relates to yourself - and start at the beginning....


Lady's Mantle for health and healing....

Sunday 6 January 2013

What kind of year are you planning on having?

It really all is about remembering who we are, finding our selves again after so long and then allowing those returning parts of us to rejoin and open up. Today is the last day of Christmas - Three Kings Day or Little Christmas here in Ireland.

And of course a feast day for us - the twelfth day of this lovely season usually is celebrated in a traditional sense with a spicy drink and a meal. And as this is an official way to mark the ending of something - the trees come down.

It's hard to believe we are already into 2013 and moving forward into another year of..... what? For some this will be another few months of nothingness and the same old version of each and every year. While for others, those who have been working hard at putting their dreams into a framework - things may just start to fall into place...

But either way, there is an opportunity for great change - we stand with the door open to opportunity - however we must be willing to take a chance and walk through to the other side. So, I guess the key word here is trust.

When we are asked to trust in something outside of ourselves - life becomes quite difficult. If I have learned anything over these past few years it's this single thing...I am to trust in my body, mind and soul to take me where I need to go (read my free birth story).

One of the main reasons I am doing these detoxes is to get back into places, spaces and regions of my body I have long been pushed out of (or have never even occupied). Once I am back in there, my task is to get to know that part of me and then to trust in my body to do all it needs to do.

Of course any type of inflammation will push you out of your body - and this is one of the most prevalent problems in our world right now. We are all walking around with varying degrees of low level chronic dysfunction due to poor diet, lack of exercise and taking medications which create this situation.

We will find it increasingly more difficult to trust when we are out of our bodies in any way... and even more so, as long as we take these poisons that lock the doors...

It's time to in your body, listen to it's needs and make the changes necessary for health or carry on and have another year just like the last ones....


Some of us need to grow into our ears!! 

Saturday 5 January 2013

January and It's Potential Energy...

Very strange energy about the place right now - things are changing rapidly within - there is a new moon on it's way and for the first time in awhile, I am keenly aware of it. It's as if it is making it's presence known days in advance of it's arrival.

This must be an important moon at least for those of us paying attention! LOL Perhaps the moon is coming more into focus for those of us who are walking this spiritual path. Or then again, maybe it's just me....

So, another rainy Saturday - but all is not lost - it's mild and warm outside even if it is wet. There is something quite wonderful about these early days of January - as if all of the potential energy for the entire year to come starts to unlock and spread out underneath our feet.

Right now you may notice that things are starting to speed up a tiny bit. It is the end of an age after all - and the Mayan never said it was the end of the world. Perhaps it was the end of their 'time' or their world - there are many coexisting at the same time.

That seems to be what people were mostly forgetting or even unaware of. When we look out across the garden - if we do not take into account the many realities, kingdoms and domains we are seeing, we are missing the whole point of being here. 

Life cannot and does not exist only on one single plain. There are of course worlds within worlds - each of us interacting, overlapping and hopefully interrelating with each other during the span of our lives (and each day).

At one time when the earth was much less polluted and life was lived closer to nature - we were far more aware of the worlds we live in and our place in them. These predictions of endings, changes and even great shifts would not have startled or unsettled us.

To be in touch with nature - to understand how and why - but most of all to simply listen to our bodies and the ancient wisdom contained within - we would have known intuitively that one ending is only another beginning....

And something, life in the many different realms and dimensions will go on. Because life is just like that...


Black Swan at Fota Park in Cobh...

Friday 4 January 2013

Most of Us Are Just Unconscious....

Do you ever feel like you are living in an information vacuum? As if there is something going on behind the scenes - perhaps even a lot of somethings....and we are not ever fully informed of them. Perhaps nearly all the time, events take place - maybe some big life altering ones and because we are not told about them....we don't get a chance to react, or change or even ride the wave.

Well, we just never know do we. 

Or, perhaps there are those of us who do know. I wake up most mornings and just know that something significant has taken place in the world or the Universe at large. Years ago I would check the news - scour the reels in fact, to put some words to what I was sensing. 

More often then not, I found nothing. It took me a long time to come to trust my own intuition about these things (and to stop reading, trusting or seeking out 'news') and to know not only are things not what they seem, we are also not told the truth about much of anything.

Basically there are events, world changing occurrences and decisions being made on our behalf - that will affect our lives directly - which we are not party to. Nor would we even agree to most of them, or perhaps understand all the different threads of energy that result from them.

Until now. This is a light year - all odd numbers are light dimension (as opposed to shadow dimensions) which usually means the things hidden from view have an opportunity to be seen or witnessed for what they are.

But this is no ordinary light year - we have passed through the gates of comprehension and into a world of understanding. Humanity has matured a little bit, grown up somewhat over this past decade - and a good many of us have broken through the fear barrier. 

Today I read an odd statement - it went something like this - 'there are no real witnesses, because if you see something you are a participant'. I have been mulling that one over all day - sounds like something some one thought up in an effort to confuse and cover the facts.

We are all witnesses. Things take place before our very eyes each and every day whether we understand them or not. But what is more, even when we do not see them, everything is still known to us, at some level. 

And no, we are not participants. Most of us are just unconscious. 


Natural Christmas Tree....