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Friday, 5 April 2013

Overcoming Energetic Patterns of Fear

Today has been a strange energy day – yet another one this week. Perhaps it’s the sunshine – light tends to highlight the dust and cracks in things. Or maybe it is something else entirely.

It feels as if something is changing…I know that I certainly am. My body has been telling me that my life is coming back on the inside of my gut – in the spaces and places it has been depleted for so long.

I am not always certain that I am feeling or sensing these differences….but I do know that my body feels and seems to be a bit different since I came off the 30 day cleanse. There are more subtle changes – perhaps that’s the right word for it.

One thing that has been on my mind a lot is how my approach to food, living and just being here has evolved over the past couple of years in particular. When I look back at that time frame I can see a lot of change in myself and my family.

It’s this day to day living that gets difficult at times for those of us walking the spiritual path – one word that has meant a lot to me over the years is ‘overcome’. Today I was pondering this word once again, as I mulled over another energetic pattern I wanted to be done with.

That pattern is one of fear.

We are all still tackling fear in our lives on so many levels – it feels as if it is coming at us from so many angles that it’s hard to keep them all out. But, it is worthwhile work to do – removing and breaking free of the pattern of fear. Where there is fear, there isn’t love – there actually isn’t much of anything – just a hole.

Another thing I have noticed lately is how I have been picking up fear from others. And this is yet another pattern I want to break free from. I can remember being like this all of my life and would cringe at the thought of being around people I knew to be fearful.

Right now I am trying to think of some words to describe how it feels to me…if I were to start with my stomach it’s as if there is an emptiness inside. Then my mind loses all focus on reality or the present moment and spiritually I tend to sense that I am depleted.

Like a dead or dying horse. Yet, I know this is not mine – this is how someone else’s fear (I have picked up) feels around me. My own fear – is totally different, that would be more of a reaction – it propels me into action.

Lots to think about here while I work through each of these important issues…I have fasted for the past couple of days and will do so again next week. It always gets things moving!


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