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Sunday, 30 September 2012

On the Edge of Change

Change and newness are good things and seem to move more quickly with each fast I am doing. Right now I am doing day on/day off fasting (my methods are described in my book The Pagan Diet) and it feels great.

Of course this is what is in the air at the moment - change within and without. 

As each day goes by and we complete our fasts and cleanses, this level of detox takes us further into ourselves. Thus, walking this path ultimately leads to the changes we are seeking and creating. I must say I am really enjoying being at the leading edge of an energy shift. 

Tomorrow is another fasting day - why not start the week out right and have a little clear out early on. This will set the pace and tone for another week of great learning and forward movement for us all.

To be honest with you one of the things I love the most about Sunday night right now, at this time in my life, is that there is another week ahead doing the things I love! I enjoy teaching my kids at home, we have fun, we have a routine, we do things and I learn far more then them with our activities. 

I am certain that this is the absolute best way forward for us all. 

There was a time when I used to dread Monday's arrival, because I was following someone else's dream and not doing anything about my own hopes and wishes. Once that all came to an end and I devoted my time and energy to my own desires, my stress levels went down, my satisfaction with life went up and we all have a far better quality of life.

Do we live with less? Yes, but we require less. Besides, this too shall change - when you follow your inner star, life only goes in one direction - a direct route home. 

See you on the flip side -


Saturday, 29 September 2012

A Good and Great God

Today being a full moon always has interesting energy on offer - I also like that the skies are clear and the sun is shining - a portent for good? And it is, there are many wonderful things taking place in the world at each moment, it is up to us to seek them out.

Aligning with all that is great is an intention that can be placed within your energy field which will go out into the world, but of course you must first work on clearing out (detoxing) any negative patterns which might hold you back from kindness.

What I am referring to here is evil and there is unfortunately too much of it in the world space we occupy. It exists in places where you would least suspect, or perhaps not. Most of this evil is concentrated within religions.

Hatred and evil are driven by fear - and there are none so fearful as those who need to hold the power, money and have control of the majority of the people. 

Remember the old saying - what you fear the most you draw to you? Also the energy you put out there, will eventually come back full circle. And just look at what is happening and has always taken place within these organizations.

Pure evil! From the inquisitions to out right murder in the name of some lessor god (it can't possibly have been in the name of a great God?), mayhem, pillaging, raping and stealing. Of course none worse then what has been done to the children.

Any one of us who had the misfortune to grow up in a place steeped in hypocrisy with rules such as 'do as I say, not as I do' or 'trust in God' - when it was so obvious their entity was not to be trusted, have some way to go to detox this negative image of god out of our systems.

I have long known there is a feminine as well as a masculine face in god- of course there is, we are ALL made in Her image! And that the god I will trust is kind, good and unconditional in Her love for humanity. Those who are walking this path back to find what was lost, taken and stolen from us will eventually encounter this greatness of presence which resides within.

She has been waiting for us to come home. 

Have a magical day!


Friday, 28 September 2012

Full Moon Magic

I love the days leading up to a full moon (Saturday is a full moon), especially this time of year when the world is balancing between light and dark with the dark finally overtaking. Today I can feel the magic in the air and I have been dreaming of bunnies and small creatures.

You know how some days are just special? Well, today is one of them, it is a day for change, creating and moving forward in many ways. Of course there are lots of roads opening up to those of us who are seeking them.

All that's required right now is to choose one or two of these paths and start walking - further up ahead we will find specific directions telling us which way to turn, what to do next and how to keep up the momentum.

At this point in time, movement, motion, and momentum are what is important - keeping the energy flowing in a healthy body. In this way there is little room for more blocks to form and indeed we are working away at dissolving old tangles long holding us back.

So, on a day like today, during a week such as this, we have finally run out of excuses for staying where we are. Now there is no time like this moment to stand up, start walking, running or crawling towards our hopes, wishes and desires.

All it takes to shift the energy in this Universe is one small step forward - one tiny decision to be who we are and to follow the calling within our hearts. Then, there is not any force strong enough to stop us.

The time to move is now

Have a magical day!


Opening up to the sun

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Mind Worms and Spirit

Yesterday felt to be such a normal day for me, yet by the time I went to bed last night it was as if something very significant had happened. I felt as if I had broken through yet another layer of resistance and energy blocks. 

For nearly all of my life I have believed I am an 'all or nothing' kind of person and have often said those words or had them said to me. But, what went along with that was another underlying belief that I needed things to be a little difficult.

I am not sure where those beliefs came in from, I would tell people the opposite - yet they have persisted in my life. Actually these past few months I have been throwing out a few limiting mind worms that have seemingly moved in and taken over. 

Each of these appear to be about 'the Universe' - as if this was some other worldly entity I have no contact with and no say whatsoever in. It's funny how we get this into our heads that if the Universe wants this or that - then that is how it will be.

Such an unhealthy, passive and nonspiritual way to live! And so many of us have bought into it. Well not anymore and not for sometime on my end. I don't like to feel limited by this thought - that someone or something else other then me has any influence or control over what I am doing next.

This doesn't even sound right. When we think about it more deeply, we can clearly see how the Universe must be some part of us - then if this is the case, how can it be working against us or not bringing us our hearts wishes and desires?

Unless, someone else (or something else) has set themselves up as the Divine Universe and are operating from a  parallel world? Possible? Of course. Another scenario might be how our internal communication and ability to create (energy potential) have been harnessed by other energies such as nasty bacteria or toxins from yeast for example. 

Then, with something else firmly in the command centre, we are heavily influenced by whatever they need us to think, believe, fear or worry about. Usually these are any spiritually limiting thoughts such as - when the Universe wants it, walking the path is supposed to be difficult (all the time), not knowing if something is right or wrong...and any other confusion along the way.

In my experience so far, as long as I am eating non toxic foods (remove any drug such as caffeine, alcohol, sugar, Night Shades, chemicals etc.) drinking clean water, exercising and generally listening to my body - the things I want are what my spirit also wants. 

Such as to follow my dreams, make them happen and allow my life to play out as I see it. Not through the eyes of anyone else.

Well that's me, off and running! 


Thyme drying in the kitchen

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Earth Magic

Well, after a strange restless night, it is not yet a strange day - but it's early, so we'll see. Today, I can feel change in the air, it's almost as if I time wave has swept in from the sea pushing all in front of it to the brink of an energy shift.

This morning I am watching the sky and the only word I can use for it is churning - some energy has altered in the heavens and now it is spreading it's response. I love this kind of day, full of potential and unlimited possibilities.

Over these last few days since we finished our Master Cleanse I have been cooking and in the kitchen non-stop creating my recipes and generally having loads of fun with all I love to do. As I have mentioned a few times already, this is perhaps my favourite time - the few days post cleanse.

So much seems to fall into place for us, it always feels as if old patterns we have been mired down inside for decades just unravel and healthier, new, fresh ones of our own making rise up to take their place. This week has been no exception to that and our lives will be far better because of it.

Today I am busy gearing up to get back into my intermittent fasting and back on track - it just feels nicer and I know my body responds to this way of eating (living) with renewed vitality. So, back to fasting tomorrow and some more healthy detox days.

For now, I am just going to enjoy this energy shift and work at getting underneath it - it's not often we witness such profound change in the air around us. It can be fun to just observe as the earth weaves her magic!

Have a healthy day,


Rainbow over the barn in Leap West Cork

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

New Beginnings

Carrying on from yesterday, I am still feeling as if I have broken through to some newer level - almost as if the clouds have parted somewhat and there is a wide open sky before me. And all that is required of me is to treat each day like a new beginning.

The new beginning is one thing, routine, discipline and consistency are also part of this picture. It's funny how I know and work with my children and their studies with this same approach - routine with homeschool is very important for their learning to establish patterns.

However, I did not always apply this to myself and my own day. Not that my life was chaos, but it could be disordered and disappointing when I consistently put myself last. Of course this did nothing to help me feel better about achieving my own personal goals.

Now I feel as if I am naturally making routines and creating new patterns with each day since I finished my last Master Cleanse. I am just far more efficient with the house work, school work and my writing time. I can clearly see how old pattern were broken and dismantled.

Now, my life is as it should be, where it really all centers around focusing on the children. When I pay exquisite attention to them, their needs and learning - it all falls into place. The main reason for this is because they learn by example, so I have to do things first, for myself and then together with them.

For instance, I want everyone to exercise daily - we have a gym at home (we are each an exercise physiologist and personal trainer) - however, I would tend to go in there alone. For a little while now, I bring the children, they have their own program to follow and we all do our workouts.

The same with school work - I set them up with their lessons, then I have some time to do my own - writing, reading, research etc. All it takes is organization for the most part but also embracing a willingness to create something better for everyone involved.

Today once we are finished the lessons, our plan is to do some painting, drawing or art - until the rain stops and we can get out into the garden. Even the garden is going well - I had to learn to pull back and just let the kids plant, pull weeds and generally enjoy their garden too.

Even if that meant the baby plants were not deep enough, or some broken and at times the weeds being pulled are my herbs.... LOL So what, at the end of the day, I can go back and replant the Brussels Sprouts, however, my children will never have this time or day again - and neither will I.

Living this way, allows me to focus on what is important, to enjoy each day as it comes while I create a better tomorrow. Wonderful.


Monday, 24 September 2012

Spiritual Blueprint and New Beginnings

I like Mondays, but then again I like anything that can be considered a starting point, it's like having a fresh beginning every week. Another chance to get it right, make some changes and perhaps make a difference in your life.

So, Monday it is - for me, what comes to mind is how these new beginnings come around each day, week or month - and I am that much further down the road towards my goals. I am detoxed a little more, organized and pieced back together that much better.

This alone is a great feeling, it's as if each tiny piece of a larger puzzle has been coming together with me leading the way towards some inner destination. Along the way, as each part of me is cleared and cleaned up after lifetimes of hurt, abuse and neglect, something magical happens. 

Of course what arrives with all this cleansing and inner work is a deeper knowledge of myself, my mind, body and soul and the paths I have taken to get me into these spaces. Even when we are traveling in the dark, and might be thinking we don't 'know' that much about where or how we will get there - some part of us always knows.

Finding this map is important - an ancient blueprint has been impressed upon our souls for us to follow. This knowingness has always been there, however, it's the same as going through any other door, you cannot access the map unless you arrive at the right door!

Once there, you can pick up your clear directions to your own unique destination and carry on with following your dreams to their full fruition. Perhaps this might be the beginning of bigger challenges or some new fears - but we are not set up to fail.

Failure along the spiritual path is not an option when you take your time, cleanse, clear and make the changes asked of you when you reach each milestone. Now is definitely not the time to back down either - the time is right to step it up and sprint for home.

Have a lovely day,


Follow the road - all the way home

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Dealing with Negativity

Today has been a strange day all round - it hasn't been an awful day, nothing all that bad has happened, we are all safe and sound. However, the energy just doesn't seem right somehow...

So, here I am at last, sitting down to sort out how I am feeling, it is no wonder that sometimes I have such a hard time writing (the writing is easy, the resistance is terrible). Finally I feel as if I am sorting through all that has been going around in my head all day and perhaps for several days.

It is about negativity, or better yet, evil, ill will, and there is a blanket of energy around me that doesn't belong. It as taken me a day and a bit to work away at lifting it up and off of myself, in the meantime I have felt low, tired and angry.

All day I have been Closing Energy Leaks to the anger and watching it return to it's source - funny how it has come in from some place I never expected. But of course it is attached to food and places. 

Some of the energetic signs of negativity attachment are feeling cold, tired, and especially heavy in your eyes. I have had each of these all day long and have been trying to break through for a number of hours. Finally, I was able to shift it enough to get some more clarity.

This energy work can be grueling but once you come through it, it's like the sun bursting through the clouds at the end of a very long day. Negativity is not a great energy to have hanging around because it can fester, dig in deeper and otherwise cause further problems within your mind and body.

The only way forward is to keep working at removing these dark clouds - this can be done through good homemade food (nourishment), drinking clean water, herbal teas (especially nettle, dandelion, thyme), exercise, cleaning house, baths (with sea salt), garlic and activities such as painting, drawing and writing. 

Sometimes these layers are moving upwards from deep within only to clash with some other surface energies, one drawing on the other as your body pushes from a cellular level to break free. Most of the time, this can be accomplished quickly enough, often after a few hours.

However, those hours can be difficult or one of the greatest lessons of your life. It's all in the attitude!

Have a lovely evening,


More sunset photos....

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Ahh, Saturday!

I don't know about you but I love Saturday morning, it is distinct and different from any other morning of the week. We wake up and are free, easy and buzzing with energy. No other morning gives me the same feeling as this day.

I have been pondering this fact all morning considering I have baked bread, made a dinner for the kids (for later in the day), done a good workout, turned out ducks, geese and turkeys and had breakfast so far this morning. I just feel so much more efficient or something.

So what is this 'or something' - I think it is content. My family is all here with me, we are going about our routines, doing each of our chores and the house feels happy. Perhaps the house is delighted to have us all together as well.

But, there does seem to be a little bit more to this feeling too - Saturday means food for us, farmers markets, shopping, fresh produce and little treats throughout the day. I can't remember if it has always meant this - I don't think so, these feelings are entirely my own.

A new pattern.

Yet, I do realize this must harken back to some ancient time in our DNA and history, because for millennia humans in our part of the world anyway, have traded and shopped at community markets and fairs each week. Maybe even on this day.

After finishing our Master Cleanse we are feeling pretty good - better then good actually! For the first time in so long, I noticed yesterday how I have no stiffness in my knees or hips at all. Another side affect of fasting and these workouts.

I actually feel younger and freer within myself and of course I am going to do what it takes to feel like this every day! If this is the final outcome from a few days spent fasting, detoxing and intensely working on myself - then bring it on. 

I have not ever done something so worthwhile and as satisfying (expect perhaps having a baby at home on my own! LOL). Anyway, life is good and I feel great.

Have a happy Saturday out there


My cat has decided he wants the date squares! He's patiently waiting for one...

Friday, 21 September 2012

Sorting, Cleaning and Organisation - Letting Go

This last Master Cleanse was particularly powerful for me, perhaps mainly because I really pushed myself where exercise is concerned and not only kept up with my usual routine, I have improved on it and feel better as a result.

Actually, physically I feel far better after this cleanse than any other I have done (and there are a few!). Perhaps that is why over this past few days, I have had all this extra energy to clean, reorganize and finally get some things done on my 'to do' list. 

There is much to be said for a clean and well organized house! Even if no one else notices the subtle change you know it is done, the effort has been put in and then it's only a matter of keeping things tidy. Of course, that is not always easy with small children of any age....

Today I am enjoying the results of my cleaning and hard work, so much so I was even down in the duck pen getting them organized too. I don't know how much it will be appreciated though, but it does look nicer!

Of course when you get into the work of cleaning one of the main things I always realize is how much stuff we have that no one really needs, plays with, misses or looks for. It's interesting how much can accumulate in the house as if these things mate when no one is paying attention.

Mainly I am referring to bits and pieces of toys, old 'things', papers and stuff - and this just after a cleanse! All this being held onto and for what? There are boxes of things ready to move on right now and I think I have only gotten started.

What is going through my head today has been all these things being held onto, inside as well as outside, perhaps it's time to really purge more deeply - or has this already been done? Feels like something is about to unravel here.... and it's all good!

Have a great day,


Willow trees growing in the garden

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Another Master Cleanse Done!

It's over and we have moved on to the next phase which is already shaping up to be certainly focused on two things so far - mind and physical exercise and perhaps the connection between them. Even today, day 11, which is really a juice day as we shift back into eating, I am sensing change.

Today I am on smoothies and juice for the day until later when I will have some soft cooked veggie soup and some homemade bread. Day 11 usually goes quite well, albeit a little shock to the system of flavours, textures and tastes after the herbal teas and lemon drink for 10 days.

I love this time because now is when we see the effort of cleansing come together into what was accomplished and how far we have moved forward with our inner quest. Already I am seeing in my workouts how I feel stronger, more determined and focused.

This time around I not only maintained my daily workout during the fast, but increased them in length and intensity. So, now with some more calories in my system, I am surging with energy and can feel the power in my muscles.

It's a great place to be actually! I can't help but think this is what wellness or total health must feel like...

So far today, I am still cooking, I just made our meal of mung bean root vegetable stew and some honey spelt bread to go with it. Later I want to make some crackers for everyone as well as get started on a few more of our goodies for the weekend.

This weekend is Mabon of Autumn Equinox which for us usually means a celebration of trees. This is the perfect time of year to plant a lot of different trees as well as put seeds into the ground. In Ireland the winter garden is always a nice option too. 

Already today I have been working away in my herb garden taking advantage of the drier weather to get some herbs in for drying. The whole kitchen looks and smells like herbs (they are hanging to dry), warm bread and health.

Well, off to get some more done here today, have a good one,


Oak tree in pot in my herb garden

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Ahhhh Day 10!

We have done it once again - you'd think after so many of these cleanses we would be so used to a detox, however there are never two alike. Each time I have done an intensive detox or a Master Cleanse, it has been significantly different from any of the others.

Of course there are many markers and points along the way which can be considered to be predictable. I have identified several patterns which will arise during a 10 day MC, which may not take place with a shorter one for instance. 

One pattern is what I have come to refer to as the detox cycle, every three days or so, the body appears to go into a deeper push to remove these embedded toxins. This starts off with the first day feeling a surge of energy, second day your mind/emotions kick in forcing you to consider deeper aspects of an issue, while the third day it all comes together as the pattern unravels. 

It's all quite interesting really. Then there are other patterns of resistance which are expected to come up as well. Every couple of days the mind wanders to 'why am I doing this exactly' or 'is this enough already'? LOL

Of course this work (detox/cleanse/spirituality) all comes back to our minds. We often relegate these parts of ourselves to the back burner and spend a lot of our time and energy doing things to get out of mind and into some other space. However, if I have learned anything over the past 18 months or so of regular cleanses, it has been how much of a key player our mind is.

In absolutely everything we do, all that we are and want to be.

If there is one thing I can say I am most pleased with as an outcome of doing each of these cleanses and detoxes month after month - it would be the fact of my mind coming back into line with my dreams, hopes, wishes, body and health.

For so long I felt as if there was a battle going on. I wouldn't say that battle is fully over (it could be??), but I certainly am on the winning team here.

Well, off to get going with my day here - we opened a hive yesterday and now have honey to uncap and process for the winter! Yumm!

Have a healthy day,


Rainbow over Leap, West Cork, Ireland

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Into the Home Stretch Now - Day 9

Today is the ninth day of our 10 day cleanse - we are starting to get a little excited and are looking forward to eating some food again. Of course the menus are all planned for the weekend with lots of goodies and wholesome meals.

Right now I am feeling pretty good, my energy levels have been steady throughout, even with a small cold. Although most of that cold has now gone after doing the salt water flush yesterday. I still have some aches in my muscles, however this is most likely due to my workouts.

I am having loads of dreams at night - mostly of a very different nature. Many years ago I would frequently dream of animals, at the time I worked with them and had a farm, so spent lots of time around them. Last night I had yet another dream of an animal.

This dream was of me with a wallaby - he was friendly and I was carrying it around like a child. At some point a door was broken off of the room where we were and I was worried he would wander away. I don't recall having every seen a wallaby and certainly not ever dreamed of one! LOL

These past few hours have allowed the focus of our Master Cleanse to seep into reality and start to solidify within our lives. I feel that we are placing more of an emphasis on structure, new ways to learn as well as greater organization.

Each of these elements are very important as we journey towards our hopes and dreams made manifest. It's quite interesting how a lack of structure in the day (I don't like to be overly regimented) can lead to frustration and wasting time.

We are all gaining an inner perspective on the ways and means our minds have been limited and held back from pursuing a few more of our deepest held dreams. These past few days have seen these patterns come to light and now hopefully to be dismantled while we find ways to break through stagnant waters.

Some fairly deep stuff rising to the surface here! All of it good - onwards and upwards...

Have a lovely day,


Rainbow - leading the way home 

Monday, 17 September 2012

Just Another Cleanse Day or Not?

Today is the 8th day of my September Master Cleanse, it's always at this stage that we start our official count down - the last 72 hours of any detox can be quite interesting as your body goes into it's final push to remove toxins.

This morning I did my fourth salt water flush as well and tonight will take the senna tea. These really help to keep the debris being released into your system moving up and out as well as helping you to feel clear and energetic.

I have a bit of a cold, but these symptoms always subside after I do the salt water - it is such a gentle but powerful clear out process. My other detox symptoms would be a little bit of a backache - mostly due to sore muscles, however, I have been pushing myself a little with my workouts.

And my dreams are still an on-going show all night long. Last night I dreamt I was looking out through a window at a group of 3 smaller pheasants with a larger one. In the dream I assumed they were a mother and her off spring. However I was so curious when I woke up, I looked it up online to find these birds often have a male with a group of 3 females. 

Very symbolic of the divine Feminine in her triple goddess state! Lovely dream...

My mind has been mulling over the need to do something different today and perhaps every day - you know how we are such creatures of habit, we can end up doing the same things day after day. I often think my life is less predictable and always full of change, however I too have my habits.

The one I am focused on right now, which needs to change is my exercise. I tend to do the same things in our gym. Yes, I do push myself, but I have my comfort zone and tend to use the same equipment, and not branch out as much as I should.

So, today this has become my goal. To do an exercise DVD, and use one piece of equipment I would not normally use - stretch my body, mind and soul a little bit more. Perhaps if I challenge myself in new ways, I will have different results! LOL

Who knows, there might be a miracle!

Have a healthy day,


In honour of Mabon this week - baby trees in pots

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Today is Day Seven!

Well, it is often at this point in our Master Cleanse where we start to count down and of course plan all the yummy foods we want to eat once the fasting is over. Today because everyone is at home, we are busy looking through our recipes and making wish lists!

And there is a great list on the go right now for me to work from on the weekend, usually it will be far too much to make in only a couple of days, but I always give it my best shot. Everything tastes so wonderful just after a Master Cleanse with a clean palate and all your senses are up and running 

Today I am feeling pretty good as well, I just did most of my workout, and was able to push myself a little bit more. I have managed to keep up with my regimen and am quite pleased with myself on this end. I want to do some more in our gym shortly, it just feels better when I am moving.

As for detox symptoms, I have lots, aches and pains (could be this cold?), slight headache, stuffy nose, coated tongue, a bit tired at times - come to think of it, these are all cold symptoms. I am sleeping fairly well at night and still having dreams, but not remembering like I was earlier in the week. There were more vague this morning. Perhaps because I was up a few times with the kids (coughing and runny noses!). 

This is the stage of a MC when you are also likely to go back into the deepest detox cycle of the 10 days, so things can change a little when this happens. Usually for me this just means more emotional work to be done and deeper insights into old negative patterns.

In fact these next couple of days will provide the overview or place the entire Master Cleanse into context - showing me exactly what has been accomplished over these past 10 days. I love this part - it's as if it all comes together with reasons, understanding and energy shifts.

Well, that's me for Day 7, lots to look forward to!

Have a healthy day,


From a little marigold plant something wonderful grows

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Now on Day 6 of 10 Day Master Cleanse....

Even though I do these every month, there are no two the same. Each cleanse has been distinctly different from the others as I watch my own personal progress along my spiritual path. I am doing this for several reasons....

Perhaps the most important reason for completing any Master Cleanse is to detox out the deeply embedded toxins bound so tightly to our tissues and cells for so long. I have heard it said this type of cleanse will take you back to toxins in the breast milk you were fed as an infant.

I must say, I do believe that. I have felt my bones pushing out deeply held poisons and chemicals which have gathered up over the years. My mind also frequently goes back to old memories during a Master Cleanse and I remember events from when I was very young. Another indication some old energies are moving.

For me, because I am aware of my past lives, and have always remembered them, these too have been coming up to the surface for clearing. This past few days have been no exception, while the times I spent as a Beothuk Indian (from which I am descended) have all been worked on.

There are other reasons to complete a cleanse as well. For people whose interest lies with higher consciousness and spiritual matters, this are an absolute must. If you want to move further along on your journey, actually enjoy some aspects of it and make deeper inroads into yourself at a faster rate - this is the only way to go.

In fact, the world over has shown us people on spiritual quests who practiced fasting to enhance, understand and deepen their journeys. This is one of the safest, oldest and most reliable methods of walking the spiritual talk.

I also know and have witnessed many times how detoxing strengthens the immune function, normalizes body systems and stabilizes weight. Right now, I am working on deeply held old inflammation in my tissues (any time you take antibiotics inflammation is pushed into the tissues) while the toxins associated with it are gently lifted away.

For day 6, I have a cold now (the kids are better, it's my turn!) but otherwise not feeling badly. Just a little tired, my tongue is coated, my hair feels sticky and heavy, but I have kept up my exercise regimen so my body actually feels stronger.

I am dreaming profusely, I dream a lot normally, so I am entertained all night long. Last night was mostly about old situations and people I have not seen in many years. Like I said, very old stuff moving now.

Well, I have a busy day planned and won't keep it waiting - if you haven't done a cleanse already, plan to do one soon. It's worth every minute!

Have a healthy day,


Friday, 14 September 2012

It's Day 5!!

We have arrived on day 5 in good form so far, nearly half way there now of this 10 day cleanse. I have lots of detox symptoms today - aches, coated tongue, my legs feel heavy, but my energy is good and my mind feels so clear. I just love that part of it!

Loads of dreams again last night, but not as clear as the other nights. Definitely moving into some deeper tissue work here. I can feel my 'mind' altering - it's as if the thought patterns (old ones) are being shoved up to the surface for me to see.

I actually woke up saying these words 'flawed thinking'. Then I just knew it would be a total 'mind' day. So far, I am feeling pretty good, I am trying to get some things done for next week's mini celebration (Mabon or Autumn Equinox).

We love any excuse for a party! Today I am working on making some treats for the children as well as roasted, salted cashews and so on. Just to re-fill the jars for when our Master Cleanse is finished. 

All, I can say for certain right now is that I will keep doing these cleanses and if anything, perhaps increase the length of time between now and Winter Solstice. I would like to do 12 or 15 days for a couple of detoxes to see if that makes any further inroads.

After completing a 40 day cleanse last year, these ones are tiny now by comparison. Yet, for anyone wondering, they do work, it is worth every hour spent and it gets easier and easier with each day that goes by. 

I really enjoy the new found sense of discipline, my focus, ability to pay attention and I feel I am just more relaxed and find living easier. There is a clarity for me about my life, my goals and how to go about things, I just never had before. 

This is all so worth it! Try out The Pagan Diet everyone, you get to have it all - food, fast and feast. While you balance your body, regain your health and find your inner Goddess! 

Have a healthy day,


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Gearing Up For Day 4

We have all commented on how fast this Master Cleanse is going - we are already on day 4 and the time seems to pass fairly quickly. Next week this time, it will be over for another month and we will be dissecting all that has taken place.

Right now, I am just moving into a detox cycle as cleanse symptoms are starting to come up for me and I am feeling toxins moving in my body. I have a slight headache, feel a bit tired at times, my tongue is starting to be coated, and I am dreaming profusely at night.

Last night I dreamt of a blue fox which was hiding in the house, we were trying to root it out, it grabbed my left hand (but didn't bite hard enough to hurt me) and something was said about the fact that I was left handed. We released it outside and expected it to run away, however it turned around and came back and grabbed my hand again. 

Otherwise, I spent yesterday day and this morning mulling over another site I came across with a blogger who was taking copious amounts of supplements to balance her hormones. If that wasn't enough, she also commented at length on how Intermittent Fasting does not work and how she would not do it.

Of course, I wanted to read more and then discovered a few things from reading a few articles on her site. Firstly, she had no qualifications whatsoever to be giving or providing advice on nutrition, supplements, food or health.

Secondly, her 'experience' with Intermittent Fasting consisted of spending several years only eating dinner while skipping breakfast and lunch. When I read on further, her intake during the so-called fasting hours were several coffees with milk and sugar and cigarettes!

Then at dinner time, she would break her 'fast' with a glass of wine while she prepared a dinner of mostly processed foods, takeaways or eating out. She lived, worked and ate this way for many years, ended up with a totally dysfunctional system including severe hormone imbalance.

But, now was talking about fasting as if the way she lived was even remotely similar to what a fasting lifestyle is all about. I read this and have been mulling it over since - again, carefully considering how much mis-information is out there and how confusing it must be for people. 

So, I thought to make it perfectly clear - fasting is part of an overall healthy lifestyle. When you take in anything other then water or clear herbal tea, you are NOT fasting. Further to this, if you continue to consume caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoke, medication and eat in an unhealthy manner - you will probably not have any benefits from fasting.

This is like sitting on a fence - you can't have it both ways. You must choose one side or the other (health or dysfunction) and act accordingly. Fasting is the equivalent of gently washing your body on the inside, but you cannot become clean with dirty water. 

Think about it, take all the time you need.


Master Cleanse ingredients...

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Now into My Third Day! Talking Gut Bacteria....

This morning brings me to day 3 of this Master Cleanse and usually by this point the worst of the adjustment into detox mode is over with, especially the early symptoms and getting used to having an empty digestive system.

And that is one topic I thought worth mentioning because I am asked about this so often. Of course what better time to ponder hunger and empty stomachs but when doing a cleanse and cleaning out the body!

For me, at this point in time, after having done many cleanses and detoxes, hunger has a completely different meaning as well as several identifiable feelings now associated with it, that I never knew before. Perhaps they were always there, however, I was not aware of them and certainly not able to distinguish between stages, senses and the meaning of hunger.

Right now I am not hungry - yes my stomach is sort of empty (on a Master Cleanse I drink a lemonade drink of my own formula), but the tissues of my body are not 'hungry' or even remotely close to starving. There are calories coming into my body, I have good levels of energy and I am most likely burning excess fat.

I have only once in my life experienced what I would term as real hunger - when I did my 40 days Master Cleanse and even then, it was a physical sensation and not a mental pattern. But, it was also part of the overall detox process and my body was onboard with that.

I don't believe that any of us know how to distinguish between these feelings unless we start fasting, detoxing, cleansing regularly and take the time to get to know our bodies at this level. This is an amazing process in an incredible system.

I have found that the hunger I used to experience, where I simply could not wait for food and would just 'eat anything because I had to have something immediately' - was not hunger, that was emotion, emptiness and frustration. 

What is worse, it wasn't mine - it was energy picked up from others, patterns learned throughout my childhood and an expression of hormonal imbalance brought about from overgrowth of fungus, mold, nasty bacteria and vaccine viruses and so forth.

Our bodies have become little factories for biological life forms that shouldn't be there. We are crawling with bugs that wouldn't inhabit our guts and tissues under normal circumstances and when these creatures want to eat - they want it now. 

What is worse, they want junk, oils, fats, sugar (don't all aliens?) and all manner of rubbish for the quickest fix possible. Does any of this sound familiar? 

When we choose or feel compelled or can't stop ourselves from gobbling these non-nutrients we are not feeding ourselves, our bodies cannot make nutrients where non exist. We are feeding this imbalance of non-commensual organisms within our guts, that should not be there in the first place.

However, they have placed themselves at the top of the food chain and are running the show. This is what a Master Cleanse can do - start to break down this detrimental hierarchy, regain control of body function and digestive processes. 

All the while we are learning how to listen to our bodies, distinguish between real hunger, choosing the right foods and of course repopulate our guts with heathy, normal bacteria that work with us, instead of against us.

All this, and it's only day 3!! LOL

Have a healthy day,


Fresh greens from my garden - best way to add life to your gut! 

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Master Cleanse 2nd Day

Well today is day 2 of my Master Cleanse and as per usual when I am doing these, it has been a bit of a shaky start as I move into detox mode. But, I expect that this too shall pass as I shift into a new routine over the coming few hours.

Last night I ended up going to bed early because of a headache, which is what normally happens on day one or day two with the beginning of these cleanses. Otherwise, I had a very productive day, had lots of energy and got quite a few things done from my 'to do' list.

This time round, I am determined to not only keep up with my exercise routine, but to attempt to increase it or expand it out somewhat during this Master Cleanse. I think a bit more exercise or activity will be beneficial and perhaps help me to achieve my goals faster.

Which brings me back to my main goal here with this cleanse - to reduce, remove, breakthrough or otherwise eliminate this amount of resistance I have been experiencing. Resistance plays out in our lives in many ways,  and is especially strong when you want to make changes and follow your own dreams as opposed to working for someone else. 

And, it can be experienced as more than a block, because with a block, you are doing something and nothing happens. Resistance holds you back from doing something about it, as well as causing confusion about how to move forward. 

Where there is resistance there may be output but a struggle of epic proportions to get anything done and certainly a large amount of opposition can be felt with all you do. It is an interesting pattern we all experience and must overcome as we journey along these paths.

Of course, the way I have discovered to really move forward and actually see results from the work I am doing is to do a Master Cleanse or a fast in some way. These fast enable me to focus my mind on the road ahead of me as I put my energy into creating the life I want to live. 

As for detox symptoms, right now my legs are feeling heavy (but I have upped my exercise routine as well), I have a slight headache which receded a lot after doing a salt water flush this morning, I have a few aches and pains - but all good so far. 

I am dreaming profusely as well - huge dreams, all night long again last night, mainly about my own animals (dogs, cat, ducks, geese, turkeys), barns, moving them around and marking room for some horses. Then another of me skipping along the road as if I was a child! 

Well, this is bound to be an interesting day to say the least...

Have a healthy day,


Dragon fly in the herb garden 

Monday, 10 September 2012

Master Cleanse - Day 1

Well, we decided to go ahead and start our September Master Cleanse now, because we were just needing a bit more focus and a boost to keep us moving forward. It just feels right to do it now, once you start these detoxes and the pattern of clearing out, your body functions better if you keep going.

As I mentioned last week, I was already looking for a theme for this cleanse- removing blocks, breaking down resistance and balance have all come to mind. But this time around there is a far stronger feeling towards removing this wall of inner and outer resistance to living my life in general.

I think many of you can relate to this - especially those who are walking a spiritual path or on a journey of any kind, an inner road that must be travelled to find yourself. There is a huge amount of resistance, it wells up inside of us and we experience it in the world around us as well.

This form of resistance has kept us back, holds onto us in these never ending cycles of uselessness and frustrates us to no end. I have come to recognise this level of inner struggle and opposition to all we are as based on circulating toxins, in particular endocrine disruptors or synthetic hormones.

I have been paying a fair amount of attention to this type of toxic influence over the past few years, mainly because we are inundated with them with seemingly no end in sight. It is quite difficult to re-gain the upper hand where these poisons are concerned (I even did my Masters on plastic water bottles in the food chain!).

So, this next 10 days are going to be interesting to say the absolute least, because it is my intention to not only unravel the influence on my body function from this form of hormone, but also to strip them away as much as possible from the tissues.

Today, I am feeling quiet in myself, as if there is a battle ahead of me - however, I have battled before and am not one to back down easily from something I want to achieve. To say the least, I am ready and able for this.

My dreams last night were very interesting - a recurring dream I used to have many years ago of being in this huge mansion came up again where I was walking around and exploring all the rooms of this elaborate house with marble floors. And one of a tree with branches which came alive in some way and then were able to jump and move.

Well, I am off to a great start today, gearing up for the days ahead and all that is to come... 

Have a happy Monday!


Marigolds in the garden last week

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Fasting means: No food!

I was reading an article earlier about the new so-called fad diet of fasting. I love this, how when the main stream media doesn't know how to diss something right off, they will refer to it as a fad. What bothered me most was the blatant mis-information pumped out there right off the bat, totally misleading and wrong information not based on any facts.

Of course, right away the many comments on the article were either from people who have incorporated fasting into their lifestyles for religious reasons, stating that it was not a fad, this has been around for thousands of years! Or from people who fast regularly and wanted to point out the many errors in the article.

Hardly a own experience with fasting started young, again it was practiced as a form of religious self-discipline in the community where I grew up. As an adult I started fasting in 2001, as part of an overall detox program and then I kept going with it for a good few months afterwards because I felt so great.

Of course the rest is history (you can read all about it in my book The Pagan Diet) and now I incorporate fasting as a matter of course in my life - regularly doing Master Cleanses, mini cleanses and fasting days or 'day on/day off' food and fast as I call it.

The one main comment I wanted to make here is the fact that the article I read mentioned eating a bowl of porridge and two salads on the fast days, then food as usual on the other days. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like fasting to me!

If you consume ANY food, you have broken your fast. Eating a very small amount of food on any given day is what I would refer to as either calorie restriction or starvation. It is not fasting or anything similar to it.

Fasting involves drinking clean (not tap) water from a well or spring, I also include clear herbal teas (not the fruit kind) throughout the day or days as you allow your digestive system a much needed break. 

There are many methods or patterns people have come up with that work for them - but the basics are all the same. No food for the duration, drink clean water and go about your normal activities as per usual. 

On my fasting days I also incorporate a workout - fasting exercise is a great way to burn fat, increase muscle mass in general and you can time these to have a meal once your activity session is finished. I have been doing really well with mixing this up because I incorporate several exercise sessions into my usual routines.

Fasting is as old as the hills and has been practiced for health or spiritual reasons for eons. It is a clean, cheap, easy way to regularize weight, body systems and to gain more energy. I personally find I am far more disciplined in myself as a result and I have fasted (Master Cleanse using a lemon drink) for up to 40 days at a time...

If you haven't tried it, you should. You have everything, including your health to gain.

Have a great day,


The Pagan Diet Cover

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Feeling the Need to Detox

These past couple of days have been good in many ways, with regards to getting things done, however I am feeling the need to get back down to the business of detoxing once again and physically I feel as if a lot of toxins have been stirred up.

During these past few weeks, since my last cleanse, I have increased and expanded my workouts to add variety but also to improve my own fitness level. I like to challenge myself every now and then, especially through physical activity. 

With all of the detoxing, I had tended to do more gentle exercises, and then stick with that low key pattern after the cleanse was finished mostly out of habit. I missed doing a more vigorous exercise routine and have happily gotten back into it recently.

Of course, doing much more physically, also increases the circulation of toxins in the system as well as encouraging them to leave by the normal routes. I want to speed things along a little bit and thought to combine a Master Cleanse with a few more intense workouts (as much as possible) thrown in.

So, this weekend we are eating well, exercising lots and building up to doing our September Master Cleanse (for how many days I am not sure yet) sometime next week. 

My body feels much stronger, however I am aware of the toxin load moving about because my mind is unable to focus as easily and I am a little ungrounded, neither of which is like me. I miss the way I usually feel in my mind - sharp and clear and need to get back to it.

The fastest, easiest and safest way to detox, body, mind and soul is of course to do a Master Cleanse for about 10 days. This will be my fifth this year so far while I have done many little mini cleanses in-between.

Right now I am very aware of internal body functions and systems needing to come into balance - and the best way to move forward is through a detox. So another Master Cleanse is in order, I can't wait. 

Now I have to decide on a theme or focus for my 10 days journey....hmmm!

Have a lovely day,


A tangle of herbs...

Friday, 7 September 2012

Into the Shadows

The shadow world is really quite large and bigger than all of us - or more than we can see and understand as we are. However, there is much to be said about working on our shadow selves, this is an ongoing transformation of being when you are walking a higher path.

The work on the shadow places involves tasks, undertakings and creative jobs that are never really done. We are always a constant work in progress - as vast and endless as the expanding Universe.

It is of vital importance to give yourself jobs and interesting pursuits (or to push yourself to do them) those which engage or stimulate your creative side. Working on yourself in this way can move you forward towards your deepest dreams and desires as you follow new and different paths.

Of course, opening up to deeper levels of creativity often needs some physical assistance - the best and easiest way to do this is to include lots of physical movement in your day. The more active you are, the more you connect with or 'involve' other parts of your brain.

An increasing level of involvement from as many parts and pieces of your being (your core self) is a vital link towards achieving your dreams. As you move inwards towards your heart's desires, all of you needs to be present and accounted for.

Opening up inner doors to the dream world (both night and day dreams) is a little like opening Pandora's box. Or perhaps it is exactly that - an entire world of our own creation, molded and shaped by our thoughts and built brick by brick from our hard work and determination.

These dreams, your work and the purpose for which you are here on this planet are meant to align in perfect harmony - will you be ready to step into your place? 

It is time, your time has come.


Dragonfly in the garden

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Exercise is Also Good for the Soul

Not much emphasis has been placed on exercise for those who are walking a spiritual path, in fact some of the least fit people I know, claim to be on a journey of epic proportions. Yet they place little value on activity or have lost their way when it comes to their physical body.

Of course, this makes little sense and has become a significant block for these people. One that must be addressed and worked on to make every effort to clear out obstructed and congested areas in the body and throughout the energy field.

The most important aspect of following a spiritual path or being on a journey, has always been the fact that your body is the only way inward. A spiritual journey will not ever be completed without full and active participation of every part of the body.

Further to this, all communication with spiritual aspects of the self such as heart, higher self, energy systems etc. are coordinated by the nervous system. Then this links back through the hypothalamus to the roots of the hormonal function (more or less).

Your hormones must be balanced, functioning and at stable levels in order to receive timely and appropriate communication from all parts of your body. These internal chemical messengers are our human Angels and we cannot walk any path without them spiritual, or otherwise.

Exercise is an absolute must on this journey, there are so many benefits to body, mind and spirit they cannot possibly be all listed here. However, it is enough to know your internal communications are of vital importance for signs, signals and messages along the way.

And these signposts derive from both the hormonal (messaging) and nervous (signaling, communication) pathways. 

There are so many benefits to exercise this list is not nearly enough, it is just a quick look at some of the spiritual benefits of physical activity;

- balance internal body systems
- hormone regulation
- detox aid
- clarity of mind & spirit
- increase energy
- untangle energy field
- reduce energy spikes in the field
- improve immune function
- increase awareness
- better coping abilitiy

Physical aspects of awakening happen cell by cell and is very much a part of the overall picture and some would say this is the entire picture. The body is where all of this journey, traveling, inner pathways and walking a higher path takes place. 

When you commit to exercising and improving the fitness level of your body, you take your spiritual journey to a much higher level. Indeed, it is the only way to fly!

Have a lovely day,


Black & White photo of an oil painting....