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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Solstice - Parting the Darkness

Well - we did it once again! This time 15 days of detox in the middle of wet, wild, winter - finishing just in time for our Solstice celebration. We are all so excited and have been thinking about this time for weeks...

I wonder if we have as an entire generation been pondering these upcoming days and this month of 12's for the first decade or so of this century. It is such an interesting time to be alive and of course one of great change upon the earth.

And not before it's time - we are well overdue for major change in every segment, level of dimension of our known (and unknown) reality. What has to shift and move for humanity first and foremost is this blanket of darkness that has been holding us down for such a long time.

This heavy or negative energy is the proverbial evil, wickedness and anything else that fits into this category that is being shuffled back and forth between civilized 'humanity'. It is this dark side of energy that has stuck into our energy fields, causing disease, dysfunction and poverty - and ultimately death of the spirit. 

This is the ultimate goal of anyone walking a spiritual path to find, purge and overcome evil or wickedness within ourselves. It will and does affect us, it clouds our circumstances and wreaks havoc with our dreams - and causes us to lose hope.

Sixteen days ago, I went into this detox with one intention - to get Solstice/Yule/Christmas back - fully in my life with all the traditions that are important to me and my family. The reason I wanted it back was because I have long felt it has been hijacked and interfered with over the years.

Right now it will be interesting to see how these next few days, post cleanse play out - I often say it after each of these detoxes, the real work begins once the days of cleansing are over. So over the coming week I will begin to witness evidence of the work of my body.

This is the miracle of life -  to feel the hope and brightness of the season rise once again deep within my cells - Solstice



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