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Thursday 28 February 2013

The Voices in Our Heads....

Today is another fairly good day - I can sense and feel change all around me. I know it is leading in the right direction because I am directing it with my every thought, exercise, diet, fasting and each of these little things I do throughout my day.

Actually it's kind of a nice feeling - to have the power within our own lives - to finally feel as if we are somehow the master of our own fate. One thing that has been coming up repeatedly for me over these past few days is my intuition.

And that is one of the most important ways that I know I am off and running (and not down a blind alley) with all the areas in my life I have been working on for so long. Our intuitions are so much more than an inner voice....

And it's not always a voice in our heads. Although I do have those (shhh!), but it's more of a body sense, an inner knowing - it can be a word that just pops up into our awareness, and even a voice, but a very gentle subtle one. 

Our bodies use all of our abilities and capacity for communication. If one area is blocked, it can and will be taken over by something a bit sinister (or very dark indeed) this is the overmind I refer to from time to time. 

Our mission (should we choose to accept) is to overcome the over mind - it is attached right down into our nervous systems and this is quite a task - oh, but it's worth it! Can you imagine being in tune with nature to such an extant as to hear her breathe and whisper your name?

So, I like to think of these intuitive senses as a built in guidance system - sort of like the sat nav in a car (I would never have one, however...) we also have an inner map that shows us where to go. And most importantly - how to get 'where' we need to go.

What is required of us - on a daily basis - is to practice trust, faith, discernment - I would never say to stop questioning because this is all part of learning what you are listening to. Mainly because there are many voices which have overlaid our own.

Our intuition will sound nothing like those other voices - our body will not be confused or distracted by it and somehow things will fall into place because of our paying attention. When we are tuned into our bodies - our minds and spirits tend to align with purpose and life becomes more meaningful.

This is important work to be doing and it's worth the effort we are expected to put into it.


Wednesday 27 February 2013

You Are Creating The Future Today

Another day - they come and go so quickly for me, I am sure they do for everyone else as well. Time appears to be moving at a new speed - perhaps it has speeded up, for those of us walking the path, this is a bit of a blessing!

Right now I am tired after all day - I've been reorganising the kitchen - which seems to be my favourite past time whenever I am thinking and digging deeper into things. I just tend to keep myself quite busy and allow things to come up gently.

So - what has been coming up for me this time around? Lots, most of it is the same old stuff, however, there are new connections to these patterns that I have never figured out before. And if you are anything like me....

You are sick and tired of these same 'issues' coming up - cycling around over and over again throughout the years. I am so pleased they are finally at the end of their life and breaking open to be replaced with something far healthier.

Nothing has worked so well for me like this combination of food, fast and feast and of course exercise, Closing the Energy Leaks and just getting on with it. It feels like my life has more meaning, I am more present and I know I am on the track I need to be on.

And that is one area I have been pondering over these last few days as well. This path we are walking - it is grueling, and not something to take on if you are uncertain of letting go of everything you believe in - to have it altered, changed and given back to you in a higher vibrational form.

After all, you are creating the future today - so each moment is important and has potential....

What any of this work is about is raising our cellular vibration - or simply clearing our bodies out so the light inside can shine through. Any language we use to describe this process will be appropriate - however, it is work that must be done.

There is no time like right now, is there? 


Tuesday 26 February 2013

Parasite Cleanse - Taking Out the Trash

Well it probably about time I called my fast for what it is -- I am on day 8 of a parasite cleanse. I would only do this after many (many!!) other types of cleanses over the years because I am well aware of how only taking water (and herbal tea) can release a lot of toxins into your system.

However, that being said, I am feeling great, perhaps because I was so well prepared, very well nourished and more then ready to tackle these parasites once and for all. How on earth could someone with such a pure diet for most of a decade have parasites....

They feed off of sugar, rubbish foods, toxins and acid environments - of which I have not taken in or had in many years. But there is one major difference here - anyone who has had some form of cancer most often has to deal with parasites sooner or later.

I have known, about these little nasties, and tried absolutely everything over the years to get rid of them. I eat a ton of garlic, have chewed raw pumpkin seeds, taken herbal remedies - detoxes, cleanses - sugar free, organic, toxin free - and they still persist.

So, this is it. I am finally in a position where I feel quite confident my body is able to reduce and eliminate quite a few of these dark beings from my system once and for all. And when I want something this bad - I go for it! LOL

To be really honest here - I am feeling physically much better then when I do my Master Cleanses. But I think that is mostly because I have done so many, my body can't possibly be overly toxic, so now it is just to focus on the parasites.

I will keep you posted on how I do - but it's already working - so I am off to a great start! 


The boys in front of their hive

Monday 25 February 2013

Sun Streams and the Soul

We are off to a great start this week - the sun is shining! Need I say more? And it has been dry for a few days, so, even though it is quite cold - this fresh weather is very healthy and invigorating. I just hope it stays for a few more days....

Bright sun shine is like a tonic for the mind, body and soul. We never realise how much we miss it until it is gone from our lives - but also how much we need this healing light. Sunlight actually penetrates through the brain tissues into the glands in our heads.

How powerful is that? Actually reminds me of New Grange....sunlight pouring into a small crevice, but once inside it illuminates an entire precious room full of ancient memories. Surely this is significant in every way for our very human existence.

Sunlight removes the shadows - burns off the darkness and pours healing balm on the soul

So, today if you can (make the time) get outside, fresh air will do your body good. If there is sun - this early spring sun shine seems to be very special - take advantage of every healing ray. It's as if a sun stream has been sent down to us here on earth to restore our souls.

Of course, once I am outside I always wander into the garden - there is so much to be done (an endless passion!) however I can sense the plants soaking up this sunlight in the same way we do. All life and living things need sunlight - in order to grow.

We need it to heal and grow as well - but not only physically - our mental, spiritual and emotional health are very dependent on the sun. And anything that uplifts the body does the exact same thing for the rest of our inter-dimensional selves.

Enjoy the day!



Sunday 24 February 2013

Ride the Wave or Sit it Out

Today is day 6 of my detox and I am feeling great - in fact I am feeling far better right now then any other time I have done these cleanses...and this time around I am only taking herbal tea and water. So, go figure!!

We have been busy discussing how different we feel right now, just to compare these experiences - the main areas that have changed are in focus and clarity, but physically our energy levels are more steady and there are actually less negative symptoms.

So, this is a great way to go once the majority of the loose toxins are removed (from doing a few Master Cleanses), this gets at the deeper underlying tissues and issues. Which is what a cleanse or a detox is all about and makes it so worthwhile. 

When it comes to excess weight, health issues, emotional problems, negative patterns and all sorts of things that might hold us back - it is always the right time to deal with them. Over the years I have done all of the 'right' things to get moving forward, however nothing has worked quite like fasting.

The reason I have found it works so well is because your body, mind and spirit can focus on the work at hand - while your energy is not being diverted to other things. Of course, some of these other things would be digestion (takes up to 70% of our energy).

Right now the energy is also right to be moving forward - this is the year for change and it is taking place everywhere. We can't help but be swept up along with some of these waves of energy as they come rolling over us.

A cleanse will enable you to clearly see the direction you need to go, as well as some of the energy shifts taking place on the earth. You are then in a position to see, understand and decide what is best for you and to ride the wave or sit one out.

You can't lose.


The Pagan Diet

Friday 22 February 2013

Finding Out What We are Made Of....

Today is day 4 of my detox and this one is quite different, just as I knew from the outset - but one thing I didn't anticipate was how much better I would feel this time around. So far, I feel far clearer, lighter and as if there are deeper insights coming up.

However I still have some of the usual detox symptoms - but, I do feel like I am on a completely different track here. And it's all good. So, now, it's just to simply settle in for the cleanse, take each day as it comes and see where it all takes me.

Actually doing any detox is quite straight forward - it requires of us only focus and determination. Of course a willing spirit is a bonus - but anything worthwhile is worth working for. Or in this case, fasting for!

I guess this time I am seeing how far I am willing to go to reach my dreams - or how deep I am willing to go inside of myself to see what is there, dig out the toxins and create change. These are one and the same, as it turns out.

Detoxing (either diet change, juice fasting, master cleanse, water fasting or whatever) requires of us commitment and it's not really that difficult. I have discovered over these years of deep clearing, that one things shines through....

You find out what you are made of. 

And you know what? We are each one of us made of star dust, wonderful imprints of humanity, stronger, more creative and resourceful then we could have ever imagined when we started on this journey inwards. 



Puppy is growing up!

Thursday 21 February 2013

The Magic We are Made Of....

Today the word certainty has been going through my mind - and I am remember events, times and places where I knew in my heart (body?) that if I persisted long enough there would be a good ending. Perhaps even a great result.

One of my memories was on the birth of my daughter....I would not even read a negative birth story or entertain that anything other then a perfect healthy delivery and baby would be mine when she was ready to come into this world.

And it was, she was and still is practically perfect in every way (just like Mary Poppins!) LOL 

Well, perhaps for a lot of us it's another one of those times in life. A time of testing, trials, something that asks so much of you, there is a deep pool doubt on the horizon. Yet, we all probably know from experience that anything we set our minds to, we can accomplish.

But that means we really engage our minds, align our body and soul with a singular purpose and then get down to the task at hand. I think the key word here is to do the work. Just like anything else worthwhile in this world - if you want it bad enough, and are willing to work hard to make it happen well....

It's not all about luck. We make our own luck with this formula as well as reach new levels of awareness within ourselves. This is really what walking a spiritual path is all about - finding, challenging, creating and reinventing who we are, each step of the way.

Today is day three of my detox and already some deep issues are rising up to the surface. And I couldn't be happier about it, they do seem to be around faith, hope and determination; which have been tested before, so I know what I am made of.

Doing a deep detox such as this, takes you into the bones of what lies underneath that knowing and determination - it leads you back to it's source. Perhaps through lifetimes and throughout the Universe. Our bodies are sort of magical like that....  


Daffodils - harbinger of spring

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Going For It - Winter Detox Day 2

Today is my second day of this winter detox....and I am already thinking (and knowing) this one will be different. It needs to be. So, I am mixing things up a bit and using different herbs - a lot more of them as well as cutting back on the maple syrup.

Usually during the first 3 days I don't take in much of anything. It is just nice to let my body settle as it adjusts to detox mode. But I often feel huge resistance inside of myself to drinking the herbal teas - once I got started on them, it was fine.

Getting started was always the hardest part - and this resistance was coming directly from those organisms I was targeting with the teas. I have been through this a few times before - so it's nice to know the routine. 

I would also begin making the 'detox tea' with the maple syrup on day 2 or day 3 - and my body would just do the rest. However, I wanted to go deeper this time and that means changing the routine. And I feel better about it already!

As well as making changes to the herbs and detox tea, I am also increasing my Yoga practice again - I always find I have more energy to burn off, so why not do that with some Yoga. Perhaps I will even look around for some different types of practices or approaches to see what interests me.

Like I said - this one needs to be quite different - it's as if I am in the middle of a huge new learning curve with my body (and mind) leading the way. And I have a sense this time, it's all about unblocking some part of my brain....

The last stronghold of toxins perhaps? I know when I reach the top of this mountain, the view will be different. This is going to be interesting. 

Detox Tea

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Journey to the Centre of the Earth....

Today is my first day back doing a cleanse - and I feel pretty good. I also have a great theme this time around too - and last night dreamt all about it. Of course it is along the lines of another blocked area of my life/body - which is where our focus should be.

The easiest and best way to approach each detox is to seek a reconnection with your life and body. Our bodies are amazing mechanisms for showing us exactly where the work is to be done. If some area is tight, stiff or inflamed - you can be fairly certain there is a corresponding area in your life with the exact same symptoms.

I often say if your body is not working inside - your life is not working outside. 

The best (and easiest) way to fix, heal and change this situation - in a shorter period of time and with concentrated effort is to do a cleanse for a few days and see where it takes you. Of course while you are clearing out your body of toxins and debris it is also a great idea to exercise.

This daily bout of exercise works together with the cleanse to open up systems, organs and tissues as the body reduces it's toxic load. I cannot stress this enough - once these tissues are clearing, you need to get back in there and reclaim the area, through regular exercise.

Your body is not any different then anything else in this life - if you have left the building or are not using some aspect of yourself, someone or something else will come in and take over. Unfortunately this is not unusual and we all have pockets of stagnant energy in our bodies.

Right now my plan is to clear out another deeper level of my body - carrying on from my last detox which accomplished so much. This is a bit like a journey to the centre of the earth! LOL However, you never know what you might find on your way and it certainly will be exciting....

I am on my way


Rocket in a pot last summer - can't wait to get things growing this year

Monday 18 February 2013

Energetic Integration - Reasons to Detox

Today has been one of those breakthrough days - or more like a series of mini aahhaa moments. And since this was this long overdue it has kept me busy... You know how it goes, or at least you should because when you are working towards something better, it's nice when the plan starts to come together.

But then there are (seemingly) those weeks, months and years when nothing much appears to be changing or even taking place. Yet, when we look back through the space of the time that has passed, we are certainly not in the same place.

The ground, where once we stood, has shifted (energy shift), moved and taken us with it and now we are (finally) standing some place altogether different and hopefully higher. This is the change we are seeking and most likely creating with the work we are consciously doing.

Of course this new ground may take some getting used to as well. Anyway....the most important thing I wanted to mention today is with any new place you may find yourself in, these changes or situations we have created - we need to detox each step of the way.

When we are walking a spiritual path, along the way we are supposed to be taking back lost, stolen or missing parts of ourselves. Once these pieces are back in place that is when the real work actually begins (the process of integration)...

Most people know this. However, there is one thing that can get overlooked - when something that was missing comes home, it is often dirty and in need of a good cleaning. Think in terms of losing some precious item on the ground.

Once it is found, it needs to be washed or detoxed just like any other part of you. This is the greatest reason for doing regular cleanses throughout the year as you walk your path. If this sounds like you...join me this week on my next detox.


Sunday 17 February 2013

Towards the Light

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel - of course it leads to the outside. Assuming we have started out on the inside - this is the natural direction we should all be going in. Yet, somehow, some times all we find is more darkness.

Those days when we emerge from our tunnel only to find more of the same darkness (in the form of a mood, a fear or situation), perhaps it's because it is still night. But there are also times when we simply can't see the light that is there - kind of like the dawn that is coming....but not quite bright enough yet.

How can this be? One thing I have discovered about walking this spiritual journey is that often the light needs to be turned on by us, for us and in us. Yes, the dawn is coming, the day is turning towards the sun and the night is fading behind us.

Yet, there are days of bright sunshine when some of us still sit in darkness. It is then up to us to find light where ever we look - to seek out light, sun, brightness and higher vibrations. The light we are seeking is out there, in here and all around.....and it is also seeking us.

We just have to open our eyes, refocus and keep moving forward in faith.


Saturday 16 February 2013

Death by Misinformation

These days there has been a lot on my mind and I have found it particularly difficult to write - not because I don't have anything to say (smile). But -- I am not sure how to say all that is going through my mind in a nice way.

So, I often just hold things deep inside and eventually they boil up to the top and spill was one of those days and of course it had to do with food. Go figure! 

I see so many people really trying to get their diets right, only to fall back when sugar, alcohol or some other drug sneaks back into the scene and wreaks havoc with their healing guts. How might this happen and why are we all so susceptible to even tiny amounts of these poisons?

Or are we addicted to the deception....

One thing that has been on my mind for years now - it often seems as if it is seared into my brain somehow (and I carry around these images) -- is what do they do with the food to make us all so addicted to it?

Of course, as is slowly coming to light right now in small bite sized pieces (sarcasm intended) is how duped everyone has been with beef burgers, ready made meals and the horse meat issue. However, and this is a stretch for sure....

Do you think it stops there and this is the end of the deception?? Or might there be ingredients you would not expect or believe to be in your corn flakes, that glass of clean refreshing milk (we are all supposed to be drinking) and how about your water delivered on tap to your door...

I am so not kidding. And none of this is even remotely funny. 

All of this denaturation of food (this is far more serious then anyone realizes) by manufacturing processes, clever marketing, deception, controlled (and some not so controlled) substances and any manner of misinformation -- is killing us. 


Friday 15 February 2013

Energy Patterns - Past & Present

I have heard this several times lately - don't look back, just focus on what is ahead. Or, don't dwell on the past, it will pull you back into it. To be honest, I don't really agree with this logic. Mostly because if you ignore or forget about where you have come from, you will certainly end up making the exact same mistakes and more.

As a Medical Intuitive I am always looking for and reminding others to seek out the patterns in their lives. These are put down very early on (or in first life times) and then we will spend the rest of our time here either trying to rise above or break them.

So, one way or another we have to look back, go back or at least ponder from where we have come as we arrive at each new phase of our lives. I think of it as self reflection - you cannot move forward without examining the ties that bind us - to anything.

Our past should not be considered from the frame of mind of 'what's done is done'. Because what's done can be undone, changed and most certainly lifted up. Any part of us that has been taken up into a pattern can be unravelled - that's what working on ourselves ultimately is all about. 

Many times I have thought of this spiritual path as the great undoing. As if an ill fitting sweater has been knitted for us and we have to pull it apart stitch by stitch - but the work is not over then. Once things have come apart, they must then be knitted back together but in energetic patterns of our choosing. 

Looking back is not a chore or something to be worried about. It is part of what will move you forward. 


Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Mass Marketing Day!!

Today is a day to celebrate love - or is it....of course for those of us who love to cook, eat and all things to do with food, we are very used to saying 'I love you' with the meals we create. And nothing as far as I am concerned says 'love' like a healthy meal.

However, there is a major problem with such mass marketing and advertising these days (for us)...people get mixed messages regarding food. I know, because I used to be where so many still are and I struggled right along with the rest of society.

For example, at one time I really would have believed I just loved and needed chocolate. It tasted so good! But, as many of you might have already figured out, it only tasted good for such as short time. Once it was in my stomach I started feeling awful.

The awful feelings did not stop there either - the next morning after eating any quantity of this drug I felt tired, sluggish, heavy and dull. And that was only the beginning of the physical sensations...My energy field looked equally flat and my spirit was on the floor.

So much for love.

Once I stopped the sugar and any type of food that drugged me in any way - things really started to come alive for me. Inside and out. Besides - there is another darker side to chocolate and these so called treats...

There seems to be a direct correlation between foods traditionally grown and harvested using child and slave labour -- to present day addictions and behaviours. Sugar, coffee, tobacco -- all highly addictive drugs and quite a sad history associated with each of them. 

But, besides all of that, I have long thought in my mind - if you can't feed it to a dog, why would we bother to eat it? Perhaps that's enough said on the subject!! LOL

Whatever you are eating - hope it's healthy and you are having a lovely day,


Our turtle....

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Interference Energy - It's Real!

How much time in our days is taken up by the completely pointless, time consuming and energy draining pastimes of listening, watching, reading (to anyone other then ourselves) and otherwise engaged in totally distracting activities? And who on earth dictates this stuff....

I have often wondered if a lot of these time wasting activities are attracted to us for a specific reason...such as to take away our focus from the work at hand. Of course, this would then beg the question, what is the work we should be doing?

The other question is - could this be part of a larger pattern here? 

Case in point - a couple of years ago I had a deadline of 1 week to finish a really important research paper. Ordinarily, this would not be an enourmous time consuming drain of my resources because I enjoy doing this type of thing.

Usually I organize my days around each section, get started (I've done more then my share!) and dig into the topic as I develop what I need to say. This is something I am most often fairly good at and if the topic is interesting (or about food) I also get a lot out of it myself.

This particular week I was organised, everyone and everything was in place and I jumped into the work as it needed to be done. Then for some strange reason - my phone rang, my email inbox filled up and in most respects - all hell broke loose.

Does this sound familiar to you? Just when you decide to focus, get the work done and more forward with your project - it's as if something (some force) is out there working against all you are attempting to accomplish. 

I can think of so many times when I decide to do something (anything) and nearly everyone I know (and a few I don't)  has a crisis or a meltdown of some sort. It's absolutely amazing! It's as if this vibe goes out into the evil dark kingdoms --

She want's to accomplish a simple task....we can't have that.

So, what to do about all of this. Well, a detox is always a good idea, but so is just recognising this as sabotage energy coming in from the outside (yes we carry it inside too) and wreaking havoc with our ability to concentrate on the path we are walking.

It forms part of an overall energetic pattern of discord, disharmony and interference energy that so often invades our lives, time and minds. It can be overcome - patience, persistence and making every effort to gently bring our attention back each time it wanders....

Eyes on the road


Skibbereen Market last summer

Tuesday 12 February 2013

These Dreams - You Can Eat!

I once heard someone say - 'You can't eat dreams' - so basically why bother to follow the seemingly impossible...yet, that's what life is all about. Finding our passions, then putting them to good use. In the pursuit of living.

For me, I have long been a dreamer and have always had lots of dreams. Some I have had with me for nearly all my life - tucked away, but growing, taking shape as I myself have come through the many changes of my life.

This year is all about change, come to think about it - so was last year. But, never mind - perhaps that's what we are all doing here anyway. Each year, and many days in between, there are opportunities to grow, overcome and create the lives we wish to be living.

To me, this has always been about following a dream - maybe that dream is an ideal and I have often wondered if the bar was set way too high or I was asking far too much. Yet, the strange thing about these dreams is that they persist.

Lately I have come to two separate conclusions about this life I am living, some of my dreams I have been carrying around and all that I am hoping to be. The first one is that any dream is difficult and requires of us time, energy, endurance and mostly patience.

Secondly, the more impossible the dream - the more time, energy and effort it requires. And that is quite simply the only difference between the two thoughts...something might only seem to be impossible because this is what has been instilled in our minds.

Yet, when we work at it, take things step by step and more importantly, follow through instead of putting things off...then one day we might just wake up - inside of our dreams. Of course, mine are all about food...



Monday 11 February 2013

Integration Energy - Calling Us Home

It's another Monday and a chance to have a great start for this week - and I like new beginnings. So, it's a great day to be here. It's also sunny (sort of) and not raining (all the time) at the moment - which means we are off to a good start...

Today the energy is strange - in that it is changing yet again. There is so much around us that is new right now - a lot of higher level vibrations have been arriving or releasing around the earth. I am certain this has to do with so many people on the earth seeking change.

What you are seeking - is also seeking you.

This is such a profound statement and I've no doubt that it is quite true. Whatever it is we are searching for in this lifetime here on this also searching for us. Perhaps we have already found it - or are in the process of bringing it all back together into the one place.

That is the most important thing about following our dreams, being on our paths and even being right here at this time on earth. Now is the time - we have an opportunity for total integration. This simply means a coming back together of the self.

At no other time in our history have we either been so disconnected within, while being offered this unique opportunity to find the rest of ourselves and our families - so we can be complete; outwardly. Of course, you have to accept what is yours and not go looking for something that doesn't belong to you.

For a lot of us this will mean finding the family of origin (the people we arrived on this planet with). Our place in the sun - it's been there all along, calling our names, written in our DNA and pulling us towards home.

It's going to be a great day!



Sunday 10 February 2013

Just Below the Horizon of Thought

Today is one of those days that gives me lots to think about - it's as if something very deep needs to come up to the surface. But it's not quite ready yet - I can sense it stewing away just below the horizon of thought...

I have been busy cleaning out the garden from the weeds that seem to magically appear during the winter months. It is quite a task! Trying to remember what was plant and sort out where the garden stops and the weeds begin.

This always seems to bring things up for me somehow. Deeper levels of energy that have been long buried and perhaps mostly hidden from view - start to come into focus when ever I allow my thoughts to wander freely.

And I really enjoy these days...especially when there is actual heat in the sun and you can see the length of each day grow as the weeks go by. It's nice to be alive in the spring - when all of earth re-gains her purpose and meaning. 

If I have only learned one thing since Solstice season it is this - do not be afraid of what comes your way. Chances are you have created it - besides it's always an opportunity to clear away old patterns, beliefs, worries and to face those fears full on.

Some times I wonder if I tried hard enough, I might be able to see the future. But - alas I cannot. Like most good things, I should be able to tell my future by what I create today. If I am building a framework for something, then in reality it should fall into place piece by piece as time moves forward.

When this doesn't happen (fast enough or in the right way) there is obviously a block of some kind. Now this is when our work begins in earnest. Our task more often then not is to overcome and remove these obstacles - rework our dreams and keep moving forward.

It's that simple...


I love sun - at any time of the day!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Anything is Possible....Believe

When you are following a dream sometimes it is best to just get up every day and even when on autopilot - keep going. These familiar habits and patterns will work to propel you along during the rough times - when it seems as if you have lost your way.

On a path or journey - there is an internal map, guided by destiny - which serves to keep us all on track. So, even when it doesn't feel like it, you are following your path, you are in the right place and things are happening in real time for you.

Our bodies are like that too. I remember learning this fact over the years many times - it is working, change is taking place and healing is happening - even when it doesn't seem or feel like it. It is up to us to hang in there through whatever comes our way and trust our bodies to do what it needs to do.

Personally I have had several occasions to learn these lessons. When sick (with cancer) and through loss (miscarriage etc.) but nothing more then through the challenges of the mind. For me those times when I have really been tested seemingly beyond myself, have been when my body is fighting inside and some outside forces have been controlling my mind.

How can this be you might be asking? Well....

The situation of television, radio and each of these outside influences such as deeply ingrained patterns of worry, stress and fear. I often refer to them as the 'overmind' - something each of us has taken on during our lifetimes that has the upper hand.

Kind of like a devil inside of us - you know the one giving the bad advice, lacking consciousness and generally trying to get us to go the wrong way. Anywhere away from health, healing, prosperity and peace of mind.

This too must be overcome along the path we are walking. And it is not an easy task to do - yet, anything that is asked of us, is doable and can be done....all we need to do is keep walking, keep eating the right foods, drinking clean water and listening to our bodies.


Thursday 7 February 2013

Rise Up, Rise Up!! Hope Lifts Us.....

Today has been interesting for me - on several fronts. First of all, it was sunny and mostly clear - that's always a good start. It only rained for a short time, so everyone was happy with that. All this rain (all the time) is starting to spoil the party... 

Then I was puttering around the house (actually cleaning everything that wasn't nailed down) and I was watching my thoughts. Something like a door had opened recently for me and I had been deliberately saying to myself - I won't get my hopes up.

And today I caught myself thinking it, saying it and actually believing it. 

Wow - it blew my mind. These simple words - I won't get my hopes up. Are really not so simple, and have proven to be quite dangerous to me, in a poison dart kind of way. These words have the power to penetrate deep into our minds and then cause problems.

And I am talking about big problems - a deeply entrenched pattern of hopelessness, is a dark hole to fall into and tough to get out of. When we are saying, thinking or feeling something even remotely similar to despair, our energy gets pulled down to this level.

So, today I stopped myself as I was saying these words and turned them right around. It is time to get my hopes up. Let them soar as high as they can go. I can also dream, wish and imagine right along with these hopes and let them set some part of me free.

There is always, always and forever -- hope. The day we wake up and realise we have no hope, well - what then? Of course there is hope, for as long as we have breath in us, as long as there is sun (or rain) in the sky and for as long as day follows night....

Never let anyone take away your hope - there are days (and weeks sometimes) that this is all we have - but when we have it - we have everything we need. Because from hope grows an energy so pure -- it can actually pull us along with it, raising our vibration as we move up to meet our dreams.


Lift your face up to the sun

Wednesday 6 February 2013

This Wave of Energy is POSITIVE

Today has been one of those days - the sun was shining and the energy has been flowing. But it all feels so weird and I have been trying to figure out why. Perhaps it's because I just never took the time to sit down and work it out...

Or to stand up and work it out, either.  Actually, I have been working away all day at not paying that much attention to some deeper issues that have been coming up to the surface. Each of them have been threads leading back to the wider issue of negativity.

So, this is all still coming up to the surface for me and I am delighted. But also a little overwhelmed too. I never imagined how deeply I am affected by the negative reactions of others .... especially now. After all the work I have done around this and other issues.

Yet, when someone is negative (usually this is an a very subtle way) I back down or worse....I give up. And - these last few times, I never even realised it! Someone said - no, it can't be done (that way or something) and I actually listened to them....

Only today I realised it and gave my head a shake. Since when have I let someone else's limitations guide my journey... Not ever - and certainly not right now, this is such an important time in my life.

I would suggest to everyone - if you have been told a 'no' in your life around anything, something you would really like to do or accomplish - go back and visit it again. Re-evaluate the situation and figure out where this has come from....

There are few outright negatives in the Universe - it is absolutely full to bursting with possibilities - that's the way life is, the way we are and the only way forward....firmly leaning towards the positive end of the spectrum.

Taking us with it into this wave of creative energy.....


My cat in the garden.... 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Energy Medicine in Action....

Today has been interesting already and it's only early. First of all I woke up with a headache - which in itself is very unusual for me. But, it has brought me back to years ago when it was the most common thing in the world....

I remember I couldn't stand for anyone to even mention the word 'headache' because I would then get one. And I had migraines that would last for days and weeks. The longest one was for a full solid month - it was the worst I have ever had.

The irony is even back then, I knew to not take anything for these headaches. First of all, nothing worked to clear it and secondly, I knew it was mainly energetic. Something needed to come up and clear out of my system.

As an intuitive I was also very often taking something on that was not mine - head pain invariably was related to resistance of some kind or another and could only be worked out of my system by way of detoxing, cleansing and pure clear water.

Any energy form - that doesn't belong to us, causes some level of discomfort within our systems. It needs to be removed through exercise, diet, detox and energetic means - or else it can and will fester. There is often nothing worse then a festering mass of invasive energy....

So, back to today - there is something I have taken on that is acting as a resistance in my system - causing discomfort and pain. It is working it's way up and out - how do I know that? Well....because I am pushing it out.

Today I have done an intensive Yoga session, taken a few cloves of garlic to strengthen my immune system (fight what doesn't belong), drank lots of water and have been Closing Energy Leaks© to get my energy moving...

It is working because I have can feel it moving and my body responding to change. Energy Medicine in action!


A snow day in Leap....

Monday 4 February 2013

Open Lines of Communication

And then we arrive at today - another Monday, (which I love) in which to create our lives from something new and make them far better then they are right now. But, if it seems like you are always striving, forever trying, feeling frustrated and tired of the same old thing...(or maybe it's just me)

Then it's probably because you are, you did and it is.

These feelings of frustration come mostly from pockets in side of us which I would term as regions of toxicity or stagnant energy. Unfortunately there are far too many and this is a common problem with the way we live our lives today.

We don't move enough, many of us are not eating well enough and we are all equally guilty of not listening to our bodies or paying close enough attention to the things that really matter.  When I think of it, life should be and is really simple.

The more body centered we are the easier it becomes to focus on and engage in activities that fulfill our purpose, guide us forward, toward our destiny and also keep us fully grounded in reality. None of this is difficult or hard to do.

It is often as earthy and straightforward as planting a few vegetables or herbs. Then to move forward a bit more, you have to incorporate regular movement and exercise into your day as well as times of fasting and moving meditation.

Being close to and in direct contact with the earth serves one of the greatest purposes as far as I can puts us in direct alignment with our own routes, methods and modes of communication. We cannot live a meaningful, spiritual and purposeful life (or walking a spiritual path) without open lines of communication.

Opening those doors within, will ensure they are functional on the outside as well.


Summer sailing camp!

Sunday 3 February 2013

It's Called Living....

Today is the last of our feast days for February and the Imbolc and gone so fast. Time seems to be moving so swiftly right now it's hard to catch up with it. However, it's all good because things are also shifting and moving along with it.

This week and this cleanse seems to have brought up a load of old negative patterns for me - and I am glad. Because this is precisely the stuff I have been trying to get at for so very long. I think I have been picking away at it - but this time around, a chunk seems to have broken loose and is now moving.

I am right where I need to be. 

That is always a guarantee when you are following your path, listening to your heart and working hard at being present to the things that matter. Of course the more you do this, the more you will find out that very little matters...

In fact, there are only about 1 or 2 things left on the long list of items that were once so very important...for me the first one is my little family and then our health. After that? Well, perhaps it's our garden, animals and how each of those other things on our list can support our family and health.

I have found over the years that as my health improves so does every other aspect of my life. My mind is clearer, my heart is louder, my body is stronger, my relationships with my children are healthy. Good health spills over into every single area of my existence.

It can't help but do that because when I focus on the one area - my body, then I am also working on my mind. Yet, when I carefully feed my mind with positive and healthy thoughts (from wonderful food and water) my spirit comes alive with the reconnection from a living earth.

There is a continuum of life and it all starts with making a simple decision - I want to be here, to be healthy and to know and trust my body. It's called living.


Saturday 2 February 2013

Break the Energetic Patterns that Bind Us

If you have negative expectations you will have a negative outcome - further to this our minds will act like a filter and remove the 'positive' influences while emphasizing the lower vibrations of energy. Why is this...what exactly is taking place for this to occur?

Right now this is very much a mind shift for me - after 3 weeks of detoxing, cleansing and clearing out my body or lifetimes of debris, I am finding out more and more about my mind. One of the largest patterns in my life has long been these negative expectations.

So, where did they come from and how, what or when did this get set into place. And what's far more important right now - what am I going to do about it to break free of this dark place my mind can drift into when my energy is pulled low?

Each of these things are going through my mind these past few days after I finished my cleanse and have moved into this next phase of healing. I realize even more deeply how deep these negative beliefs can go and even where they come from.

Having grown up in a house full of people with negative expectations (or worse, no expectations) as well as being bullied and dominated by others who grabbed any light, kindness, positivity and goodness in order to fill themselves up with anything - other than the darkness inside of their souls. 

If it sounds like a bleak place - well, for the most part it was. Unfortunately it was all too common during those days and perhaps is even more so now. The only difference is how it is now cloaked with activity, business and the wrappings of prosperity.

However, things have not really changed. At all. 

Energy is energy and for the most part people do not wish or choose to change - except for those few brave souls amongst us who genuinely desire something better, different and are seeking the higher ground. 

Good things will indeed be found there - after all, that is where we have hidden and stored our hopes, dreams and goals....Onwards and upwards it is then!


Nearly full moon in August....

Friday 1 February 2013

Blessed Light of Brigid....

Tonight at sundown marks the beginning of a feast - in Ireland known as St. Brigid's Day or Imbolc or simply as the Celtic Spring. It's the start of a lovely time of the year - I for one am hoping for some drier weather...

As I am sure nearly everyone else is in Ireland after the deluge (again) of monsoon like downpours over the last week or so. But, then again - at least there is no shortage of water which might be far worse. And water does so much to cleanse and heal....(trying to stay on the positive side here!LOL).

So today is a quiet day so far - I am home doing some baking and reflecting on these past few weeks since Solstice and Christmas with all of the changes in between. But I have also been doing something else - planning.

This is the perfect time of year to put a plan in place or at least an outline of some wishes, desires and goals for the coming year - or any amount of time you might like. Everything begins with a dream, but after that you must have a plan.

The plan can then serve as a framework for the dream to shape itself into or sort of like a foundation for these plans to build on. It can be formal such as a business plan or more of an outline in your own head that can spill over into your life.

As your dream takes shape. 

Right now is perfect for those early stages of growth - inside and outside of us....with the blessed light of Brigid to guide us.


Butterflies in the summer