These past few days have been bringing up some very interesting dreams - as there appears to be a bit of a clearing house taking place. I mentioned this phase of Food, Fast & Feast a few days ago, post Master Cleanse a lot takes place, in many ways far more then during the cleanse itself.
This time around has been very significant for me, as obstacles, blocks, stuckness and all these other feelings of being held back in life are being tackled one at a time and then removed from my way. Of course this involves participation on my part as well as the recognition of exactly what is taking place.
One thing that I have been realizing is that I have been carrying dreams around that are not mine, just the same as any other energy imprint, taking on someone else's energy will not only slow you down it will fester and create a block in your energy field.
How many dreams do we carry that are not entirely our own, perhaps bits and pieces of hopes and desires that have become interwoven with our own from someone else's life. It is important to take some time after a cleanse and sort out exactly what is yours and what can be returned to sender.
This is an important weeding out process and should be taking place (often!) in all areas of our lives and bodies. In the same way that a detox cleans out old debris and toxins from the tissues, on an energetic level, it should also affect and begin to clean out all other aspects of our beings.
One other point that I wanted to make here as well - is do not compromise on your goals, dreams, hopes or desires. During this weeding out, make certain that you hold onto what is yours. There is always a way forward, you can and will have exactly what you want in life- you have to keep moving and working steadily towards this end.
Some years ago, a well meaning friend sat me down and told me to narrow my focus, whittle down my larger then life dreams into one or at the most, two things and let go of the rest. Needless to say, this person is no longer a part of my life, but my dreams remain.
Not one part of me or my hopes will be left behind.
Have a lovely day
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One baby duck |
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